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Who Would’ve Thought?

A Tragic Blessing

By Stephanie Jordan Published 3 years ago 8 min read

Bryson is a 45 year old financial consultant, who never married or had children. He lives in Brooklyn, NY, where he was born and raised, being the only child of James and Anne Williams. They were a close knit family until Bryson began letting his work consume him. Five years ago, Bryson was supposed to fly out to his parents home in Los Angeles for Christmas. However, he canceled on them because of work. They decided to fly out and surprise Bryson instead, but sadly never made it to New York. There was a snow storm, causing the pilot to lose control of the plane, and crash. Bryson’s parents died that night. The devastation and guilt overtook him, causing him to stop working and interacting with friends. No work meant no money coming in, and no money meant no bills were being paid. He had no real desire to live life fully, felt unworthy of happiness, and therefore found himself wandering through life aimlessly. After being evicted, he began sleeping on park benches, and after much searching, he finally found a hidden spot in his favorite park, Prospect Park, where he remained.


Bryson woke up in the morning, crawled out of his secluded domain, and headed to Grand Army Plaza Library to wash, as he did everyday. He didn’t believe he had to look homeless, so he kept an heir of civility about himself. He grabbed his tattered and taped up duffle bag, and made sure his little black notebook was tucked inside.

“Good Morning Greg,” Bryson greeted the library security guard. But, then he stopped in his tracks. He looked back at the young guard with a raised eyebrow. “Uhh, you’re not Greg!”

“No sir, I’m not Greg. My name is August Brown, and this is my new post. I don’t know much about Greg, but I was told that he quit! It seems like you’re a regular here, so I look forward to seeing you again!” August had a cheery, almost annoying disposition, which aggravated Bryson already! He worked so hard to learn the previous guard’s habits, so that he could maneuver around without being noticed, and now had no mental energy to start over with someone new.

After getting himself freshened up, Bryson went to his favorite table and began to write in his notebook. He started using it a month after his parents died. His therapist told him that writing out his feelings could be therapeutic. He grew tired of seeing the therapist, but held on to that little black notebook for dear life. It was his journal, rolodex, and list keeper.

During August’s hourly rounds, he came near Bryson’s table. Bryson didn’t want to be bothered, but figured he’d have to get to know this guy sooner or later, so he blurted out, “What’s your story,” as August walked by.

“My story?” August looked confused.

“Well, I know a library security guard wasn’t your lifelong career goal,” Bryson said bluntly.

August chuckled, “Oh! Well, I was the star quarterback on my college football team, and knew I was going to the NFL. Unfortunately, I tore my ACL junior year and could no longer play. I graduated with my Bachelors in Finance, but it was extremely hard to find a job, so I settled for the first job I could find. I married my best friend from college, Bella, and now we’re expecting our first child. It’s not my dream job, but God blessed me with a family instead. We stay in a one bedroom apartment, but we’re both working our butts off to get a larger place, since the baby is on the way.”

Bryson realized August actually seemed like a nice guy. “Well don’t settle. Keep chasing your finance dream.”

“Most definitely! I’m working towards my certification and won’t stop until I reach my goals,” August said with confidence. “Well, enough about me, what’s your story?”

“Oh, I’m Bryson. My story is not that great. Just the typical only child, who lost my parents in a plane crash 5 years ago, because I was too selfish to go visit them myself!” Sarcasm and guilt were in every word out of Bryson’s mouth.

“Wow! I am so sorry,” August said sympathetically. “How have you been coping? Do you go to therapy? Do you have family to turn to?”

“Oh, wow, you just wanna dive right into it! Are you a therapist too,” Bryson said sarcastically.

“Sorry,” August apologized. “I didn’t mean to pry. I just know how important it is to have a positive community around when going through tragedy.”

“Nope, it’s just me; just how I like it. Well, that’s enough about me. Thanks for the session August, but I’ve gotta head out!”

Since that day, Bryson and August had daily chats at the library. It didn’t take August long to notice that Bryson wore the same outfit everyday and the taped spots on his duffle bag.

“Bella makes the best oxtail and rice & peas. We’d love to have you over for dinner, if you’re free,” August said with a smile.

Bryson was surprised!. “Why would you have me over for dinner,” he asked curiously.

“We feel that you’ve been through a lot, and could possibly use some company,” August said genuinely.

Bryson’s pride made him politely turn down the invitation. But, persistence beats resistence, so August extended the invitation everyday for the next two weeks. He was determined to wear Bryson down; and he did.

Bryson sat down at the Brown’s table for dinner. He was astonished by how kind Bella was as well. They treated him as though they’ve known him for years. It was the best dinner he had in a long time. Over the next few months, the three of them spent a lot of time together. Bryson grew an affinity for the couple, one that he never knew he could develop for anyone other than his parents. They found a special place in his heart, and he wished he could repay their kindness.

