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A Brief Stay

Five Days to Exist

By RJ EctoPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

I couldn't believe it at first. Of course, I couldn't. I doubt anyone could. But, as time passes, what choice do we have? If things were going to happen as they said, then I might as well go along with it.

Oh, I agree. There's no choice. But why make any effort here? It's foolish, pointless really. We are only given these five days here to exist. Why do anything but simply exist? Existing is the same as going along with it as far as I'm concerned.

Hmm, what is it to exist? We came to this place as if being born, but as an adult. We didn't know how or why we were here. We just were. I knew my name but not much else. I knew things, but didn't know this place or its people. Then the doorman gives us the rundown of this existence. We're given five days here with no worries, but those which consume our mind. Food, shelter, clothing, health and freedom, each completely provided. So, living for five days is easy. Is living and breathing the same as existing?

Of course, it is. I see what you’re getting at though. I see it already. You want to attach some greater meaning to existence. Why do that? Why complicate it? Especially here where things are so simple, so perfect.

To clear things up, I meant that we must follow what we're told when I said go along with it. The rules were set. You interpreted it to mean that it was a lifestyle.

A can you have a lifestyle in five days? It's not a lifetime. Not even close.

So you have some preconceived idea of how long a life is? That's strange because I did too. It seemed like no time at all, but once I realized that it's all we have here, my perspective changed. I didn't know what would happen when we check out. They use the words so flippantly. But, we are all in the same place, so I suppose most just don't consider the gravity of checking out. We came here so easily. We surely must go somewhere after this, but that's speculation.

Indeed, it is, but that doesn't make a difference. Our limited time here is what makes what we can or even should do, limited. There's little responsibility because everything is provided. There's no real need for anything more. Why not exist, just living and breathing and doing the other things required for life, such as eating? I actually feel like much of life revolves around eating. We don’t have to worry about cooking or growing plants or butchering animals, yet, every meal is still somewhat of an event and it takes up at least an hour because we often meet with our co-inhabitants.

Yes, consumption is still a requirement and doubles as a social gathering, which I enjoy as well. It is a great way to understand this place and uncover various views. Those views are very important to me because they helped me to understand that though we are here for a limited time, we must have a purpose to go along with our mere existing. We must have a purpose with a passion.

That is a fine ideal, but it is not true. We are given freedom for a reason. See, I am free to not have a purpose. That is something you have chosen and that you want, but for me, I can’t do it. Maybe I’m not innovative or ingenious or maybe I just don’t care to make the effort. I don’t know. I think it really comes back to our limited time and the mindset that it has given me.

That is disheartening. Why exist if you don’t have a reason, a purpose? If consumption is the goal of life, then how can things ever progress? There is a social responsibility that everyone should have. Everyone should contribute something, anything, to the extent of their abilities. This place is doomed otherwise.

Why is it doomed? Because we will consume the endless resources here? You see that right, that the resources are endless? What else could doom us? Maybe boredom or depression, I guess. You see, I don’t know where I came from or where I am going and neither will the next guy. The majority of people won’t care that we ever lived. That is depressing. That is disheartening. This place is meaningless.

Yes, exactly. That is what will doom this place - its’ complete and utter meaninglessness. We must give it meaning and though my fifth day is nearly up, I feel that I have contributed something meaningful to this place. I gave it various pieces of music, some artwork, and various writings.

Yes, you did and you have complicated things. You are creating a competitiveness that will consume this place. Those who try, but can’t live up to this purpose, will suffer and be angry. They will be ultimately sorrowful when they check out. You see, there is an appreciation for what you have done, but there are some consequences you have overlooked.

So, I am destroying the world through music, art and writing?

Ha-ha, yes, in a way!

I am enriching this place. It’s dull as it is. I gave it more life. I gave it an interpretation and a means of understanding. I have created an example that will be followed and will continue to enrich this place as men and women who follow me will evolve what I have done into something greater.

Yes, there are some who will exceed what you have done and others who will try. You did move up here. It was plain to see that as you became recognized this place offered more to you, better food, better clothing. I could see the jealousy, the envy, in some. I saw it in our generation here, so who knows what the future people will do. Your legacy is a dangerous thing.

It hurts me, but I must agree. However, I refuse to attempt to undo my works. I could go through and destroy everything or remove my name, but the truth is that I want to be remembered. My works will become a part of the culture here. Culture is important. Love is important as well. My work helped to lead me to find someone I could love while I was here, so my work enriched my own life in several ways. I think that is something everyone would like to strive towards, a life full of work that will live on and love that makes this moment matter.

I think it’s safe to say that it is simply a difference in thought that will likely never be reconciled. Each of us appears to be hardwired differently and what’s existence worthy to one person is meaningless to another. I appreciate your works and I am happy that you found love. I just had to point out that it’s not everyone’s responsibility to have a purpose. Unfortunately, some of us can only observe. Ha-ha, consume and observe. Luckily, our consumption is provided for, otherwise what would I do.

Thank you for all of that. I really feel that you chose to limit yourself though. You have such vivid thoughts and your reasoning is as good as any other person I have met here. It would benefit everyone if you made an effort to spread your ideas. You should write them down and let everyone read your words.

Oh no, I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t want to send this place into a chaotic frenzy. How could this place be peaceful if everyone thought like me?

Listen, everyone can help to understand this place. Your perspective will be proclaimed at some point in time, if not by you, then by someone else, and if it creates chaos, then that is something this place will have to endure. This place can’t go on in ignorance forever.

It could if we let it.

Maybe it could, but I doubt it. Well, it has been a fantastic conversation. Thank you for making me question everything before checking out. Enjoy your remaining days here. I must be on my way.

Short Story

About the Creator

RJ Ecto

I am an engineer that enjoys creating art and writing to build worlds, characters, and stories.

Follow on IG: @rj_ecto


Twitter: @rjecto

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