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What Are The Benefits Of Essential Oiling Hair For You?

Benefits Of Essential Oiling Hair

By Ria KrPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Essential Oils play an important role in guarding hair against regular wear and tear. Regular hair oiling reduces hydrate fatigue, or hair swelling and drying. Massage cover the follicle with surfactants by filling the gap between cuticle cells.Interestingly, using essential oils during a massage may help relieve stress, although the goods may only last while the massage is taking place.

"Oil helps with scalp health""When you gently massage the scalp, it helps in exfoliation, and sometimes that helps in reducing hair fall.Health benefits of diffrent types of essential oils.

Despite their wide use, little is known about the ability of essential oils to treat certain health conditions.

Garodia is a certified trichologist, or hair and scalp expert. She explains that oils have fatty acids that help replace lipids in the hair. These are lost due to chemical treatments, styling, or pollution.

"Lipids play a very important part in making the hair look and feel healthy. They help maintain the shine and gloss of hair," she says.

Massage helps strengthen the hair shaft, especially in cases of frizzy and dry hair. It's most beneficial when the massage is left in the hair overnight.

What oil should you use?

What oil you use will depend on your hair's needs.

"Different kinds of oils have different vitamins, and with direct application of these oils, the shaft of the hair gets strengthened," says Garodia.

Keep in mind that when using massage on your scalp, it may be worth testing to be sure you don't have an allergy. Do a patch test before using oil in your hair for a full treatment.

Oils used may include









According to Ayurveda, the texture and health of hair are determined by the doshas. These are believed to be bioenergy or life forces that make up the constitution of the body.

They're known as vata (wwind), pitta (ffire), and kapha (wwater and earth).

However, the hair will be thin and frizzy. If vata is high, Varalakshmi Yanamandra.

Ayurvedic practices also suggest that people with high pitta have a mix of oily and dry hair. They may also be more prone to premature greying and alopecia. Those with high Kapha have oily, thick, long, and curly hair.

Picking the right kind of oil depends largely on these factors. Then there's a list of oils suggested by our experts.

Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil is the most commonly used hair massage, especially in South Asia.

Its top fatty acid is lauric acid. It has a high affinity for hair protein, which means it can easily access the inside of the hair shaft.This makes it one of the best oils to reduce protein loss from both damaged and undamaged hair.

Having a low molecular weight, the oil is light and can easily access the hair shaft. Coconut oil can deep condition and give natural protection, and it is generally a good choice for most hair types.

Sesame oil

Ideal for Vata-type hair, sesame oil reduces frizz and may also help with split ends.

"It's high in vitamin B1, calcium, copper, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc," says Garodia. "Sesame massage also provides deep exertion to the head and smooths the hair shaft." Its antibacterial and antifungal rates may help in preventing dandruff.

Almond oil

Almond oil is lighter in weight than sesame oil but slightly thicker than coconut oil. It's a good oil for pitta types. Garodia notes that almond oil contains vitamins B, K, and E.

Vitamin E can reduce oxidative stress. One study from the Trusted Source showed a 34.5 percent increase in growth in those who supplemented orally with vitamin E for 8 months, though it's important to note that results may be veritably different when applied directly to the head.

Vitamin B7 is also known as biotin. It may also help support hair growth, though research on this topic is limited, especially when it comes to topical application.

Jaborandi oil

Jaborandi is an herbal plant from the tropical forests of South America that is used considerably in shampoos and gels.

Jaborandi is more therapeutic than most oils and may help with hair growth, nourishing a dry head, and preventing unseasonable graying. It also moisturises head and may help with split ends and dandruff.

Argan oil

Argan oil is generally known as Moroccan oil. Garodia points out that it's high in vitamins A, C, and E, antioxidants, and omega-3 adipose acids.

"It acts as a natural conditioner and helps strengthen the hair," she says.

Moringa oil

Moringa oil works well for dry hair, says Garodia. It contains oleic acid, which makes it a good moisturiser for head.

Garodia recommends using Moringa massage with a carrier oil similar to almond oil.

Bhringraj or Amla oil

We recommends bhringraj oil or amla oil for pitta hair types in addition to the oils mentioned above. Both oils are cooling and help to balance the pitta dosha.

Banyan Botanicals offers a formulation, especially for hair oiling that contains bhringraj oil as well as other herbs.

We recommends using Moringa oil with a carrier oil similar to almond oil.

Bhringraj or amla oil piecemeal from the oils mentioned over, also suggests using bhringraj oil or amla oil for the pitta hair type. Both oils have a cooling effect and help balance the pitta dosha.

Banyan Botanicals offers a formulation, especially for hair massage that contains bhringraj oil as well as other herbs .

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Ria Kr

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