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A Bull-Y Never Wins.....But They Do Get What They Wish For In The End.

(The Devil Is A Lie)

By Denise DardarianPublished 3 years ago 36 min read

Elena enjoyed being a bully, after all, Mommy allowed her to do pretty much whatever she wanted and she was the golden child, her precious little darling. This included tormenting her little sister, Dee, whom she pretty much hated since dare her mother bring this little brat home and allow her to mess up the family dynamic. All of a sudden, Elena was n0 longer the center of attention, everyone was fawning over the new baby, cooing and saying how beautiful she was, she was just perfect. Now, she had been usurped, pushed into the background and no longer was important, and was told she had to protect her baby sister, and worse, share her everything with her, including her toys and baby items that once belonged to her! She could barely keep her rage to herself when she saw her baby sister in HER baby clothes, hats, booties, and the like, sleeping and using her former baby blankets and playing with HER baby toys! If she complained about it, she was told, "You're a big girl now, you have outgrown them, you no longer need them but your baby sister does so they are now hers. You have your own big girl toys that are new, she will get your hand-me-downs, so you should be thankful you get new stuff and she gets used things from you". That did not matter to Elena, they originally belonged to HER, and what was hers always stayed HERS!

It didn't get any better as Dee got older and tagged along, seemed she had to be included in everything, and Elena wasn't having it. Once she got past the needy infant/toddler stage, Elena noticed how much her mother disliked Dee hanging on her, and often pushed her away. Mommy seemed to be less affectionate towards her little sister, less patient with her, would yell, scream, spank and take her frustrations out on her more. She would call her little sister hurtful names and tell her she was a pest and was no good just like HER own mother, and sometimes even Elena found this a little shocking, because she loved her Grandmother. Grandma never seemed to be someone who was no good, why would Mommy say that? Despite that, Elena enjoyed watching and hearing Mommy torment her sister, and if Mommy did it, then it seemed it was okay for her to do it also. Her and Daddy were fighting all the time, yelling at each other, calling each other names, and sometimes, Daddy just did not want to be bothered with anyone. He didn't seem to like Elena much and when he caught her tormenting her little sister he would become very angry and stop her, yelling at her and calling her a bully. He seemed to protect her sister from both her and her mother's torment, and on weekends when he ran errands, he would take Dee with him and not her. He would buy her little sister candy, gum, cookies, ice cream, soda, sometimes even McDonald's or a toy, and he would not bring anything back for her, as a way to punish her because he was angry at her for bullying her little sister.

This absolutely infuriated Elena, made her jealous and more hateful towards her little sister, and torment her more. She knew she would get away with it because her mother seldom ever stopped it, and at times, even encouraged it. There were even times her and her mother would join forces and tormented and bullied her younger sister together, driving her sister to the brink so bad she would cry and scream, either locking herself in the bathroom or climbing up a tree in the yard. She truly hated her younger sister more and more daily and would beg her mother to please get rid of her, and divorce Daddy. She would fantasize about ways to hurt and even destroy her sister, who by now was showing signs of mental and emotional problems. Her parents had an idea something was wrong with her, and some of the kids would pick on her in class-she wasn't stupid or anything, she was just weird, didn't know how to really act right at times, was shy, and had no talents. In other words she was a dumb loser with no confidence in Elena's eyes, and a total embarrassment to her-"Don't you dare tell people at school you know me or we're related, or I will punch you", she told Dee. Thankfully she soon graduated and went to junior high, leaving her sister behind to continue to be tormented by her peers in elementary school. She would make her life hell at home, and it would get way worse as the years went on.....

Dee despised her sister as the years rolled by, she didn't want to, she wanted her sister to love and accept her, she never understood why she hated her so. Elena said the most horrible, hurtful things to her, and laughed at her, she was so cruel and ugly, and was the nastiest bully from hell. It didn't help Mother always sided with her, encouraging her bad behavior, treating her like the golden child who could do no wrong while she was the scapegoat. No matter what Dee tried to do or that her grades were better than her sister's, and that she was way smarter, it was never good enough. Nothing she did was ever good enough, all her mother ever did was yell, scream, put her down, and even hit her-she rarely saw her hit or put her sister down. Her father didn't step in much to punish her sister and that frustrated her also to no end, and to overcompensate for the guilt of it, he would take Dee with him o his errands on the weekend, and buy her sugary snacks/junk food, sometimes McDonald's, or even toys. He never got Elena anything, as if to punish her for bullying her sister, but instead of it teaching his older daughter a lesson and fixing her bad behavior, it backfired horribly. It threw gasoline on the fire, and made her more angry and resentful, and the torment, abuse and bullying of his younger daughter got worse. Instead of his older daughter getting grounded, spanked, getting time outs, having items taken away from her, as well as getting professional help, they just allowed her to keep abusing Dee.

