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Vaillant boiler error codes: f75, f73, f72, f61, f2

Vaillant boiler error codes

By Same Andesron Published 4 months ago 3 min read

Boilers are essential for maintaining a comfortable and warm environment within our homes. Vaillant boilers, renowned for their reliability, can occasionally encounter error codes, disrupting their normal operation. Understanding these boiler error codes, such as f75, f73, f72, f61, and f2, is crucial to address potential issues promptly and restore the boiler's functionality.

Vaillant Boiler Error Codes Explained

1. F75 Error Code: Pressure Sensor Issue

The f75 error code is commonly associated with a pressure sensor problem. This issue usually occurs when the boiler's pressure is too low or too high. Low pressure might lead to inefficient heating or even complete shutdown, while high pressure can strain the system.

Solution: Firstly, check the pressure gauge on the boiler. If it's below 1 bar, repressurize the system following the manufacturer's instructions. If the pressure exceeds 2 bars, release some water to reduce the pressure. If the problem persists, contact a certified technician to inspect and possibly replace the pressure sensor.

2. F73 Error Code: Gas Valve Issue

When the boiler displays the f73 error code, it indicates a problem with the gas valve. This could mean the valve isn't opening correctly, impeding the boiler's ability to ignite and function properly.

Solution: Reset the boiler by turning it off and on. If the error persists, do not attempt further DIY fixes due to the gas-related issue. Contact a Gas Safe registered engineer to diagnose and resolve the problem safely.

3. F72 Error Code: Flame Detection Issue

An f72 error code points towards issues with the boiler's flame detection mechanism. It could imply a faulty sensor or an actual problem with the burner's ignition.

Solution: Try resetting the boiler initially. If the error persists, it's advisable to contact a qualified technician. They can conduct a thorough inspection to identify whether the flame detection component needs cleaning, repair, or replacement.

4. F61 Error Code: Gas Valve/Flame Detection Issue

Similar to the f73 and f72 errors, an f61 code often signifies a problem with either the gas valve or the flame detection mechanism. This error may halt the boiler's ignition process.

Solution: Start by resetting the boiler. If the error recurs, contact a professional technician to diagnose the issue accurately. Attempting to address gas-related issues without proper expertise can pose safety hazards.

5. F2 Error Code: Ignition Failure

The f2 error code specifically points to an ignition failure within the boiler. It implies that the boiler isn't lighting up as it should, leading to a lack of heat.

Solution: Begin by resetting the boiler and checking for any evident issues, such as a pilot light that won't stay lit or gas supply issues. If you're unable to identify or resolve the problem, seek assistance from qualified Vaillant Service Engineers to inspect and rectify the ignition failure.


While Vaillant boilers are generally reliable, encountering error codes like f75, f73, f72, f61, or f2 can disrupt their normal operation. It's essential to respond promptly and appropriately to these error codes to prevent further complications or safety hazards.

Basic troubleshooting steps, such as resetting the boiler or checking the pressure gauge, can sometimes resolve minor issues. However, for more complex problems or those related to gas components, it's crucial to engage the expertise of certified professionals. Prioritizing safety and accuracy in diagnosing and addressing these error codes ensures the efficient functioning of your Vaillant boiler and the safety of your home.

Facing error codes on your Vaillant boiler can be frustrating, but addressing these issues promptly is crucial to ensure a comfortable home environment. If you're experiencing error codes like f75, f73, f72, f61, or f2, don't delay in seeking Vaillant Approved Service Engineers help.

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About the Creator

Same Andesron

I'm a passionate writer who finds joy and fulfillment in exploring a multitude of niches through my words. Writing isn't just my profession; it's my chosen craft and beloved hobby.

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