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Teenage lad dressed as his mum and stole her ID to buy MD 20/20

Ross Elliot came up with the plan after being denied alcohol for being too young.

By Ned BarrPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Mums the word: Teenager wears women's clothes to buy MD 20/20

We have all been there at one point in our lives.

Literally every person in the world who has ever been a teenager will know the feeling of being denied drink from the off sales or a pub because they were too young to buy it legally.

Every adult will be able to recall a time when they have been stood on a street corner on a Friday night asking random people to go in for your bottle, from the days of Thunderbird, Buckfast, Mad Dod, Frosty Jack, and White Lightening to the current favourites of Dragon Soup or Four Loko, at least once, there's no use in denying it.

We have all used every tactic under the sun to get our hands on our favourite tipple before we were old enough to buy it for ourselves.

But one young lad from Ayrshire took things to a whole new level after being denied time and time again while trying to get drink for a house party, also known as an "empty", that was taking place that night.

Ross wearing his mum's clothes.

With time running out to get his bottle of Orange Mad Dod 20/20, Ross Elliot had no other choice... but to dress up in his mum's clothes and steal her ID.

The 17-year-old had always been told how much he looked like this 43-year-old mum Jayne all his life, so he felt it would be a natural transition.

And he was right....

Like a scene out of classic comedy SuperBad, when Fogell purchases a fake ID called McLovin and gets served booze for a party with the cool kids, Ross took it one step further and created a whole new alter-ego as the woman who gave birth to him.

He raided her wardrobe for her favourite jacket, scarf and flowery blouse topped off with a matching hat and big pair of sunglasses to hide his youthfulness in the eyes.

He also wore he Ayrshire Council ID badge around his neck like a necklace to add to the illusion.

As bold as brass he swaggered into a local shop that had orange MD on the shelves and took it up to the cashier who served him, no questions asked.

As his confidence grew, he added a bottle of vodka to the purchase and left the shop, back to his mates who had been waiting to see how he got in.

The plan worked and the teenager got his Mad Dog.

The teenage legend was greeted like a returning hero when his mate's seen he had the goods, before heading off for a quick change of clothes and off to his party where he no doubt had the time of his life...

As for his mum? She was none of the wiser of what happened until, like any teenager in the modern world, he couldn't resist a boast on social media.

His story and attached pictures quickly caught on and was shared over 25,000 times after being picked up by popular Facebook comedy page, The Glasgow Gospel.

But not everyone was convinced of his motives, with one commentator questioning if he was just looking for an excuse to wear his mum's clothes.

Commenting on the Facebook post, Paul Mc Gowan said: "Too many questions... if he's genuinely trying to look like a woman who is in her 40s, who's going to ask for ID.

"And what kind of place accepts that as ID anyway? Christ it does not even have a Date Of Birth on it.

"He was just clearly rumbled getting drunk and wearing his mum's clothes and needed a way to put a non-weird spin on it."

What's your thoughts? Teenage genius ? Or too much time on his hands?

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    NBWritten by Ned Barr

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