Dee was miserable with her home life situation and it wasn't much better in school. Some of the kids in her class singled her out and picked on her, especially the pretty, cute, perfect girls that her mother kept pushing her to be friends with. They would sometimes tease her mercilessly, called her ugly, called her weird, called her stupid, made fun of her looks because she was ethnic, what was in her lunch, her clothes because they were hand-me-downs, because she was shy, awkward, clumsy and didn't always know how to act, and was often the butt of their jokes. Quite a few times they would push her too far and she would become very angry at them, exploding in rage, yelling at them, calling them names and cussing them out. If her parents could cuss each other out, call each other names, and her mother could also do that to her, then it was good enough for these little brats whose parents couldn't teach them to be nice and have any manners. She kind of enjoyed seeing the look of shock on their faces and the bit of fear in their eyes, then they would back away and say, "She's a weird psycho", or sometimes they wouldn't say anything at all, and maybe there would be one or two real friends that would stick by her as she ducked into the bathroom to cry a little or to just fume, then play some game by themselves on the playground. She knew something was wrong with her, she felt sad a lot, couldn't concentrate, and just felt she couldn't trust many people. She wanted to make friends, but the way quite a few of these kids treated her, which wasn't too nice, who was she supposed to trust? Same went for the grown-ups.....her parents were jerks, a lot of these teachers talked down to you like you were stupid and you had no clue about anything and you should just shut up, they don't want to be bothered with you. If she told one of these teachers what was going on at home or how bad the kids picked on her, they would tell her it was her fault and to suck it up and quit acting bad. There was nowhere to really turn and she felt like a trapped rat, school sucked, home sucked, and her sister's torment and bullying was hell. The years went by and it just got worse.....

Her parents divorced, and without her father there, Elena was free to torment and bully the ever-loving hell out of her sister as much as she wanted, and so did her mother. Dee's behavior became worse, especially once she graduated elementary school and went to junior high, which was a far worse experience for her. The kids were meaner and the torment for her there took on worse dimensions, and whatever emotional and mental issues with her began to get far worse. Her mother took her to a counselor, but when that horrible counselor called a family session and had the Goddamned NERVE to tell the rest of us WE were responsible for a lot of Dee's emotional problems as well as emotional damage/trauma we caused, that was IT! Who the hell was this broad to accuse us of that? We're not the ones with the problems, it's that little snotnose, she has been nothing but problems since my parents spawned her! What's worse, my mother caught her with a bunch of occult and witchcraft books she checked out from the library, and a pack of tarot cards! Great, now the brat is into witchery and into worshipping Satan? Figures, she listens to heavy metal music, she has no friends, she got caught with a pack of Marlboro lights in her backpack AND was caught smoking next to a statue of the Virgin Mary at the local Catholic church a couple of blocks from the house by one of the nuns living in the rectory! Her excuse to the nun? I was having a smoke and a deep conversation in my head with the Mother of God, and besides, I'm a Orthodox Christian, you Catholics consider us heathens and heretics anyways! Mom could care less what she does, whatever guilt trips she gives her, it's in one ear and out the other, Dee just glares at her with a resentment. It's like she is PISSED at her for all those years Mom treated her like hell, telling her she was no good, telling her she is ugly, screaming at her, hitting her, and now she is lashing out. She is ugly too, like she is going through this ugly duckling phase, her hair is sort of short with this ugly perm she is trying to grow out, she has braces, her nose is too big, and her boobs stick out too much, She is just nose, boobs, braces, and a bad attitude, and she is nuts-they need to medicate her, and I just hate her. She tells me to f*ck off daily, all my constructive criticism she ignores, she just laughed sarcastically and said, you and your stupid "constructive sarcasm" is such garbage, it has always been demeaning. You have never had anything kind and nice to say to me because you have always hated me, and you have been allowed to abuse, torment and bully me in the worst ways possible. You should've been beaten for what you did to me, yet it was my fault for being born, for being the bad one, and I get scapegoated and dumped on for it. Someday, somehow, I will make you pay, I will make you all pay. You lust to be the bully, then a BULL I will make you. Be very careful what you wish for, Elena, because that is what will happen to you! She then laughed evilly, turned away, and went into her room.....

