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The Confident Birthplan

Ultimate 3 Step Guide to Taking Control of Your Pregnancy so that you can deliver like a BOSS

By Priscilla WessonPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

I am so excited that you’ve taken me up on this Confident Birthplan.

I know that you want to feel in control of your pregnancy and birth and I want to help you turn that dream into a reality.

I get it. You’re tired of feeling like you are just a number at the doctors office. You’ve been trying to nicely voice your concerns but your just not being taken seriously. You are so tired of people telling you what you should and should not be doing, or that you're overreacting ( I’ve been there myself). Am I right?

I’ve designed this guide to help you through the process of taking CONTROL, from choosing your provider, to who and what is in your delivery space.


I know you have been on different Facebook threads, researching if other expecting mama’s are feeling this way or if your crazy. What we really need to do is change your mindset! WHOA!

In my Confident Birthplan, I went from feeling powerless and overwhelmed, to the PILOT of my pregnancy and birth. With this guide you can follow along without wondering what your next steps should be.

Don't worry I’VE GOT YOU!

Other than a moving baby, what is keeping you up at night? What thoughts are spinning around in your head??

In order to address the issue we need to locate it first.

Now maybe you’ve asked yourself these questions, or maybe you have never thought to even ask yourself these things. But I want you to start thinking and assessing.

Now the questions below are not all inclusive, but are there to give you an idea of some things you SHOULD be assessing.

Read each item and give an honestly!


Do you feel rushed at your prenatal appointments ?

Do you feel that your concerns are being addressed?

Are you able to express your true thoughts regarding your pregnancy/delivery concerns?


I am so excited that you’ve taken me up on this Confident Birthplan.

I know that you want to feel in control of your pregnancy and birth and I want to help you turn that dream into a reality.

I get it. You’re tired of feeling like you are just a number at the doctors office. You’ve been trying to nicely voice your concerns but your just not being taken seriously. You are so tired of people telling you what you should and should not be doing, or that you're overreacting ( I’ve been there myself). Am I right?

I’ve designed this guide to help you through the process of taking CONTROL, from choosing your provider, to who and what is in your delivery space.


I know you have been on different Facebook threads, researching if other expecting mama’s are feeling this way or if your crazy. What we really need to do is change your mindset! WHOA!

In my Confident Birthplan, I went from feeling powerless and overwhelmed, to the PILOT of my pregnancy and birth. With this guide you can follow along without wondering what your next steps should be.

Don't worry I’VE GOT YOU!

Other than a moving baby, what is keeping you up at night? What thoughts are spinning around in your head??

In order to address the issue we need to locate it first.

Now maybe you’ve asked yourself these questions, or maybe you have never thought to even ask yourself these things. But I want you to start thinking and assessing.

Now the questions below are not all inclusive, but are there to give you an idea of some things you SHOULD be assessing.

Read each item and give an honestly!


Do you feel rushed at your prenatal appointments ?

Do you feel that your concerns are being addressed?

Are you able to express your true thoughts regarding your pregnancy/delivery concerns?

My Support System

Is my spouse/partner mentally prepared for delivery day?

Does your spouse know how you want to be supported that day?

Am I comfortable with family being in my birth space?

Do I want them in my birth space?

How soon or late do i want visitors if any?

My Birth Plan

Have you thought about delivery yet?

Did you start preparing for delivery day( mentally, Physically)?

Did you draft your birth plan yet?

Have you decided who you want to be with you during your birth? (ex. Doula, Spouse, Family or No one)

For any response that was not in your favor, I would like for you to take a few seconds to think about why that could be.


My concerns are not being addressed at my prenatal appointments. I do not feel like they are being taken seriously. Even if they are minor or tiny concerns.

My mother in law wants to be in the delivery room but I am not sure that I am comfortable with that.

I haven't thought about delivery because im afraid to think about it. The baby will come one way or the other


Why am I allowing this to happen?

I have been here. I have done this. I have asked myself this question over and over. We are allowing ourselves to be a passenger in our own pregnancy and birth.

This is YOUR body.

This is YOUR birth.

And Therefore The Call is YOURS!

That's right sis! You are the Boss!

When it comes to our providers, for some reason we tend to have a lesser standard for service than any other place we go for service. If you are not satisfied with your provider GET A NEW ONE.

Yes I said it!

You are paying for a service. Whether you are self pay, insured, or whatever the case may be. YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER. And should be treated as nothing less.

When it comes to your birth SPACE, if there is a person in mind that you thought about having their, if that person irritates you on a normal day, just imagine how irritating they will be when you are 10 cm dilated with a human ejecting themselves through your pelvis. Think about it.

The only people that should be allowed in your birth space are those that are going to do nothing but support you.

I don't care if it's the first grandchild or the 100th. You ALONE get to decide who is in the room.

Not your SPOUSE.

Not your MOM.

Not your MOM-in-LAW.

YOU! Because you are the BOSS and it is your show

Now that you’ve changed your position from passenger to PILOT, it's a whole new world. You can communicate how you really feel and what you really want (and don’t want)!

And let’s not assume that people can read our minds, or know by our facial expressions and subtle comments, that they know what we want. We have to communicate it. And no this is not easy, but it is a MUST! Without communicating our true desires we can not see change. Why? Because they don’t know what you want.

Seems simple right? Because it is that simple. Communication is key.

Tips for difficult conversations .

-Don’t communicate the difficult stuff when you are fired up. Take a breath , eat a snack, and then think about what it is you need to get across. Then set a time to sit and have that “talk”.

-Be Direct! When we sugar coat things, people miss the message. It’s important to acknowledge the positive, but still be direct in your message.

-Start small. One issue at a time. We can’t tear down an entire wall because of one hole. Change takes time .

Keep in mind the sooner you start doing this, the less stressed you will feel. And we need that stress level down there’s a baby baking in there !

Being a stronger you is the best thing that you can do for you and your baby.

I have been where you are. I have also done what you want to do. I have helped my clients do the same. And now it’s your turn! Yep, YOU! Let's strategize together!


About the Creator

Priscilla Wesson

I’m an advocate and coach on a mission to support moms to be with taking control of their healthcare, locating person centered care for pregnancy , and creating the birth experience they desire.

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