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8ball Fortune

Words Used: Fortune, Seashell, and Mermaid

By Shelby Hagood Published 11 months ago 3 min read

You shake the 8ball while waiting in line for the fortune teller. Will my life change for the better? Very Doubtful If you shake it again though, the answer that will appear should be different. Shake again: You may Rely on it. Right... Your turn to talk to the fortune teller. As you walk in and sit down, you don't have to even say anything. "What you seek is in the magnets," she tells you.

"Magnets?" You ask.

"The answer within the pendulum on the beach. Instead of Yes, No, Maybe, and Don't Know insert North, South, East, and West," she then gestures you to move on out of the door before you can ask anymore questions.

A seashell of hope? More like a conch shell from a cartoon. You walk through the fortune teller's gift shop and see the magnetic pendulum. This is just basically another form of an 8ball. You still buy it though.

You stand at the beach and begin by flicking the pendulum as it directs you. You decide to go only a few steps at a time just in case. It is a slow process as you take breaks along the way to get food and rest. You feel like a dumb treasure hunter who doesn't have the correct type of magnetic detecting gear.

All day you go along as you keep trekking away from any area of people and become glad you wore shoes now that you are walking among the muck. You are lead to a cave. Water rushes all around as you decide to go in slowly. You came all this way and need to see, but are weary of what is inside. You then sigh in relief when you see a mermaid. You believe it must be one of the paid actors. They sit in the cave holding a beautiful shell.

"Right, so you probably paired with the fortune teller to send me on a fun treasure hunt. At least there is a prize for all of the trouble," you speak to the mermaid, but they say nothing as they hand the shell over. You laugh a little to brush off the awkward and head back home. After dinner, you hold the shell up to your ear and there is a voice.

I know this trick, there is probably a recorder inside. You feel bad for ruining the beauty of what the sea has created, but smash the shell open to look. There is nothing in the shell. You try to at least find something microscopic with a magnifying glass. Nothing is there. You leave the pieces on your nightstand and fall asleep.

The next morning the shell is in one piece again. Creepy. You pick the shell up and listen again. Another instruction. Do you really want to pursue this or are you just trying to distract yourself? Ask the 8ball: Most Likely. Whatever, ask again: As I see it, yes. Fine. It says go to the bridge, so you do. When you get there, at the end of that bridge is a small dragon, hour glass, and then a little bird.

Meaning? You go to find one and see that a dragon means large and sudden changes. An hour glass means imminent danger, and a bird means good luck in a journey. Large changes? Danger? Last thing you need is stress, but if this means you will come to a blissful journey, isn't it all worth while? The 8ball was possibly right about your fortune when it said doubtful your life will change for the better, but also can rely on it doing so. Can't you hang on for that and what is to come? A hopeful fortune or impending doom to dread? You decide.

Short Story

About the Creator

Shelby Hagood

Warner Bros and Disney 💕

Cat lover 🐱

Love fancy chocolate 🍫

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