Dee's life in junior high was a living hell, and she was tormented for most of the time there, going through a painful, ugly duckling process as many young teens do. Her father remarried a horribly evil individual who was very abusive towards Dee, and forced her father to choose between his children and her, and her father chose this evil woman. She rarely saw or heard from him except on holidays, birthday, and other special occasions, and it was not like he lived long distance. When she would call to speak to her dad, this woman, who she personally nickname the Antichrist, would answer in a sickeningly sweet, syrupy tone, but Dee knew better. She would never really be able to talk to him, and she could never spend time with him alone without HER hovering over them like a vulture. It got worse when a few months after their marriage she decided to corner her and do something to her that no adult should ever do to a child, and that was sexual abuse. Tragically, it happened more than once, and when Dee stood up to her and said no, she threatened her with a knife to make it stop. She went and told her father and he became so enraged that his daughter could lie, she said it was no lie. He was too far gone in being brainwashed by this monstrous pedophile, and in his rage literally punched his daughter in the mouth so hard Dee tasted blood. They immediately dropped her back off at home, practically yanking her out of the car, throwing her overnight bag at her and speeding off. Dee was so shocked, horrified and dirty, she didn't know what to do, or who to tell, and was threatened by the Antichrist that if she ever told no one would ever believed her and she would have her locked away in Juvenile Hall "because SHE knew people". Her mother, who was now out of the weekends screwing around like the gay divorcee, could've cared less, and her still-underaged sister was out screwing who knows who after spending two years with a pedophile in his mid-twenties and the family was perfectly okay with this. Dee was never okay with this as it got shoved down her throat and she was exposed to sexual abuse by proxy, and when she made this clear to her Mother and the cops should be notified, they got into a huge fight. Her mother became so enraged she punched her in the face, bruising her and giving her a black eye also, and of course Dee had to shut up about that as her mother slapped the pancake make-up on her face in an attempt to try and cover up the bruises. Didn't work very well, but no one in school asked her what really happened, including any administrators or teachers. Mommy felt so guilty that despite how broke they were, Dee got a new stereo out of it, complete with record player, dual cassette players, hi-fi with better reception than her sister's stereo, headphones too! She could listen to all the heavy metal and rock n' roll she wanted to at ear-bleeding volume, no matter how Devil-worshipping it seemed, and best of all, that b*tch sister of hers was not EVER allowed to touch her stereo, records, tapes, etc., she could even put posters up in her room. She got yelled at for her witchcraft books too, so she just hid them, because she just fell out of favor out of all that indoctrination all of her life at her church. I mean where was God all her life when she was suffering all the abuse at the hands of her family, and it's still going on now? Where was he when the Antichrist who turned out to be a pedophile in sheep's clothing attacked her repeatedly and she is trying to forget it but the nightmares keep coming and she feels so dirty? Please, help me forget this and repress this and hopefully soon I will forget it all and it will be like it never happened, no one can ever find out because the kids at school will think I am a lez and they will beat the hell out of me and maybe even kill me. Even Prez Ronnie Reagan hates gays and he's letting them all die of AIDS, I don't hate gays but if the kids at school find out they will think I am one and it's all over for me. It's 1985, maybe someday people will think and act differently, I dunno man. So this is the price I pay for keeping my mouth shut.....I suffer horribly but I get a present. Someday I will pay a terrible price for it though, worse than I will ever imagine.

