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A Deal Once Made

A fae's law

By ClassyStarsPublished 3 years ago 11 min read
A Deal Once Made
Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

They had met when were both fresh into their teen years, young and unknowing, they’d revelled in summers spent together under a tree growing just outside of Emily’s yard. The tree was large and seemed to be forever full of fruit, the branches holding ripened pears almost all year round. At age sixteen the two had fallen in love and, under the shade of that same tree, shared their first kiss. It had been awkward and messy, both of them unsure of themselves, almost clashing teeth. He had asked her nervously then to be his girlfriend, a shy yes being her reply.

It was at this same tree, as they had both turned nineteen, freshly into college, that they had met him. Emily had been enjoying Peter’s company, his arms wrapped around her as their lips joined, occasionally breaking it to speak. They’d ignored everything outside of their own affairs, all noises drowned out, focused on one another and lips separating just as a voice rang out.

“Despite visiting my tree frequently, I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Both of them had jumped at the voice, an unknown lilt sounding through it, eyes darting to their newcomer. Emily’s eyes widened as she took in his appearance, tall and lithe, towering over the both of them. His flesh resembled that of the flesh of the fruit hanging above him, hair a deep evergreen, appearing a mess of leaves and vines, branches weaving their way through it in an intricate pattern. Emily’s breath caught as she looked to his eyes, catching his gaze, his eyes deep green orbs that almost had an ethereal glow to them.

“Who are you?!” Peter had spoken first, a glance telling Emily he was scared.

“I’d consider myself a friend, the Keeper of the Tree if you will.”

“You own it?”

“Keep it. Now. What are your names?” He’d looked a them expectantly, sighing and tutting as they exchanged cautious glances. “Please, I think I have the right to know, you have been stealing my fruit after all!”

“We didn’t think anyone owned it...”

“But someone did, and it is stealing nonetheless.”

“That’s not-”

“I’m Emily.” She’d finally interjected, stepping forward come to Peters side. “This is Peter.”

“Pleasure to meet you Emily!” He’d suddenly bounded forward, shaking her hand before holding it out to Peter who hesitantly took it. “You may call me Paearis.”

“That sounds exotic.”

“I don’t hail from here.”

They had spoken to him briefly, making small talk before the couple left for home, their new acquaintance smiling at them as he waved them off. In their following trips he had appeared from time to time, striking up conversation with them both and soon enough they came to know him as an odd friend. They never saw him around town or anywhere other than the tree, the two simply assuming he must live solitary somewhere nearby. Emily found her mind wondering to him frequently, the way her eyes would be drawn to his form whenever he was nearby, the calm that washed over her when he spoke her name.

Reaching twenty, the young woman found herself engaged to Peter, throwing her arms around him and crying happy tears as she shouted ‘Yes!’. He’d proposed at the tree, the branches as fruitful as ever and, as Peter had spun her and sat her down, a clapping and smiling Paearis came to their side to congratulate them. Over the next few trips to the tree Emily had run into him alone, the two finding easy conversation and within a few months she came to call him friend. As time passed their new friend had revealed his true nature to them, a fae bound to his tree, demonstrating the magic he could wield and charm he possessed, the two sworn to secrecy and much too excited to consider telling anyone. Peter had been cautious of course, but seeing her smile and getting to know the man a little better had come around. Weeks before the wedding they had been hit with bad news, a diagnosis showing Peter to be infertile. They had both tried to keep on happy faced but were saddened at the loss of opportunity. Nonetheless they discussed their options, agreeing upon adoption despite Peters want of a biological child.

The day of the wedding came and they found themselves standing under the tree once again, the day a lovely warm instead of the normal blazing heat of summer, the two having agreed it would be a perfect spot and their friend readily agreeing it would be fine to use. They had an officiant next to them, the evergreen eyes revealing their friend in his disguise, the appearance of an older greyed man taking over his form. They had only asked him two weeks prior to take on the role, Peter insisting that he would be perfect for it, something he had been more than happy to oblige. As they said their vows and said I do, they had both taken a bite from a pear half each, an addition they would later find out some guests found odd, but something they found fitting, the tree symbolising their bond and all the moments they had shared under it.

Three months later found them crying with joy, a positive pregnancy test in hand as Emily held Peter close to her body, a shock filling them both as they both muttered that it would be near impossible. As her pregnancy progressed he accompanied her to each appointment, grinning as he looked at the ultrasounds and excitedly talking as he learned how the baby was growing. Sadly outside of these they had started to drift ever so slightly, any attempts at intimacy on Emily’s part being rejected.

“I’m sorry,” He’d say before turning over. “I’m just not feeling up to it.”

During her second trimester she had found him taking more shifts at work, staying out later and rarely home. A suspicion would creep into her at the sudden change but she did her best to dismiss it, keeping busy at home and spending more time at the tree as she tried to put her faith in him. Paearis had taken to keeping her company and sharing conversation with the woman. He had briefly brought up Peter on multiple occasions but stated that he understood he was busy, but that he wished to see him sometime soon.

“Hun?” Emily had approached him when he had gotten home and gone to the bathroom to get ready for bed. “Would you mind coming to see Paearis tomorrow?”

“Why?” A cough wracked him as he responded.

“He’s a friend of ours and he wants to see you.”

“I’m a bit-” Another cough. “urgh- busy.”

“Are you alright?”

“Just fine.” She heard him spit something.

“If you’re sure…”

“I’m fine.”

“… Alright. Well would you be up to coming with me tomorrow? Even fifteen minutes?”

