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A Fresh Start

She was finally free

By Crystal NicolePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
A Fresh Start
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

The knock on the door startled Kaitlyn from her thoughts. She knew May was coming for her, but Kaitlyn's thoughts seemed to distract her on a normal basis lately. That’s what happens when a relationship ends.

Opening the door, Kaitlyn smiled “Okay, lets do this. I am ready.”

“Good! Kyle and I have your new place all set and ready to go. Tim will never find you there.” May embraced Kaitlyn letting her know she wasn’t alone. She would always have her friends.

It took at least a year of planning, but she was fed up with the mental and emotional abuse she had been suffering and didn’t want to deal with it anymore. She desperately needed that year to make plans and set money aside without Tim knowing.

In fact, she didn’t know what she would have done without May and Kyle. They helped her find a job that would pay her to work from home while Tim was out of the house so she could secretly save money for her escape. Her employer helped with cases like hers. All the money would go directly into a company account with her name on it, so Tim would have no access to the money. And this was finally happening.

The drive took a few hours, but as they pulled up to her new place, she looked around at her new surroundings. The pond outside the house was frozen over, but she knew during the summer that would change.

The house was a decent size. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. It was enough for her to start her new life. The second bedroom would be her home office. The company would keep her on for as long as she needed to get back on her feet and then she would respectfully resign so that another woman in need could take her position. The company would also help her find more permanent work.

Excitement came over her. She had always wanted a fresh start and this was it. May and Kyle were a couple she met through the company, so Tim knew nothing about them. Her phone was left behind at Tim’s house and May and Kyle helped her get a new one.

May had been in Kaitlyn’s position before she met Kyle. It was many years ago and giving back to the company was something she was glad she could do. The company had done all the same stuff for her and she knew what her new friend was feeling. Not only the sense of relief but also being overwhelmed with change. May and Kyle would stay with Kaitlyn for a few weeks to help her get settled in as well as for protection. Even though they took the precautions they did, there was still a chance Tim would find her and they wanted to be there, in case that happened.

Kaitlyn was thankful for these amazing friends. Tim had closed her off from all her friends and family. She didn’t even know how to get in touch with her mom, so having friends like these ones, was a good thing to have. Besides, even if she went to wherever her mom lived, Tim would find her. That was the last thing she wanted to happen.

Looking out the window, she thought about how that frozen pond outside was the perfect setting for her life. She too was like a frozen pond. Just like the pond would eventually thaw, she would eventually come out of her shell and fully live again. The only difference would be that she would never allow herself to be frozen again. The pond however, would freeze again next year. She would not repeat the cycle. She was finally free.


About the Creator

Crystal Nicole

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