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Yes, I do certain things on purpose

The time I used the C word on my sister.

By Adrian RPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
I wish

Can I get a witness to give testimony? A couple of things you need to know about me before continuing to read. First and foremost, I am a Christian. That will never change. Secondly, I am the middle child. Like everybody, some things in my life were decided by a higher power before I was even born. For almost everything, no one person is to blame.

I have had an exceedingly easy life. It has taken me a LONG time to mature. I was not raised in a broken home. Both of my parents, as well as my older brother and younger sister are all still alive. Today, I am literally days away from my 54th birthday. Call this story what you will, call the point in my life in which I find myself what you will, it really does not matter.

I think it is safe to say, that when multiple children are born to loving parents, the boys tend to spend more time and listen to their father. The daughters more to their mother. Now this may vary greatly given the modern age we find ourselves in, but bare with me please.

There is important fact in my father's life, the death of his mother at the very young age of 10 that would result in me taking particularly long to mature. He said it many times: "Why did God take away my mother when I needed her most?" He also said that he always felt that he had been robbed of his childhood and wanted to make sure the same didn't happen to us.

I had a VERY enjoyable childhood despite being the middle child. Google Dennis the Menace, add hot Mexican blood, creativity, love for life and keep in mind my Dad wanted to make sure I enjoyed childhood. It bares repeating: I love my Dad intensely. I wanted to be just like him.

Problem: that was never going to happen. Some twenty months after meeting my wife and a short 5 months after marrying her I found out that I have a zero sperm count. That was a very difficult blow that I still have not gotten over. It haunts me to this day. But I am a Christian.

Also after having already been married, and during the happiest years of my life I made THE biggest mistake of my life. I accepted the house I have lived in since May of 2000 as a gift from my father's two sisters. One of which had since died of cancer. There are STILL strings attached to that decision. There's always a catch.

But I did ask my Dad at the time. He should have said, "Don't do it!!! I will lose all respect for you, and you will regret it for who knows how long!!!" I had a job I loved, an old beat-up vehicle that I had purchased from the mechanic at my workplace. And I lived in a mobile home. Dad only said that his sisters had plenty of money. What does that mean?

Enter family politics. My family was embarrassed. My sister saw the truck and said negative things about it. My Mom (from a large Mexican family) had ALWAYS been embarrassed in front of her family by me. The mobile home and said truck didn't help. And spoilers: Dad was cool with things.

At some point, I made the mistake of asking my aunts for a loan to buy the plot of land the mobile home was on. I shouldn't have done that. Their response was, "What if we buy you a house?"

And they took us to see some monster houses here. All I wanted was a nice brick home (because Dad pointed out that houses made only of wood were not insurable) close to work. No one said anything. I'm married. I'm the man of the house. Happy wife, happy life, etc. But how I could've been so stupid only God knows.

Lord knows there's not enough time in the world to explain everything to everybody. But one thing I am certain of is that paradise is only filled with Christians. Every one of us falls short of the glory of god. But if you think that Jesus was just a prophet, or another revered human being. If you think that things after your death are going to be the same as they were before you were born. You're stupid.

By the way, all Christians are also hypocrites. BIG HUGE Duh!

I posted some things on Facebook with the sole purpose of having all of my family troops rally around my sister. She's the one I'd like all prayer warriors to pray for. Not me.

The last time I saw my sister I said some things purposely to infuriate her. I don't know what it is, but she has something against me. Never mind that she has my parent's only grandchildren.

My mother who was there, mentioned how her and some of her sisters would like to go to Tabasco to see the beaches because they have a sister-in-law whose mother lives there. And for what ever reason my name popped into my sister's head. "Well Adrian can't go?" Uh, excuse me while I chew my food, but why did MY name come up. I don't particularly like beaches, sand, wind, and what not.

My sister has no respect for my wife. There was an incident at a cabin where my sister (who had lied and said a friend has lent her the cabin) acted like her true self.

Anyway, at some point she said, "Do you know how many times I've invited you to the beach?" Uh NO. Then she said, "Sometimes you have to do things because you should." My response, "Like apologize?"

"If anyone should apologize it's YOU"

"For what specifically"

"For my WHOLE life"

Then I dropped the F Bomb on her because I felt like it. And I mentioned that she had bitched out my wife at the cabin. All of this in front of her youngest child.

She, by the way, assaulted me during the course of this meal.

She also said THE stupidest, most revealing thing while we were in the parking lot.

"I'm just waiting for you to hit me so I can call the cops"

I had to laugh.

I was ready to apologize for the time I popped her in the mouth when she wouldn't shut up in a car my aunts had intended for me for ultimately went to my brother.

I was ready apologize for anything specific.

My sister feels it's her duty to bitch out whoever she feels like, and doesn't care what family members she might chase away. Its my understanding that the same sort of thing happened to one of her husband's brothers. This according to my mother.

So there are things that I have no control over. But this needs to get "out there."

But the thing is... my sister is untouchable. And I hope my brother reads this before I see him and (hopefully) before one of us dies.


About the Creator

Adrian R

Bit of a tearaway sharing stories that I would tell the children that I always wanted but never had.

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