The years and decades go by and time and life have not been so kind for Dee, nor have her family, and she has suffered greatly at their hands. Her sister, Elena, has gotten everything she has ever wanted, often at her sister's expense. She has now married a real loser and is expecting a child, and has made it very clear she does not want her sister around this child as "she will be a very terrible influence". She has made it clear from now on she will control the family dynamic and make the rules because she will have the token grandchild, and instead of her parents putting their foot down and saying NO to her, the acquiesce. Mother is delighted, anything to cause Dee pain, same with the Antichrist, who was never jailed for the crimes she committed against Dee. From now on, all holidays are to be separate, birthdays separate as well, and Dee was not allowed at family gatherings. Dee was outraged, and confronted her sister and was like, "What the hell do you think you are doing? You are trying to destroy the family for the las time? You are not going to do this!" Elena laughed and said, "Too late, I have and there is nothing you can do, I control the family and my child is going to take your place". "Not if I have anything to say about this, I should've taken care of you a long time ago, you said you enjoyed being a BULL-y, then a BULL-y you shall be!" Dee then threw her sister the Evil Eye and departed, and Elena shook her head and was like, there she goes again with her stupid witchery.

Dee knew she might go to hell for what was going to happen next, but then again maybe not because all of this felt totally justified in her eyes. She contacted a friend who knew a voodoo priestess and said, I need to consult with her one on one, this is very important. While waiting for the call, she got to work on her spells, first working on that loser husband of her sisters, who she knew was a boozer, liked drugs, and had prior DUI's. After putting something on him, she went to work on other family members, the the call came.....She and the priestess spoke for a length, and said, you need to meet me at my place for a consultation for what you need, so Dee said okay. A couple of days later Dee met with the voodoo priestess and told her what was going on, and what she needed, and that her older sister must be stopped, along with other family members. She said, "Let's focus on your sister and her unborn whelp, then your stepmother, everything else will fall into place after. So your sister has always desired to be a bully, and has always bullied you"? "Yes, all of my life, it has been a living nightmare.", I replied. She then told Dee what was required and the cost, which was not cheap, but Dee had enough money and agreed. "Come back in five days, here is what you need to do to prepare yourself, and do not have any contact with your family before and for two weeks after the spell". Taking the written list and a small bag, "she said, in this these are a mix of salt and herb you bath in for the next few nights till we do the spell, and that bag contains a special gris-gris you wear around your neck at all times starting after you bath tonight until two weeks after the spell. Two weeks after the spell you come back here we do another spell, I will tell you more on the evening of the spell, understand? You speak of this to no one." Dee thanked her, paid her, and went on her way, heading home to prepare what lay ahead.

Elena had been feeling sick and rather off for sometime, and that damned husband of hers took off all weekend and hadn't called. She called around to his family and friends, no sign. She could just imagine her younger sister snickering at her, wagging her finger saying, I told you so, you married a loser this is what you get haha. Her neighbors were barbecuing hamburgers and the smell was making her sick, whereas normally it would make her ravenous. She loved a good, juicy burger right off the grill with all the fixings, but for the last three weeks, the thought of a burger or anything beef made her want to vomit. She had been having weird dreams too, one of where she saw cows in the field, another where it was a nightmare where she was turning into a cow and she was being chased by a horny bull that then mounted her and she was screaming for help in a human voice. She just chalked it all up to stress and hormones, and now this loser husband was nowhere to be found. Two more days go by, and she hears nothing, now she starts to panic, calling hospitals, no sign. Finally, she calls police stations, and gets an answer, he's in jail, arrested on a DUI, and they also found drug paraphernalia and ten ounces of methamphetamine, as well as some assorted pills and marijuana, and since this his third DUI, he's in big trouble. He wound up hitting another vehicle and injuring the other occupants who are still hospitalized, so yeah, he's screwed and you better hope he had good insurance. His truck was totaled, or your truck, because it's in your name, in fact, we will need you to come down, and fill out some paperwork and answer some questions....Elena hangs up the phone. A bad, evil feeling comes over her and her sister's voice echoes in her head, "I'm not going to let you get away with this". She picks up the phone and dials her sister's number, no answer, straight to voice-mail, she hangs up. She then texts her, "WHAT DID YOU DO?" Again, no answer, she texts her repeatedly, there is no answer, and she feels pains in her belly, and needs to calm down, at six months pregnant she can't panic now. She will call Mommy, because Mommy will fix everything, so she does and tells her all that has happened. Well, she is not thrilled and was yelled out for marrying that loser and not a nice, well-off young man, and she is not going to bail him out, or her out for anything he did. He is going to rot in jail and do his time there and that is too bad, and if those people he hit and injure sue, then too bad. She did not go into that marriage with this DUI loser with her eyes closed, she was warned by EVERYONE not to marry him, and did she listen? No! You have no one to blame, so suffer the consequences, get yourself a good lawyer to protect your assets, take your money out of your bank accounts and start hiding or liquidating your assets, take him off your bank accounts and off the deed to your place, and file for divorce, and when you visit him in jail, serve him with the divorce papers. Drop him like a bad habit NOW so you are not liable for his screw ups, and this was Mommy chewing her out. All of a sudden she just cries and lets out a wail, but it sure didn't sound human, it was like, "MOOOOOOOOOO!", and she just kept bawling, and Mommy was like, "What the hell was that, are you making fun of me? Why are you mooing like a cow? Knock it off! I've had enough of you and your nonsense for today, and I thought that deranged sister of yours was bad. Go call a lawyer. Goodbye!"

