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What is Family

Why we need it

By MaryannPublished about a year ago 3 min read
What is  Family
Photo by Imani Manyara on Unsplash


Families are one of the most important parts of our lives. They are our first source of love, security, and support. From birth, we are surrounded by our family members who help us develop into the individuals we become. Family is often considered the backbone of society, and with good reason. Families play a crucial role in shaping our personalities, values, beliefs, and behaviors. This essay aims to discuss the reasons why families are necessary.

Love and Support

Families provide unconditional love and support to each other. During times of stress or difficulty, family members can rely on one another for comfort, encouragement, and assistance. Additionally, families teach us how to love and care for others. Children who are brought up in loving households are more likely to develop healthy relationships and understand the importance of mutual respect, trust, and compassion.

Moreover, family support plays a significant role in shaping the emotional and mental well-being of an individual. When someone feels loved and supported, they are more likely to have higher levels of self-esteem, resilience, and coping mechanisms. Conversely, those who lack support from their families may suffer from various psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-worth.

Family bond

Families are built on strong bonds that develop over time. These bonds are formed through shared experiences, memories, and traditions. Spending time with family members helps in forging these bonds, and this can happen through simple activities such as family meals, holiday celebrations, or game nights. These shared experiences foster a sense of belonging, and family members develop a shared identity and purpose.

Furthermore, the bond between family members extends beyond blood relationships. Many people consider close friends or pets as part of their family. These non-biological relationships show that the bond between individuals is not solely based on genetics but by shared experiences and the love and support they offer.

Values and beliefs

Families are the primary source of values and beliefs for individuals. From a young age, children learn from their parents and older siblings what is right and wrong, and what is considered acceptable or not. Parents pass down cultural, religious, and ethical values to their children, which help in shaping their worldview.

Moreover, families also help individuals develop their sense of identity. For example, when children learn about their cultural heritage from their parents, they develop a stronger connection to their roots and feel a sense of pride in their identity. Additionally, individuals who grow up in families with diverse values and beliefs learn the importance of tolerance, respect, and empathy towards others.

Education and learning

Families also play a crucial role in the education and development of individuals. Parents are their children's first teachers, and they teach them various skills, from basic life skills such as tying their shoes to academic skills such as reading and writing.

Learning in families also takes place through observation and imitation. Children learn by watching their parents' behaviors, attitudes, and interactions with others. Therefore, families with positive role models help children develop positive behaviors and attitudes.

Moreover, families can have a significant impact on their children's education and career choices. For example, parents who value education and encourage their children to pursue higher education can help break the poverty cycle.

Economic security

Families also provide economic security to their members. In many cultures, families are responsible for taking care of their elderly and sick members, ensuring that they have food, shelter, and healthcare. Families are also the primary source of financial support for many individuals, especially for young children.

Furthermore, families teach their children the value of money and how to manage it. Parents who teach their children how to save money and budget responsibly help prepare them for financial independence.

Social support and networks

Families are an essential source of social support for their members. They provide opportunities for socialization and connection with others. In addition, families often serve as a gateway to broader social networks, social events, and activities.

Families also provide support during significant life transitions, such as marriage, birth, and death. Family members play a vital role in helping individuals adjust to these transitions and providing emotional support during these times.


Families are necessary for the growth and development of individuals. They provide love, support, values, education, economic security, and social support to their members. While families may face challenges and disagreements, the bond that holds them together is often stronger than any disagreement. Moreover, families have a significant impact on society, and policies and programs that support families can lead to positive social outcomes such as poverty reduction, improved mental health, and higher levels of economic growth. Therefore, we need to value and invest in families to ensure they continue to thrive.

extended family

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