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What do you think makes someone successful ?

By IAM SimplyShanPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash

When you hear the word success , what instantly comes to mind ?

Before you answer , take your time and really think about it .

What does success mean to you ?

What does it look like ?

What do you think makes someone successful ?

Is it solely based on money?

A wealthy family?

Is it someone, dripped in designer ?

A foreign car?

An exponential IQ point?

A childhood with no turmoil?

Those are some pretty thought provoking questions , I know . And guess what ? There is no one or right way to answer any of them either.

So the question remains, Is there one thing that makes someone more likely to be successful than another?

From a young age we are all told what success looks like . Depending on what your ethnic background is , success to you may mean something totally different. I know for me , I thought only a certain minority was privileged to success. I say this and a Black Woman myself. This belief was based on my environment and what I seen on television and movies . For example , many best selling movies , the storylines all portray black people as broken , under achievers and poverty. I mean , can we be to blame ? This has gone around for centries. Circulating this narrative that in order to be successful , you have a few choices . Go to school and hope to land a good job in your field, get drafted into some scholarship and later make international , that currency exchange money. Or in the streets , survival of the fittest lifestyle . Let’s be honest , you don’t really hear many talk with substance or purpose .

If the conversations were different and included stocks , crypto , legacy , more laughter , more joy , more peace , more understanding for one another . It would allow for more success within the Black Community.

You may have also heard variations of the word “good”. All from good grades, good schools, good jobs, good money.

From my point of view, I want to share with you my new profound outlook, on the word success. This is after , reading several literature, having conversations with those who have attained what society may deem as success . One thing some had in common, was acknowledging that somewhere along the line they lacked peace , happiness and vision / purpose. They got caught up with physical positions but neglected within. They also happiness and purpose .

Through observation, I want to share and I want you to know that real success is very far from these things deemed as good .

True success should be measured by your own accord and not by societal norms. When you think of the word Success, the word Happiness should come up next. Scale them and really take inventory.

“I found that ultimately if you truly pour your heart into what you believe in — even if it makes you vulnerable — amazing things can and will happen.” - Emma Watson


What is your Faith account, looking like ?

Yes you read that correctly , your Faith Account. Quite similar to a bank account , what is the ratio of deposits and withdrawals ?

I say that to say , contrary to what many believe , Faith is the REAL currency behind all of our dreams coming true.

When you become aligned with your heart’s deepest desires and make decisions from a place of your highest good, your success is INEVITABLE.

But you must take action...inspired action that is.

Now please remember, the phrase “Faith without works is dead “. In essence, You can pray for hours, days , years but not actively working towards your goals and dreams . How can they really come to fruition?

To be honest , this is something that took me some time to really grasp and understand. Sometimes I have to remind myself , every now and again .

Anything great requires work, especially attaining success. I am not going to sit here and paint you a sugar coated picture that all you have to do is close your eyes and visualize your dreams and *poof,* they’ll appear out of thin air. I’d be lying if I told you this was easy.

Success should not be measured solely by your circumstances. It should be measured by the CHOICES you make in life.

By Frederik Löwer on Unsplash


Abundance is not always big and shiny.


Purpose is not always outwardly beautiful.


Love can show up rusty, broken, uncomfortable and still be more than enough. It just requires you to open your eyes wide, to really see it.


Success is knowing your life is filled with abundance.

Success is always doing your absolute best, in all things.

Success is taking care of your mental health, honoring mind, body, and spirit.

Success is loving you so you can show that love to others.

Success is in the little things.

Success is celebrating small victories.

Success is learning something new each day.

There are no limitations on what’s possible.” Jessica Alba

Re define what success means to you , and go all in.

The only thing that matters is that you honor yourself through your decisions, values, and ways of being. Making happiness , good health, peace, and compassion to the forefront.

This is real success. Everything else is just background noise.

Stay Radiant



About the Creator

IAM SimplyShan

Analytical, Food for thought stories and experiences through my eyes.


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