Elena had no idea what just bellowed out of her mouth, but it did not sound human, and the pains in her belly were subsiding for now. She looked up lawyers online and called a bunch of them, leaving messages, and then was just too tired to deal with the banks. She would get some sleep and deal with all of that tomorrow, she was soon asleep and the dreams came again. This time she was really hungry, so hungry, needing vegetation, needing to romp around in a field, needing to be free, just to chew and swallow and feed and eat undercover of the night. When she came to, she was nude, on all fours, chewing the grass on all fours, chewing on the.....cud? She felt different, when she got up, she felt uneasy and awkward, like she couldn't walk right, as if her toes had been stuck on something, and her fingers caught on something. She stumbled toward the house and looked down to see her fingers had fused into some black and strange-looking, like hooves, and she looked down at her feet and noticed that they were morphing into something hoof-like also. Something was brushing up against her legs, she grabbed it and it was a long cow's tail, and she noticed a faint black and white fuzz on her body, and her belly was sticking out way more. She hobbled towards the mirror and noticed a pair of horns had grown from the top of her head, and she could still speak in a human voice, she said, "This is a dream, this is not real", and there was fuzz on her face and grass in her teeth. This is not real, she thought, it is a bad dream, I am going back to bed, and in the morning, I am going to call that witch sister and demand whatever spell she put on me to end it.

Dee had not been answering her phone for weeks from any family members has the voodoo priestess had requested, but she had been in the habit of screening phone calls as it was from them years prior anyways. She always let their calls go to voice-mail, and she told them to really not call her unless it was an emergency or serious family business as she did not want to deal with the narcissistic abuse. She was nearly estranged, she didn't see them much except at a birthday or a holiday, even if that, and that wasn't really even fun. She just rather avoid them like the plague if she could, especially because her sister had just become more and more of an out of control, abusive monster over the years and no one stopped her.....until Dee said enough. Once she married Mr. DUI Loser then got knocked up with his spawn all hell broke loose because now she felt she was going to control the family dynamic using her demon spawn as a pawn. Elena would call, text and torment her with all of this to the point she couldn't take it anymore, so she decided once and for all to turn the tables of her. One day in the morning she got a phone call from her sister and normally she would let it go to voice-mail but her intuition told her to answer it. She barely recognized her voice, and every so often she would make these animal noises, and she was screaming at her what did she do? She had lost her mind, telling her she was turning into a cow, and she was going to give birth soon, like in a few hours. Dee, thought wait a minute, that is not possible, she is not do for another three months, then she asked where was her husband and she was barely able to tell her he was in jail. She said you better get over here and fix things, you did this, and then she could not make out what she was saying after that, she was sounding like a cow. Dee hung up the phone and a bad feeling came over her, oh my God, what type of spell WAS this exactly? Then she remembered what the voodoo priestess said, about her sister bullying her all of her life, and about how she used to warn her sister about being careful what she wished for about her constant desires to be a bully. She decided to arm herself for her own protection as she had no idea what she might be facing then headed over there.

