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Stormy Inheritance

How Nature's Fury Restored a Young Girl's Life

By Key BurnsPublished 3 years ago 29 min read

Stormy Inheritance

How Nature’s Fury Restored a Young Girl's Life

Piper’s long red hair blew in the wind as the rain poured down. Covering the newly planted seeds with tarps silently she prayed the new roots would not be destroyed during the hurricane. Sudden storms are common in North Carolina but the purple and green clouds above concerned Piper. Those colors meant hail, or worse, tornadoes. Just yesterday it was sunny and Piper enjoyed the day planting her newly planted seedlings into their containers. Her sustainable farm provides food for her local community and these seedlings' value was immeasurable to the food bank in a few months.

Slipping in the mud and completing the tarps an emergency alert sounded on Piper’s Android. Quickly looking at the phone a tornado alert for her area screamed out to take cover in a safe place. Quickly grabbing her two chickens and dog she hurried indoors to sit inside her stone fireplace as it had stood through storms for 200 years it was the safest place. Crawling inside the large fireplace she listened and waited for the storm to come. Her mother had done this with her as a child, they would sit inside the large space to await the ending of storms. Piper with her stuffed animals and snack bag storms came and went through the years and it had become a place of safety and warmth even without a blazing fire.

Looking into her dog, Bart’s, deep brown eyes and black and white face Piper hoped her seedlings would withstand the wind. The wind howled and crackling sounds came from above. Piper worried about the roof and the tin she could hear being ripped off.

“At least we have this stone fireplace Bart.” Piper whispered to her dog.

Raging on the sounds became louder and louder. Asleep, her two chickens Esme and Olivia, were safe in their crate. Piper wondered how they could sleep through the pounding sounds of wind and rain as nature unleashed her fury upon this land. After what seemed like hours, the wind subsided. Rain still fell but the drizzle remaining contained none of the energy of the passing storm. Checking her phone Piper saw no signal. To be safe she waited in silence until she could just hear the rain in its steady drizzle falling on the roof. Just as she thought about leaving the safety of the fireplace, the siren blared. The siren was the community’s way of letting everyone know the storm had passed and to report in to the fire department for a head count.

Exiting the fireplace, deciding to leave Esme and Olivia where they were for the moment, Piper and Bart went out of the front door to assess the damages from the storm. Her roof was intact except for the normal leaks. Grateful for the pots she placed beneath the holes Piper noted their fullness. Once outside she noticed all of the downed trees and her ripped tarps. Her berry patch looked as if a giant had walked through it with a hedge trimmer.

“Tornado!”, she gasped.

“I wonder how big it was,” she asked Bart who gazed up at her. “We better head over to the fire department Bart.” Piper said.

Getting into her old pickup Piper pumped the accelerator three times and turned the key. It rumbled and turned over. “Whew.” she smiled at Bart sitting on the front seat next to her. The front seat was covered with an afgan her mother knitted for her many years ago. Piper remembered the many nights being snuggled into it during evening stories read by her mother. Somehow, after her mother passed, it was a way of keeping her mother with her when she drove around. Brushing the lavender knit with her hand, she pressed the brake and shifted into reverse.

Driving to the fire department Piper saw the devastation with the many trees down. Thankfully no power lines were down on the road she travelled along. Wires were always trouble after a storm and it required detours. Living in a small town the fire department depends on the community to know where hazards are in order to make sure everyone is safe.

Pulling into the fire department, Piper took note of all the people assembled. John Ed was there with his clipboard taking attendance just like a school yard. Getting out of the truck, Piper greeted all the people in the parking lot and helped make coffee in the large pots, placing filters and grounds carefully into the three pots connected to the power from the fire department’s generator.

As people gathered and shared their experiences and damage, Kevin, the fire chief wrote it all down on his clipboard. Piper looked around for Aunt Lil. Aunt Lil wasn’t really her aunt, everyone just called her that. Aunt Lil taught the children how to make strawberry jam at Piper’s farm. She was after all the best teacher having won the county fair ten years running.

“Hey Kev,” called Piper. “Has Aunt Lil checked in?”

“Not yet Piper.”, Kevin responded.

