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A Love Born of Letters

Across Miles and Time

By Sahil LathwalPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
A Love Born of Letters
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

My love tale began in a time when handwritten letters had a strong hold on people's hearts and the ability to spark romance. It was a time when love was written in the paper, with each word bearing witness to the adoration and longing that two souls shared despite being separated by space and time.

I used to find comfort in the quiet nooks of the neighborhood library when I was a young writer and poet. I found sanctuary in the smooth, rustling pages and musty aroma of ancient books as I tried to escape the busy outside world. In amid the discarded books from a bygone period, I found a stack of deteriorated letters there.

The letters were written in beautiful handwriting, and the contents they contained were a tribute to the love and yearning of two people from very different cultures. They were letters between John, a quiet, intelligent guy who lived in a little hamlet in Texas, and Mary, a vibrant woman from the busy streets of New York City. Each word in the letters was a brushstroke on the canvas of their love story, painting a vivid image of their lives, goals, and dreams.

I chose to transcribe the letters in order to bring Mary and John's narrative to life because I was intrigued by the insights into their lives. Each letter revealed a new chapter in their love story, and as I read, I could almost hear the faint echoes of their voices.

Mary's letters were a riot of color, describing her urban adventures, the people she met, and the goals she aspired to. Her words flowed over the pages, and her enthusiasm was contagious.

On the other hand, John's letters were a reflection on himself. He wrote of his love of reading, his peaceful life in Texas, and his aspirations to become a writer. His speech was tranquil and reflective, like a soft song.

I found myself falling more and more in love with Mary and John's love tale as I typed. It was a relationship that went beyond the limitations of space and time. Their relationship, fostered through the written word, was proof of the strength of human connection.

I couldn't help but wonder what would become of their romance. Has Mary ever met John? Did their love hold up through time, or did it end just like so many other relationships?

The more I read into the letters, the more I saw that their tale was still unfinished. Beyond a certain time, there were no letters, which left me with an intense curiosity about what had happened to Mary and John. To finish the love narrative that had caught my heart, I needed to learn the answer.

My quest for clarification brought me to the Texas community where John had resided. It seemed as though time had stood still in the small, peaceful village over the years because so little had changed. I learned a ton of knowledge from the gracious, elderly town historian.

She informed me that the love story of Mary and John was well-known throughout the town's history. Their letters had entered local lore as a testament to enduring love. It came out that Mary had been to John's hometown, and the two of them had fallen madly in love. They were united in marriage, parenthood, and lifelong companionship, sharing their love right up until their death.

The knowledge that their love story had, in fact, ended happily ever after affected me. It served as a monument to both the magic of the written word and the enduring power of love. The love story between Mary and John had transcended not just the limits of space and time but also the limits of mortality.

I had a strong emotional connection to Mary and John's story as I stood in the tiny Texas town amid the echoes of their love. It served as a poignant reminder that love had the capacity to overcome all barriers, close social divides, and forge ties that may last for centuries.

I finished Mary and John's love story and went back to the library feeling satisfied. I now had a particular place in my heart for the letters that I had transcribed because they were proof of the enduring strength of love and the written word.

I couldn't help but wonder if I, too, would someday discover a love as lovely and long as Mary and John's after their story had lit a flame in my own heart. I would keep looking for comfort in the written word up until that point because I knew it could make love stories come to life over distance and time.

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About the Creator

Sahil Lathwal

I'm Sahil, a passionate writer. My voice weaves stories, emotions, and melodies into an enchanting tapestry. Welcome to my world of creativity and expression. 🎶📝🎤

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