She quietly drove over there, pulled up, put on two pairs of rubber gloves-front door locked, house alarm not on, but she heard some strange noises in the house. Gate to the yard unlocked, she carefully unlatched the gate and went in the yard, noticing the grass looked uneven, and the yard looked like things had been knocked over. Yard furniture had been upended and some was even broken, and Dee drew her gun and cocked it. The screen door to the sliding glass door had been busted off and bent, and the sliding glass door was wide open, and the place was in shambles. Furniture overturned, stuff broken everywhere, dirt, grass, mud, blood, slimy-looking stuff, was that human hair? Just was the hell was going on here? Something smelled horrible, like.....cow, and there were flies buzzing around, and just then she heard noises, grunting, and a muted, warbled, "Help". "Who's there? Is that you, Elena? You told me to come, I am here, but what the hell happened, this place is a mess and smells awful. What is going on?" Dee asked. There was a shuffling noise and heavy breathing and the smell was horrible, and Dee backed away quickly, and what she saw next was something out of her worst nightmare. It wasn't even human, it looked like a mutant, like something from the movie The Island of Dr, Moreau, where this demented doctor would make animal/human mutants. What dragged itself into the living room looked vaguely like her sister that was mutating into a cow.....or a bull? "Oh my God, this isn't real". This thing warbled, "You going to use that gun on me, shoot me already, kill me." Then it uttered this horrible noise as it shuffled back into the hall and began to mutate more and appeared to be giving birth, and what came out of it did not look human either. It was some mutated, bovine creature that squealed as it landed on the floor in a puddle of watery, bloody goo, making Dee throw up. The creature that just gave birth to it picked it up and began to lick it clean like an animal, and at that point, Dee aimed her pistol and shot it this newborn monster dead, as it was a creation of the Devil. Its mother screamed in anger, but still weakened by birth and also in the process of mutating itself into a bovine form did not lunge for her, and Dee watched in horror as it slowly kept mutating into it's bovine form as it the dead mutant offspring lie next to it. She shut the sliding glass door to the yard and locked it, made sure the creature could not get out. She located her sister's cellphone in the kitchen as she heard it pinging, and took it. Then she understood what she had to do next; she ran into the garage, and contacted her mother using her sister's phone and told her to come over immediately as her sister was in distress and needed her. She said she was just having a rough time emotionally, she could talk to her herself, and to just get out her and she would explain it to her when she got here. Then she called her father and the Antichrist using her sister's phone as well and gave them the same story and told them to get out there as soon as they could, so hopefully both parties would be there in less than an hour.

Dee carefully went back inside into the mess and the ungodly stench and watched what was once her sister continue this monstrous mutation in mystified horror. It was the work of otherworldly forces, and she wondered if she was going to go to hell for it, but she felt nothing bad, this was completely justifiable as her sister had been a very evil individual, as well as the rest of her family. She was simply reaping what she was sowing and becoming what she truly was; Dee watched as the last vestiges of her human form disappeared and she became completely bovine, she no longer had a human voice and was totally an animal, and an enraged one. She quickly ran out of the house through the garage entrance, through the backyard and waited out front for everyone to arrive, the minutes seemed like hours. Finally they did, and Dee made sure they did not see her gun, and asked what had happened and if the police were called, she told them the police were not necessary, she took them through the garage as she did not not have a key to house. "Just go in and talk to her, as she won't listen to me, it will all make perfect sense, you'll see", Dee said. They went inside and Dee then shut and deadbolted the door behind them, "God forgive me", she said, and she heard them say what in the hell, the the bellowing of an enraged bovine running at them, the sounds of people barely having time to scream as she heard sounds of people being trampled, gored and stomped to death. At that point, Dee had to get out of there before this enraged beast escaped and came after her, so she unlocked the door to the garage that lead to the house, escaped out of the garage and as she was getting into her car she heard glass shattering and then sped off. As she looked in her rear view mirror she saw a large, black and white cow running down the street after her, so she sped up and went down a major boulevard, next thing you knew, absolute mayhem as this enraged beast is barreling down a busy road in the path of oncoming vehicles, including a big rig. Dee heard sirens in the distance, and turned down a side street, witnessing several police cars, fire trucks and more coming for this disaster.

