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Who Stole Rove

Lost and Found

By Cassie FordPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Kristal, Katie and I are probably as close as sisters could be, best friends, soul mates. We are so much alike; we know what the other is thinking and feeling without being near them. That being said we are also quite different.

Uncle Bruce explained it the best. Kristal is super smart; she is the logical one and the one with the common sense. Katie is the baby, the princess, she was super smart, like a genius, but had less than no common sense. Then there is me. I am the protector, if someone hurts my sisters, and my friends they have to deal with me. I am more of the fight now ask questions later sort of a girl. I am not as rational as Kristal, but I have a tad more common sense than Katie. This was always a concern when we were together. Katie would follow me anywhere, have my back regardless, here is where the problem is.

Katie was in her first year of university in Sydney, I was staying with her for a few days while on break, she was excited to show me Penrith Westfields. We got up early and headed to the plaza. We drove into the car park- I parked my car (Rove) on the yellow level.

We spend hours shopping, by 3pm we were all shopped out. We exit the door onto the yellow level of the multi-story car park. We walk over to where we had parked the car, the last row. We walk to the spot we left Rove, parked in the middle of the row, 2 down from the pole. Empty...

"Where is Rove?" I ask, Katie shrugs

"Maybe we parked further down?" She suggests.

I was certain we hadn't, I knew exactly where I had parked. My pulse quickened, dread creps through my veins my beloved first car Rove had been stolen. Not wanting to panic Katie, I entertained her idea. We both walk up the length of the car park, looking for my car. No luck.

"Maybe we parked over there?" She says pointing to the car park across the way.

"No we didn't. I'm certain we parked exactly here." I tell her

"It can't hurt to look." We walk across to the car park; we walk up and down each row. My panic rising by the minute.

After we had spent close to an hour searching for my car, I was certain it had been stolen.

"I think someone has stolen Rove." I tell Katie.

"Do you really think?"

"Yep. We were parked on the yellow level over there. I remember exactly where we parked. The only logical answer is someone has stolen Rove."

"I think we should call Kristal." Katie says, close to tears.

"She can't do anything."

"Yes, but she should know." The three of us told each other everything.

I pull my phone from my bag and call Kristal. She picks up on the first ring. "Someone has STOLEN Rove." I blurt out, before she even has a chance to say hi.

"What?" She asks confused. "What happened?" I put the call on speaker.

"Katie and I went shopping at Penrith we parked on the yellow level. When we came out and Rove was gone. STOLEN!!!"

"Are you sure, that you parked on the yellow level and not on a level with a similar?" Kristal says.

"Ah yes. We're not idiots, we know exactly where we parked." I huff.

"Yeah, we're not idiots." Katie repeats exactly what I say.

"I'm not saying you are idiots, just maybe you parked on another level."

"Nope, no way. Rove is stolen." I was adamant.

"Yeah, he’s been stolen." Katie repeats.

"Maybe. But probably not." Kristal says remaining logical.

"Nope he’s stolen. I am going to security."

"Please don't go to security. Check the other levels first." Kristal says trying to talk us down.

"We are going to security." Katie says. "Rove is most definitely stolen."

We end the call and walk back into the plaza. We walk directly up to the security desk.

"Hi, girls how can I help you?" An overweight, balding man in a white security shirt the top buttons pulled across his chest, the shirt looked about a size or two too small asks. He stands from his seated position.

"My car has been stolen." I say.

"What happened." He asks.

"Well me and my sister were shopping for the last couple of hours. When we finished, we went to where I had parked my car, and it wasn't there. It has obviously been stolen." Katie nodding next to me.

"Do you still have your ticket?" He asks


"Well then your car has not been stolen. They can't get out without your ticket." I felt my blood pressure rising.

"I understand that they need a ticket to exit. But maybe they claimed a lost ticket?"

"Doubtful. Are you girls sure you parked where you said."

"Yes, we are not idiots." I say getting more annoyed by the second.

"Yes. We're not idiots!" Katie repeats.

"I'm not saying you are. But maybe you parked on a different level and just thought it was the yellow level."

"Nope! Someone has stolen my car." I say trying to keep my temper in check.

"Okay. What sort of car is it?" He asks.

"A 1992 mazda 626."

"No-one stole, that car love."

Now I was annoyed. "Rove is a very nice car." Whipping my hands on my hip.

"Yeah. It’s a very nice car." Katie says, she always has my back regardless.

"Look. I understand what you are saying, but I suggest looking on other levels. If you still can't find it then come back." He said taking a seat.

"Come on Bub, let’s go. This Rent-a- cop is clearly no help." Katie and I walk off in a huff.

We get to the lifts, near the door, "Maybe we should just look on another level?" Katie says.

"Fine. But I am certain we parked here."

We get into the elevator, and we descend two levels to the orange level. The doors open and we walk towards the exit which did look a little familiar. We walk onto the orange level, we walk to where I was certain I had parked two levels up, and there sat my beloved Rove.

"Someone must have moved him." I say to Katie as I unlock the door to let her in.

"Yep." Katie says nodding.

We both get into the car, as we put it into reverse, we both burst out laughing. I start to drive, still laughing. Katie calls Kristal.

"Hello." Kristal answers.

"We found Rove." Katie and I say in unison.

"So, you parked it on a different level?" She asks.

"No!" We both yell.

"No? Then what happened?"

"Someone clearly moved him." I say

"So what? You think someone found your car, broken into Rove, hotwired it? Just to move it, two levels down in the exact spot you had parked in? And then turned the car off and locked it back up?"

Katie and I exchange looks, nodding. "Yep."

"And that makes perfect sense to you two?"

"Yes, it makes complete sense" I say.

"Sure. That makes sense." Kristal says sarcastically.

"Glad you agree." We say ending the call.


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    CFWritten by Cassie Ford

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