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A message for humanity

The secrets of our future rest in the hands of our own knowing.

By Nina Jay Published 3 years ago 7 min read

I was standing there just looking at her. Blank. With my mind only on one inkling of a memory.

A kind of dream like memory that seemed to fade at the same speed as I located it within my awareness.

‘Tracey.. hello??’

She said waving her hand Infront of my face.

‘where do you go when this happens?’

‘come on we need to keep walking its getting dark’

She was right, it was getting dark, ‘f**k’ I thought. Rubbing my hand across my forehead and wanting to pull my face off in the same sweep. I was so tired of losing myself. Lost not in the moment, but so very far away from it. The past weeks have been torture for this. It probably doesn’t help that I’ve stopped the daily practises that help me remain present.

It’s been two weeks of this bullshit. This mild escapism and grand attempts to ignore whatever this memory is that is trying subtly to re surface and be seen. The only piece of it I can retain in my memory is this image of a simple cardboard box wrapped in brown paper. And there is sat. Hidden deep with my own consciousness. A taunting metaphor for whatever secret is yet to be revealed.

We continued walking through central park allowing the city lights to glisten on the paved and slightly damp road ahead of us. Sprinkled with the sweat of summer rain.

It had to be close to about 10pm. Late sunset and dangerous nights. Since the new year crime had tripled in the area, and most of it was located within this park.

This was not the type of crime you hear on the TV broadcast. With news headlines of ‘another lady mugged in central park.’

We had all long lost our connection with TV. It was now July 2027 and almost all media had failed. You heard only news now through community groups, typing up incidents and passing them around from neighbour to neighbour. The invisible screen I called it.

It’s funny to even contemplate the changes in the past year, and especially so within myself. I now walk through a park with this woman, whom 6 months ago I had never seen, never heard of, and never dreamed of. Yet now, as she gracefully walks thin framed and ever present, she holds the entirety of my world together.

How blessed I am to walk with her.

She was a young woman from long island, about 24 or 5 I believe, we never exchanged age because we believed that when one knows ones age, we begin to decide what they are worthy of feeling and thinking within our own minds.

She was so kind, the kind of kind that made you feel as though you were both magnificent and cruel in the same breath. Yet she was also cold, untouchable, otherworldly. A grand paradox I relished.

Before coming to the mainland, she had been in lockdown for 3 years. She had one lucky attempt at escaping. With many difficulties she has still not shared there is one that streaks my curiosity most. A scar right across the front of her chest. From shoulder to shoulder that still had healing to accomplish.

All I knew of her was that she was compassionate beyond all measure, and that I could see that, that compassion was yet to reach the depths of her own being.

We’d met about a mile from here. Under a tree. A very small weird tree that was trying to grow through the icy winter grounds. God knows why I was there, but why she was, I haven’t the slightest clue. 
I remember looking up from the alter of flowers I was arranging at its trunk and seeing blue eyes, icy and cold yet filled with warmth. They made me shiver, I lost myself in them. Totally. Not like I lost myself in my thought’s just moments ago, but lost myself inside her. It was if we had been married then and there. Merged together and then forged as separate from the same sword.

I have no idea how long we were there, suspended in time. All I remember was the black raven that broke our focus, landing on the ground right in between us. At first we didn’t flinch. Then, with a noise of such ravaging capacity it yelled with all its mighty power and we coward holding our ears as if that would nurture them back to silence.

It’s bizarre to me still this moment. The raven has always followed my movements. A dear friend and a messenger of the other realms. But this day, the message to me still remains hidden, deeply hidden within my mind like a faint dream.

I am sure that this simple image of a box made of uninteresting nature, brown papered and hidden was transmitted to me that day. Downloaded like a file on a laptop.

I know still, that it holds secrets beyond the world’s imaginations. Secrets that may help us unravel the dilemma of humanity.

I laughed to myself with this memory, and the ironic moment that this box has had the audacity to tease me once again with its contents.

As I walk two paces behind this woman who has wrapped me into her web so deeply, I feel such a relief that I do not walk alone this night. For I know this escapist mind I have to well, and she likes to put herself in situations that only cause more pain to hide from later on.


‘I’m sorry for not listening to you’

I grabbed her slender arm slowing her down and turning her face to mine.

‘Kate, I’m sorry’ I said in my softest voice. I cupped her face in my palms and looked slightly up into her deep icy eyes.

She placed her hands on mine, pulling them from her face and kissing them softly.

‘My dear Tracey’ she said with a slight smile.

‘Look, I know that there are big shifts happening within you at this time, I also know whatever messages are trying to unearth themselves within you while you diligently block them out are deeply needed not only for this community but for humanity’

‘Whatever you are afraid of feeling and knowing is limiting you.’

‘Now, it’s getting very late and we are still 20 minutes away from home… so please, take my hand and lets walk!’

She turned swiftly, holding my right hand tightly and pulling me along with her.

I breathed or more so sighed heavily. For every cell in me knows she is right. I only ever find myself in an ignorant mind pattern when I know something big is wanting to come through me.

The things that come through are not necessarily magnificent giant ideas.

They are often simple prophecies of what’s to come. Yet they do not announce themselves like the voice of god in my head booming down upon me. They are like someone switching on a light. A simple knowing arises deep from within me and suddenly, as swift as power to a blub, I know. And that’s it.

‘Thank you’ I said smiling at her.

‘it’s fine my love, now come on’

We were speeding up, almost running. And a feeling began to overcome me, that we were running into destiny. Like two worlds were soon to collide. And there was nothing I could to stop it or slow it down. It was just inevitable.

Our pace turning to a jog, proved we both had this feeling. Neither of us had to say anything.

Each light overhead passed over us like watchful angels between stretches or treacherous darkness.

‘Kate’ I said between breaths.

Still running she turned to face me, wide eyed.

Before she said anything she stopped dead in her tracks. Still. As though she was frozen, she just stood there staring straight ahead.

‘Kate!’ I yelled while slowing down and turning to face her.

She looked back and me and said ‘What’s inside your heart will lead the way. I didn’t think our journey together would end so soon’

“Kate what do you mean?’

“Kate! What are you seeing!’

She dropped to her knees and screamed. A blood curdling scream.

I look up to see 3 ravens circling overhead and as my focus comes back to her two men emerge from the darkness and pick her up and begin sprinting away with her.

I’m entirely frozen. I want to scream, run, help. Yet every bone in my body has firmly placed it’s will to remain right here.

I catch one last glimpse of her eyes before they two are hidden by the space between us.

I drop to my knees. In both despair and knowing. I am not meant to run after her. This is the destiny I felt.

And just as I took a short breath in, like a light turned on in my small apartment, the knowing was there.

The secret box within my being comes to the surface. And I know. The whole world seems to unravel in that single moment. Like worlds colliding. And undoing. The entirety of existence hanging in the balance while seamlessly still yet to be created. I sit. Motionless. Neither here nor there. I am held only by time herself.

Staring at the ground I have only one thought before the silence of revelation envelopes me once again.

‘She was right. This will change humanity.’

*Live from the heart and watch the world buckle at its knees. For the greatest revelation of all is that we are the keys that can unlock humanities freedom.


About the Creator

Nina Jay

Creator, capturer, writer.

But mostly someone in love with traversing the inner realms and deepening the remembering of what it means to be human and divine.

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