Dee heard gunshots, and then cops were canvassing the neighborhoods, she then realized she had her cellphone with her the entire time, she had been in this house and her DNA and her tracks were everywhere. Her sister was going to now be missing, her parents and the Antichrist were dead, victims of this raging cow, and how was she tied to this? Well, Dee better make up a story....So here are the cops, they see a mess, and they see blood on her, and Dee flags them down and said that cow that got loose had blood it. "Well, it was in here, how I don't know, but it gored and trampled to death three of my family members, my sister called me earlier today and said she needed me, needed my help, she was not feeling good, and said for me to call my parents because she needed them to come down also. She sounded odd, something didn't seem right, so I get here and the front door is locked, no one is home but I hear some weird sounds. I go around back, the gate is unlocked and the backyard is kind of a mess, the screen door is bent and off its track, the sliding glass door is wide open and the place is a mess and stinks to high hell. It smells like.....cow, and I was like, what the hell? I call out to my sister and she is nowhere to be found, but I hear her cellphone pinging in the kitchen, and I realize I left mine in the car, so I just use hers to call them and tell them something strange is going on here at my sister's house and they need to get down here as soon as they can. I waited out front for them, and when they got there, I lead them through the garage, they went in looking for her and I heard these horrible noises and screaming and loud thuds and what sounded like a cow or angry bull. I am not kidding, and I was terrified to go in there so I ran, and I never saw my sister and I haven't seen or heard from her since. I think someone kidnapped her, and I have no idea where the cow came from, her husband is in jail on DUI and drugs, and I think maybe he pissed off the drug dealers and they did this. They have her and they somehow put an angry bull in here and now my family is dead and I barely escaped getting killed myself. My sister is out there somewhere, she's pregnant, I don't know what else to say, but you better interrogate that loser husband of hers. I think whoever these drug dealers are they meant to wipe out my entire family today, and they just about succeeded. Oh God".

Several months have passed, no sign of Dee's sister or her child, who would have been a girl. Her husband is still a suspect in her disappearance and his criminal trial is ongoing. About a month after the deaths at the house a fire mysteriously broke out, burning it totally to the ground, fire investigators cannot determine the cause of the fire. While at the house doing forensic investigations, police reported hearing strange noises, including disconnected voices, screams, whispers, animal-like howlings, and what sounds like a bull bellowing. Two detectives got scratches on their backs and sides and refused to go in there after that, others claimed there were cold spots, flies buzzing around, foul odors, objects would be placed somewhere only to be discovered they were missing or had been moved yet no one moved them, etc. It got to the point no one wanted to go in there, there was a generally uneasy feeling in the place, some say they are not surprised it burned to the ground, they felt it was possessed by the Devil. Because the cause of the fire has yet to be determined the insurance company cannot pay out, and Dee is in the process of declaring her sister officially dead. When the police asked her why, she said, "You know damned well that the further time goes by when someone is kidnapped and/or goes missing, they pretty much are not alive. Whoever took my sister killed her, or at least let her live long enough to have her baby, then killed her and took the child. She's gone, I just know and she is not coming back, I feel it, and in order for me to get things moving along especially with getting her former husband out of what is left of my family's life, I need to have her declared dead. She needs to be put to rest; I mean, you guys shot that cow on the rampage that killed the rest of my family and nearly came for me. I have no idea where it came from, just like I have no idea where my sister and her unborn child are, but rest assured I will make sure my sister's former husband and his family never get a dime of money". I have to live with the horror of what I saw and experienced that day, and of not knowing what became of the rest of my family, but I appreciate all that you did. We all have to just move on best we can, and I will be able to get better closure once my sister's former husband is in prison and my sister is declared dead. I will get some type of memorial for her at the cemetery, I think that will be nice". Dee does her best to avoid interaction with the police as much as possible, and the people who caused her pain are gone from her life, especially her sister. The demonic mutation that would've usurped her and taken her place in the family, as well as stolen all of her inheritance, she took, wrapped up in a sheet, placed in a garbage bag, and placed in a dumpster behind her work under other bags of trash. The stench from the garbage was awful but it was a locking dumpster and only she, another employee and the garbage truck driver had the keys, and he arrived like clockwork eight-thirty Wednesday morning. Dee watched intently through the window as he unlocked the dumpster, got into the truck, pulled the lever, dumped the trash into the truck, looked up, saw Dee, and they both smiled and mutually waved to each other, then he locked the dumpster and drove away. Such a nice guy, I will make sure to get him a nice gift card for Christmas, and as far as everything else is concerned, thy will be done. Dee finished up work, went home, showered in the special salts and herbs the voodoo priestess gave her, drank her special dandelion root tea, and enjoyed a thick, juicy steak, cooked medium rare, just the way she liked it. All in a day's work, she thought, savoring a tender bite.


About the Creator

Denise Dardarian

I am also known as The Original Northridge Armo. Somewhat disenfranchised middle-aged writer putting stories out there for kicks. No kids, never married, came close to that. Consider myself an orphan-don't ask. ;)

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