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The Chaos Of Toys

Adult-Proof Kids Toys

By Crystal C.Published 3 years ago 3 min read

If you're like me in this day and age where you have a child, or two, you more than likely have a never ending hoard of toys everywhere. Stuffed in ever box, in the closet, under the bed toys everywhere. Having a child that has just celebrated a birthday you amass more to your growing hoard of cars, bubbles and dinosaurs and wonder "where the heck am I going to put this all?!".

I've actively tossed and donated so, so many toys. As I stare in disbelief of the giant pile of clothes too small and broken toys I wonder how we keep accumulating so many toys?!

Don't get me started on the weird toys of today. Back in my day we had the simple dolls and play things, but how in the world is my children supposed to play with a squishy poo or a plastic character that vomits, or the nightmare inducing dolls that are disproportional and have teeth that are purposely ugly.

I can say that I one hundred percent do not understand the toy market today. It seems like they make some weird, outlandish thing and slap in the toy section and people still buy it! Not only are todays toys weird, I swear they are adult-proof.

I can't tell you how many times my kids have gotten new toys and I'm googling and looking at the box in a confusion on how to get it together. Like a Mickey Mouse chair and table set, that my husband says I put the bolt in the chair wrong but I digress. Or the new dinosaur building puzzle my child got for his birthday.

I can say a simple toy can for sure be so confusing. I'd start to build the pieces to the body and head and realize it's backwards, or upside down, or I put everything but the tail on and I have to deconstruct the whole damn thing again to add the tail.

Though as some toys annoy me, like the one's that never shut off and the batteries "mysteriously disappear" to my sons dismay, some I find myself playing with even after he's done. Like his Play-Doh, or the Nerf guns he was gifted, or the weird Queen Alien action figure he has from Alien vs Predator only because for some reason the action of it's baby mouth shooting out is entertaining to me.

I can't help but have this bad habit every time we go to the store and my son bats his eyes at me, cocks his head and puts his hands to his face and goes "pweeaaasee mommy" and we leave the store with more cars because by golly, I can't say no to that, but then we get home and my husband wonders where not only the cars came from, but the fruit snacks as well and I suddenly "don't remember" if you catch my drift. What fruit snacks, what are you talking about??

As often as I do say "no" though, we still have managed to create a tiny hoard toys. Even if I do continue to keep stepping on his cars and pointy things and curse all of them, I'll probably be the reason the place we donate to has a surplus of toys.

I'm sure I'll always happily get the next toy my kids beg for or want, even the really confusing, loud or noisy ones. Because even with all the chaos these silly toys bring me, my children love them, and I'll do anything to see their eyes light up, see them smile and laugh.


About the Creator

Crystal C.

I love tacos, tequila and my kids ❤

I'm stressy, messy and depressy and try to be as real as I can be.

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