“Bryson, we’re cool now, so I wanted to let you know that it’s ok to need help from others. I know you sleep outside, but you don’t have to anymore. We just moved into this 2 bedroom apartment, and we want you to have the second room!”

Bryson was flabbergasted. “You were getting that room for the baby! How can you now give that to me?”

“Well we talked it over and decided that the baby’s crib can fit in our bedroom. Once we get financially set, we’ll move into a larger apartment.” August smiled from ear to ear as he laid out their plan.

Bryson’s face read of embarrassment and appreciation. He was broken-hearted that his secret was out, but relieved at the same time because he was tired of being alone. He forgot what it was like to have friends. He looked out of the side of his eye, and smirked. “Ok, fine. You found out the truth, but I really don’t deserve to have happiness. My selfishness resulted in the death of my parents, so I deserve to be where I am.”

August frowned. “God doesn’t operate out of punishment. He wants us to learn from our mistakes and live. You didn’t cause that plane to crash. Besides, your parents are in a more peaceful place and I know they would want you to be at peace as well.”

This was by far the kindest gesture anyone had ever extended to him. Tears filled his eyes. “I could never take a room from your new baby!”

“Well, good thing we weren’t ASKING you, we’re just letting you know that it’s ready when you are,” August replied with a hint of sarcasm.

Bryson began thinking about the life he lived for the past five years and decided it was time for a change, so he accepted the offer. He moved in the next day, but the transition was very uncomfortable for him. At first he stayed in his room, in order to stay out of the way, and still went to the library every day. Since he had his old colleagues’ contact information in his notebook, he began reaching out to them to help him find a job. With the work ethic he had, it wasn’t difficult to get his old job back. He was also able to get August an entry-level position, to get him started with his career.

Life was going well! Bryson had a new lease on life, with his new family. One day, while in the office, he noticed red spots on his skin and experienced frequent chills. He’d been ignoring these symptoms for a few weeks, but decided to schedule a doctor’s appointment. He went, without telling anyone. After many tests, Bryson was given devastating news; he had Leukemia and since it was caught too late, he only had a few weeks left to live. He was stunned, scared, and angry with God. “Why let me get a chance to start over, only to let this happen to me? You must hate me!” He laid on the hospital bed, in pain, but could only think about August and Bella. He reflected on their love and kindness, which made him realize that God couldn’t actually hate him, He sent them. Bryson looked at his notebook, and went through each of the pages. He reread them, from beginning to end. He now knew what he needed to do. He found an empty page and wrote vigorously. He then got dressed and left.

He went through dinner a little more silent than normal. He stared at the couple and said “I truly love you both!”

“We love you too,” they said in unison.

“Is everything ok,” August asked.

“Absolutely, I’m just a bit tired, so I’m going to turn in early. Goodnight!”

When morning came, August went to Bryson's room to wake him up, only to find his lifeless cold body on the bed. He checked his pulse, but nothing. He panicked and called 911 immediately! The ambulance came, only to confirm that Bryson was gone. August and Bella were heartbroken. How could this happen? As August sat in Bryson’s room, he noticed a letter addressed to him and Bella.

To My Family,

If you’re reading this, I’m already gone. You have no idea how much you have impacted my life. You opened your hearts and home to me without knowing much about me. I guess that’s what faith is. In you helping me, I wondered how I could repay you. Well God took care of that. I found out yesterday that I have Leukemia, but it’s too late to treat. This sucks! We were having fun, why this? But God helped me realize that it’s not a tragedy at all, but my opportunity to bless you. My lawyer’s address is below. Please go to his office and he will explain everything. You allowed me to experience God on Earth and now it’s my time to see him and my parents in a new way. I will forever love you both!

The tears streamed down August’s eyes, but he got Bella and headed out to the lawyer.

“Hello Mr and Mrs. Brown. I’m Reginald Marshall, Bryson’s attorney. Bryson was very specific about his wishes and wrote them all down in this black notebook. His parents left their wealth and estate to him when they passed, but Bryson’s guilt stopped him from using it. He lived how he did to punish himself. Well, yesterday he signed EVERYTHING over to you both, which includes the house in Los Angeles, vacation homes in Miami and Cabo, and $1.2 million dollars.”

August’s jaw dropped! He was astonished, sad, confused, and grateful all at the same time. It was an honor to be able to help someone in need, looking for nothing in return. Which is why God allowed the one he blessed to be his ultimate blessing. Who would’ve thought?


About the Creator

Stephanie Jordan

Brown Woman. Mom. Writer. Lover of my People.

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    Stephanie Jordan Written by Stephanie Jordan

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