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A Protected Escape

The Universe and The Higher Powers have a way of protecting the innocent.

By Monica Bernal Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Galveston Island

For as long as she could remember Moonica felt a peace come over her when she could hear the seagulls, and feel the cool and slightly windy ocean breeze in her hair, but that ocean smell...the smell of fish and salt in the air was an extra bonus that she simply could not live without.

What she loved the most was walking barefoot in the ocean, letting the cold waves brush against her ankles whilst feeling the warmth of the sun, bring life into her face.

Moonica Cottonella Booney was a descendant of a longline of Sea Lovers. People of whom had the sea running through their veins. Moonica's ancestors had arrived to the Coast of Galveston in 1836. She was told that ever since then they have been protecting anything and everything about the coast.

Ever since Moonica could remember, everyone had made fun of her name, her looks, and just her manner of being. Moonica could of cared less, she had this way of being able to shut everyone out.

What made her day's come alive and what she could swear was what she lived for, was this Universal pull that would take over her mind and body. It was an overwhelming sense of ; sensation and excitement. Moonica knew that this feeling always lead to great adventures and peculiar findings. When this feeling came over her she would strap on her red boots, her swimming suit and head out the door.

As soon as she would hit that water she was in another world. Under the water she could escape all the noise, all the yelling, all the cruelty of her life. The beauty of the sea would relentlessly overwhelm her. The animals would surround her and just swim along side her, almost as if they were protecting her. Sometimes, they would make her feel as though they understood her pain and need for acceptance. They would let her know that she never had to second guess them, because they whole heartedly accepted and welcomed her into their world.

The Beauty Of Bull Sharks

The wildest part about the animals under the sea that really wanted to be around her was that, not just any ordinary sea animals wanted to be around her, the sea animals that wanted to accompany her and understand her were the ones whom were most feared. The marine life that was protecting Moonica were the ones that were considered to be the most dangerous.

Bull sharks, orcas, jellyfish, swordfish etc...The amount of power she had swimming around her was crazy. What makes this whole ordeal so uniquely Moonica's, was that the whole while, all these fierce killing marine life animals would forget that they were suppose to be fighting, or killing each other and would swim with Moonica ( as if their only concern was to protect her and enjoy each other's company.) They would respect her space and she in return would respect theirs.

Every once in awhile an orca or a Bull Shark would gently nudge (sometimes it was more like a gentle caress) a bruise on her body. Moonica would look on in amazement at these fierce creatures, because at times she would swear that she would see tears in their eye's. As if they were saying to her " We understand your pain and we feel your pain as well." It was in those moments that her reassurance in higher powers was evident. God was, the Universe was, all the higher powers, her ancestors, were letting her know she was loved.

At times Moonica would be thinking or talking to them in her mind and they would do things that would make it seem as though they could read her thoughts. The extraordinary thing, the thing that also made this whole ordeal seem as though it was magical, was that Moonica not only had that effect with sea animals, she also had those connections with land animals, and air animals. Horses, dogs, Falcons, Eagles, Butterflies, Moonica it felt like The Universe was letting her know that she belonged to something bigger. That her life was worth protecting.

The animals on land or water that protected Moonica matched her spirit. Moonica was strong, fearless, fast and had this way about her. Moonica would never hesitate in protecting those whom she deeply loved. It was a natural reaction for Moonica to react without hesitation, or sometimes not ever the know how. If someone was in danger she would jump into action and do whatever she had to, to protect those she loved and cared for.

Everyone was always telling Moonica that she was exactly like her Great Grandmother. Pita, Moonica's Grandmother would always say;

"Moonica me recuerdas mucho a mi madre, Eres Anne de nuevo. Ella era feroz como un torro. Exactamente como tu, mija." As she would grin that mischievous grin of hers.

Which means in English; (because at times Moonica's grandmother Pita would speak to her in spanish.)

" Moonica, you remind me so much of my mother. You are Anne all over again. She was fierce like a bull, just like a bull...just like you granddaughter."


About the Creator

Monica Bernal

Ready to become what I was always meant to be. Bwahahaaaaa, You have no life...if you came to stalk me here.

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