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The Legend of the Three Trees

A Christian Story for Easter and Always

By Ashley Hansen Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read

With Easter around the corner, I wanted to share this sweet story I recently happened upon! If you haven't read this tale before, you're not alone because I hadn't heard of it myself. I had done a search online for Christian Easter Books and someone else had recommended it on their blog of books, much like I’m doing now!

Anyways, I had no idea what it was about but I placed the book on hold through our local library. I know I've mentioned before that we practically live at the local library because my daughter is a book worm, and who am I kidding, so am I — but truly the library is the greatest place for accessing reading material. If you don’t have a library card, this is your reminder to go get one!

So eventually this little book, The Legend of the Three Trees, was delivered to our local library and we brought it home in our book box with the rest of our weekly book haul.

Now, even though I had personally not ever read this story before, it is very likely going to be purchased book very soon and will be joining our permanent collection.

And it's not because the illustrations are incredible and breathtaking... because they aren’t.

And it’s not because the cover captivated my attention… because it didn’t.

Am I ever glad that I did not judge this book by it's cover, though! You’ll see why!

The book is a very simple story that has an incredible truth to to be told! Let me give you a sweet little synopsis here:

It tells of three seeds that are planted: an olive seed, an oak seed and a pine seed. These seeds grow into their own individual trees with desires to be their own great and beautiful thing one day. Don't we all have desires to become these great and wonderful people here doing the things and following the desires we have set in our hearts? Ah, the parallels.

The olive tree hoped that it would become a luxurious treasure chest some day. Seems reasonable right? That olive tree really desired to be adorned with sparkling gems and precious jewels one day, but God's plan for that olive tree was to be crafted skillfully into a simple feeding box, one that became the meager manger for the most precious gem of all. Wow... it gives me goosebumps every single time. The path of that olive tree was vastly different than it had imagined but incredibly important and powerful.

The potent reminder of God's profound and powerful purposes for each and every one of our lives continues to inspire in this book with two more trees and their journey in life.

The oak tree hoped that it would be fashioned into a remarkable ship that would sail royalty across the seas. God's plan for that oak tree, however, was to become a scanty fishing boat that carried Jesus through a strong surging storm where he calmed the winds and waves with a single word. It's both humbling and heartening to be reminded of the ways that God can use us...

The pine tree hoped that it would stand tall on the mountainsides and be able to point people to God. Except, God's plan for that pine tree was for it to be turned into the heavy wooden cross that Jesus would carry and die on to save us all from our sins. The cross would become the greatest symbol of God's great love for them. Please excuse me while I weep...

The story concludes with the reminder that God's plans are rarely our plans, but His plans are always best.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

Who knew this little legend about three trees was such a solid little story! I’m so grateful that we’ve had the pleasure of enjoying this story numerous times over the last week! This tiny tale truly holds a tremendous teaching within it and it's worthy of sitting on your shelves to be shared with your family.

Hoping your local library has a copy you can delight in as much as we did!

Happy Reading!


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About the Creator

Ashley Hansen

Just a Jesus-loving former teacher turned homeschool mama of 2 precious girls who writes stuff sometimes.

My near-death experience story (A Moment with God) is pinned below.

My educational content and other stories follow thereafter.

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