“Hun I’m busy-”

“Fifteen minutes Peter. I’m sure you can spare that much, I hardly see you these days and you haven’t seen him in months. You need a break and honestly I think the air will do you good-”

“Alright! Alright.” He’d come out and climbed into bed with her, giving her a kiss on the forehead. “Fifteen minutes. I’ll come after work.”

The next day Emily waited for him at the tree, sitting against it and sharing fruit she had brought from home along with his pears, the branches shading them from the sun. Looking up she smiled as she saw Peter approach, going over to him after Paearis helped her stand, giving him a small hug and kiss before he moved to shake the fae's hand.

“Good to see you.”

“You too.”

They had sat together and talked, Peter indulging in the fruit alongside them before another cough started to wrack his body, getting worse before Emily took to hitting his back and watching in horror as he coughed, a piece of fruit coughed up into his hand.

“Went down the wrong way?”

“Yeah I guess so.”

As he grabbed another piece it had happened again, another chunk deposited in his hand that he had thrown out on the lawn with a sigh. He heaved for air as it subsided and barely a minute had passed before it had happened again, Emily asking in concern if he needed a doctor.

“Just as I thought.” The fae had spoken, looking at him with a cold gaze before shaking his head. “I did tell you there would be consequences if you broke the contract.”

Emily had looked to him in confusion, opening her mouth to speak before a ringing pierced the air, Peters phone vibrating on the ground next to them when he threw it. With a glance she looked at the name ‘Chloe xx’ showing on the screen, a dread filling her as she saw it, Peter still hunched over the ground coughing and heaving for air as she turned to him.


She barely got the word out before she watched another chunk of pear leave him, he hadn’t stopped then, continuing to cough as another chunk was coughed up, and shortly after that, a third. He seemed to be wheezing for air, clawing at the ground as chunks left him, each bigger than the last and starting to become tinged with blood. With a horror coursing through her veins she rushed over to his side, hands coming up to his back as she rubbed it.

“We need to get you to a doctor-”

“It’s too late for him.” Paearis had interrupted her. “His fate is sealed.”

“What do you mean?!”

“Of course you didn’t know.” A scoff. “He took a deal.”

“A deal?”

“He came to me. He wanted a child.” He approached her then, with a grace she almost forgot he possessed. “I offered a deal.”

“What deal Paearis?!” Emily had almost shouted at him.

“A child would be granted, so long as you were bound on my terms.”

“And what were your terms?”


“What?” Nausea ran through her at his words, almost shaking as she kept her hand on her husbands back, words sinking in as the blood on the pear chunks grew heavier.

“He knew what he agreed to.”

“Please-” Peter had gasped out, hyperventilating. “I-I have a son coming-”

“What son?”

“You know Emily’s pregnant-”

“But that hardly makes him your son. You couldn’t think any child borne of my magic would be any less mine.”

“Please- I don’t- I don’t want to die.”

“You knew the terms. You just had to stay loyal.” He glared down at the mans phone. “But you sought another.”

A panic coursed through her as she watched Peter struggle with the next piece of fruit, shaking as it came out with a thick, viscous, coating, breathing briefly before another started to come up, tears welling up as she found herself overwhelmed, turning back to the fae before them.

“Paearis please- you can’t let him die-”

“He sealed his own fate Emily. You need to decide your own now.”


“Of course you may still carry if you want, the child is yours all the same but, you need not carry any longer should you not want to, although I can say I’ve always wanted an heir of my own.”

“I-I-” She found herself conflicted, the situation overwhelming her as she started sobbing. “Please I don’t know right now, but you can’t let him die- Please.”

“He made a deal.”

“I’ll make another!” The young woman found herself almost begging as she looked up at him. “I don’t want him to die.”

“He was disloyal.” Confusion seemed to take over Paearis’ features for a moment as he tilted his head at her.

“I don’t want him to die. Please-” Paeris tutted for a moment, seeming to consider something, her panic growing as she listened to Peter start to suffocate, the pieces now too big for him to breathe. “Please. I’ll do anything Paeris-”

“Okay.” He spoke calmly, kneeling down in front of her. “What would you like to offer.”

“I-I don’t know, what do you want?”

“That’s not how it works, my dear.” Shaking his head softly at her.

“What about…” Her mind raced as she tried to think of something the fae might want from her, a realisation hitting her as she met his gaze. “A son. I’ll carry your child, give birth to them, you’ll have your heir.”


“I can- I can raise them. I’ll raise them with you! A family. Please-”

His hand came up softly to silence her gently, the harsh sounds of Peter still reaching her as her heart pounded in her chest.

“For the life of Peter, you will bear my child, and stay by my side. Correct?”


“And you know that should you agree, it will render you mine?”


“Mine. My property. If you will bear my child, my wife. Of course, you will remain my dear friend I should hope.” A chuckle left him then. “But you will need to leave here, be by my side in my own home.”

“I-” A glance told her Peter was turning blue, a hand on his throat as he collapsed. A surge of courage flowered through her as she bit back another sob. “Yes. I agree.”

“Then so it shall be.”

Barely a moment passed before he was cupping her cheek, lips softly pressing to hers as he pulled her close. A peace washed over her, the sound of Peter’s choking coming to a stop as his breathing returned to normal. A comfort accompanied the sensation of being home, her eyes closing as she found herself returning the kiss, fears being washed away. As the wind picked up once more Peter looked up, the coupled vanishing in front of him as if carried on the wind.

Short Story

About the Creator


I write short stories in my spare time, hope you like them!

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