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By Marie A. Diaz-CervoPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Outsite Co on Unsplash

At Cisco's home things were never boring especially with two teenagers that were going through hormonal changes, the communication would be between their friends that were the most important people in their lives. Theresa would usually find out later, thank God it was only once a year that Thalia the children's birth mom would be in the same state as The Jean.

Theresa lived with her three sisters and two brothers at her grandma's house, there was always a set of cousins that lived with us before their parents would send for them to go to the USA.

She was starting to feel better after she cried out to God, the father that has been there for her. She was watching after her niece Angie and she gave her niece some medicine because she was coughing. Angie was three years old and Theresa thought that was the most beautiful age because she had a great spirit especially when you treated them good. She remembered when she first starts seeing her husband, his daughter Vicky was two and a half years old was so beautiful with a great soul. Theresa would hug and kissed her, she raised her like she was her own flesh and blood.

The day after Mat's teenage daughter got her driver's license, they usually go to school together but their thirteen-year-old got sick and had to stay home in bed. Their teenager said to Theresa " are you coming with us" she just assumed that she was just going to take the car without asking. She lol and told her yes and that she was not going to take the car and told her to come upstairs. Theresa said to her did you asked me if you can use the car or did you just assumed that you automatically take the car. She told her that she needs to get food for her sister that was sick and it is her car, therefore, she needs to ask. Theresa looked at her and felt all the confidence that she had and told her to learn to be humble. A car is a big responsibility and he would off make sense if she asked. The next day Vicky went to Mat's sister house and came back to Maria's car.

He asked Theresa if Giana could come to his birthday party, she answered yes without the knowledge that Vicky wanted her to sleepover. Everything was going great and Jude started to teased Theresa that Giana was going to sleep in her bed. It did not make sense to her, therefore, she just laughed at him since they were drinking. It was ten forty-five pm and Marc and Vicky still didn't take Giana home, Theresa was always looking out for the welfare of others that was one of her weaknesses. Theresa asked Jude when was Marc was going to take Giana home. It was raining hard and he was still joking about Giana was going to sleep in Theresa's bed. She knew that it was the devil pushing her button. Her youngest sister, Erica, asked her earlier if she could drive with her because she was afraid to drive in the rain with her three children. When she came to asked if Theresa was ready to go, Jude thought she was talking about Giana and he got upset in front of his sister Grenchen and her husband Mario. Theresa said to him God forbidden if I were going to take Giana home, you would off-break my neck. After her outburst she left the patio and went inside, he came and told her that he'll have a talk later with her. Her sister drove her car and followed the team from the business. On Sunday Jude and the children did not go to church but she went. On the way there, she texted him because she wanted peace by telling him that all the issues were the miscommunication. He texted her so why your stupid attitude. Her text back you missed it, the insult does n' t stop. The next day, in front of his sister Gretchen and his nieces he accused her of taking two thousand dollars from the bank accounts. She tried to defend herself, but that did not work then she decided to investigate what happened to the money, she found out that the bank was holding the money. Her text him and explained what happened with the check and told him that it was not necessary to accuse her especially in front of his sister and his nieces but his text no accusation just verification. She was going to answer that she took the money as Eddy's wife took the fifteen thousand dollars and said think about it that she could be a whore, a thief it did not matter. He was still upset and he slept on the couch downstairs, he has been sleeping there for two weeks. One day he woke up screaming that he was dying, she went downstairs and checked on him and helped him to get off the couch. All the windows were closed and the ceiling fan was off that was the reason he ends up having vertigo.


About the Creator

Marie A. Diaz-Cervo

I am from Brooklyn, NYC. Graduated with degree in Applied Behavioral Sciences My daughter is an entrepreneur, and my son is a model at Presence Model Management and an MMA fighter, and they are both black belts in Shotokan.

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