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Visionary parents, leave these three things to their children

It is better to give a man a fish than to teach him how to fish.

By Aydelott MassarelliPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

I had discussed with people about parents buying houses for their children, and I was quite puzzled, why some parents stayed up all their lives just to give their sons a house to marry their wives? They take the money to live a good life is not more fragrant?

Friends told me that feelings accounted for part of the concept accounted for part of the parents looking forward to their son starting a family is an important component of the task of life itself.

Later friends and flirt, if your parents leave you a suite, to leave you a fortune, you will not be happy to accept? All can be considered "white whoring", which will be too much money!

Parents, within their means, want to leave their children with the best things, and this is not wrong. But, what is the best thing to leave to their children, it is worth exploring.

For those who always want to nibble on the old man, if parents can leave themselves a large fortune, which is estimated to be the dream, can make the children live better is naturally good, but this approach is not enough visionary.

There is a saying: "It is better to teach someone to fish than to teach someone to fish."

What other people give themselves is not their own, only what they can control is their own, and this should also be the case in the education of their children so that their children can grow up with a value in a subtle way.

In fact, as a parent, leaving these three things to your children is the real vision.

01: The experience of running a marriage

Why are there parents who have no feelings but are still forcefully tied together?

The reason is for the sake of the children, they are afraid that the children can not accept the fact that their parents are divorced, to create a good family atmosphere for the children, even if they are forcibly tied to two people.

Not to mention whether this is the best approach, but compared to those parents who fought and cursed in front of their children, they are more responsible.

Even if their marriage is only superficial, they still want to leave some positive energy to their children.

Parents, who have been around for most of their lives, have a deeper understanding of life and marriage, and some of this understanding can be taught to their children who have no experience in marriage.

Of course, a harmonious marriage is a valuable experience, while some disharmonious marriages tend to let children go astray so that children do not grow up healthy.

Those childhood injuries often take a lifetime to heal, after all, the younger they are, the less the concept of right and wrong, for many things they can only be the most intuitive point of view to judge, fear and fear will multiply, and finally become a character defect.

Therefore, parents, should do a good example, do not treat marriage arbitrarily, later, this kind of experience in running a marriage subtly influences their children, so that they can go more smoothly in the future of marriage.

02: Good family spirit

In "Mengzi Kills a Pig", there is a story that

Zen Z's wife went to the market, and her son was crying while following her. His mother (Zen Z's wife) said, "Go back and kill a pig for you when I get home."

When his wife returned from the market, Zen Z was about to catch a pig and kill it, but she stopped him and said, "I was only joking with a child."

But Zoning said, "A child is not to be joked with. A child does not know anything and is dependent on his parents to learn and to listen to their teachings. Now when you deceive him, you are teaching him to learn to deceive. When a mother deceives her son, the son will not trust his mother, and this is not the way to teach a child."

So Zen Z immediately killed the pig and cooked the meat for dinner.

Family style, is a family slowly accumulated, and finally entrenched in an idea, in this process of transmitting ideas, such as the predecessor can not be implemented, then the corresponding offspring can not receive, let alone continue down the line.

Whether a family thrives or not, the power of family spirit cannot be ignored, after all, in addition to their hard work, a person's bones hidden in the quality are very important.

Therefore, as a parent, leaving a good family spirit to their children is the real vision.


03: The hope of being born

Read a story like this.

A man was imprisoned for no reason, and he was worried that his children at home would be in disarray and unable to take care of themselves, so he asked someone to bring a message to his children, telling them that there was gold in the ground in their backyard and that they should go turn it over in the ground.

The sons and daughters were obedient and turned the ground over but found no wealth.

Later, looking at the ground that had been turned up, they thought it would be a shame to leave it untouched, so they planted seeds in the ground.

When the seeds grew into a crop that could be harvested, the children sold the crop and went over the land again, but they still found nothing. Disappointed, they planted the seeds in the ground again, and so on, and the gold was never found, and the crops were harvested for several seasons.

Until one day the children were suddenly blessed and realized that the gold their father was talking about was the crop in the ground and that the hope they insisted on finding was their efforts.

Compared to a fortune, the hope that lives on is real gold.

The only way for a person to go on until the end of his life is to have a living hope.

Therefore, as a parent, it is a true vision to give your children a living hope.

Everyone who comes into this world is like a blank sheet of paper and needs to be taught how to leave their splendor on their blank sheet of paper, of which parents become our first teachers.

The influence of parents on their children is not so much in everything, but in those things that matter, the decisions made by children will influence parents.

Parents don't have to think of money as the only asset they can leave behind.

A truly visionary parent leaves these three things to their children: the experience of running a marriage, good family traditions, and the hope to live on.


About the Creator

Aydelott Massarelli

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

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