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the most beloved childhood snack.

In the realm of childhood

By MMPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Write a poem about your most beloved childhood snack.

In the realm of childhood's innocence, where memories sweetly dwell,

There's a cherished treasure, a snack I loved so well.

Amidst the laughter, games, and endless joy

Stood my beloved childhood snack, a delight without alloy.

Picture a kitchen, warm and bright,

Filled with aromas, a comforting sight.

But amidst the bustle, there it lay,

My cherished snack, waiting for play.

Wrapped in colors bold and bright,

A promise of joy, a pure delight.

With eager hands, I'd tear the pack,

Revealing the treasure, never to lack.

The crinkle of the wrapper, a symphony sweet,

As I unveiled the snack, my heart would beat.

Within lay a world of flavors divine,

Each bite a journey, a moment so fine.

Oh, the memories flood back, a gentle stream,

Of carefree days and childhood's dream.

With friends by my side, we'd laugh and play,

Sharing our snacks, come what may.

Crunchy and crispy, oh so divine,

In every bite, a taste so fine.

From picnics in the park to rainy days indoors,

My beloved snack, a comfort that endures.

In the tapestry of memory, it holds a place,

A symbol of childhood, of love and grace.

Through the ups and downs, it stood by me,

My beloved snack, forever free.

As the years pass by and time takes its toll,

My beloved snack remains, a treasure of the soul.

In every bite, a piece of the past,

A memory cherished, sure to last.

So here's to you, my childhood friend,

On this journey, from start to end.

In every memory, you'll forever reside,

My most beloved snack, my heart's true guide.

With every crunch and every chew,

I'm transported back, to moments so true.

Oh, how I treasure those days so sweet,

With my beloved snack, making life complete.

From sunny days to nights so fair,

My childhood snack was always there.

Though time may pass and memories fade,

You'll forever be cherished, in my heart, engraved.

In every crispy bite, a memory stored,

Of laughter and joy, of dreams explored.

You'll always hold a special place,

My beloved snack, in the heart's embrace.

So let's raise a toast to the snack of my youth,

A symbol of innocence, of purity, and truth.

Forever ingrained in the fabric of time,

My beloved snack, a memory divine.

But wait, there's more to this tale,

Of my beloved snack, beyond the veil.

For in its taste, there's a journey profound,

Through the landscapes of memory, it's found.

In the quiet moments, alone with my snack,

I'd journey through memories, never to lack.

Of childhood adventures, both big and small,

In every bite, I'd savor them all.

I'd remember the laughter, the games we'd play,

The friends I'd make along the way.

The summer days spent chasing dreams,

The winter nights lit by starry beams.

With each bite, a memory would unfold,

A treasure trove of stories, precious and bold.

From family gatherings to holidays bright,

My beloved snack was a source of delight.

But it wasn't just the taste that made it dear,

It was the memories it held, oh so clear.

Of innocence lost and wisdom gained,

In every bite, a truth remained.

For my beloved snack was more than just food,

It was a symbol of childhood, pure and good.

A reminder of days gone by,

When life was simple, and dreams could fly.

So as I sit here, reminiscing in bliss,

With my beloved snack, I find solace in this.

That no matter where life may lead,

My memories of childhood will forever feed.

For in the taste of my beloved snack,

I find the essence of all I lack.

In its flavors, I find my past,

A journey of love, sure to last.

So here's to you, my childhood delight,

My beloved snack, shining so bright.

In your taste, I find my soul,

A journey of memories, making me whole.


About the Creator


I'm a writer Content and Blogger www.egyportsaid.blogspot.com

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