“Well, shouldn’t someone go check on her?” asked Piper, walking purposefully over to the chief.

“Piper, I gotta get all these damages written down right now. She’ll turn up.”

“Mind if I go?” asked Piper, a feeling in the pit of her stomach starting to churn.

“Sure, but if you can’t get through due to wires, Y'all come right back and let me know. You hear?”

“Yes chief.” Piper answered.

Aunt Lil was very important to Piper. She was there every day when Piper’s mother passed. Making sure she ate soup and staying at night so Piper could sleep. She was tough, Aunt Lil, and Piper knew deep inside everyone believed she was just fine. There was something inside Piper however, that felt the opposite.

Pulling down the long windy dirt road Piper noticed how many tall pine trees lay across the road. “Gosh,” she said aloud. “This road looks like my berry patch, it hit here the hardest.” Noticing the wires hanging in the trees and some standing water up ahead Piper looked at Bart sitting on the front seat beside her. “I know, I know, Kev said to come back. But look Bart with all these trees down Aunt Lil’s house may be crushed.” Bart yawned and looked at her. “Four wheel drive it is….” Shifting her truck into four wheel drive Piper drove off the winding road through the field to get to Aunt Lil’s house. Getting stuck a few times in the sloppy mud she pressed the accelerator and flew through the open field.

Arriving at the back of Aunt Lil’s property Piper saw Aunt Lil’s home with a massive swamp oak tree through the roof and kitchen window. Slamming the truck into park Piper frantically ran into the back door. “Aunt Lil! Aunt Lil!” she screamed as she tried to open the mangled screen door. “Aunt Lil! Where are you?” The frenzied dismantling of the screen door and pushing into the massive tree trunk cut Pipers hand. Ignoring the blood which started to ooze she squeezed her slight body through the open spaces beneath the tree calling “Aunt Lil?” No response came. She began racing around the house and now shrieked “Aunt Lil can you hear me?” The house was completely destroyed, the roof caved in and the second floor now sitting on the first Piper began to shudder. What if Aunt Lil was upstairs when the tornado hit? Maybe she didn’t know and she screamed as loud as her lungs would allow, “Aunt Lil? Can you hear me?”

Bart began to bark. Piper thought she heard something. Was it movement? A swishing sound? Bart barked. “Shhh buddy. I can’t hear!” she snapped at Bart. What was that? It sounded like metal or something sliding?

“Aunt Lil?” she screamed loudly.

Again. The sound was coming from the stairway. Bart barked frantically. Piper climbed over the debris of what used to be Aunt Lil’s living room. Her pink and white curtains always blowing during summer, welcoming neighbors to come in for some sweet tea and pie were crumpled underneath pieces of roof, second floor furniture, and branches from the trees. There. Piper heard it again, a rubbing like on metal. Climbing toward the stairwell it got louder. Bart rushed underneath the rubble and scooted quickly around the corner. Piper climbed and bent down better than most of her friends from gymnastics to make it to where Bart now barked quickly and frantically.

Bending her upper body around the corner dragging her lower limbs across broken furniture Piper reached the stairwell. Underneath a large branch lay Aunt Lil. She was rubbing a knitting needle on an exposed pipe. Piper rushed to move the tree and noticed it lay across Aunt Lil’s chest preventing her from yelling and making it difficult to breathe. With all the strength she could muster she moved the branch and Aunt Lil took in a deep audible breath and whispered, “Thank you.”

Aunt Lil was badly hurt. Piper told her to stay still she was going to get Kevin and help. Afraid to move her she ran as fast as she could and started her truck. Driving back over the field racing to the fire department Piper ran to the chief.

“Kev. I went out to Aunt Lil's. She’s hurt bad and needs help NOW!” she screamed. “There are wires down and the road needs clearing for the ambulance.” she looked at the chief knowing she put herself in danger with those wires.

“Didn’t I tell you to come right back if wires were down?” asked the chief.

“Yes, yes I know but Kev she's hurt can you be mad later please?”

“You go get your hand tended to and we will head over there.” Kevin said.

“I’m fine, really. I told her I would come right back with help. I will do it later.” Piper answered.

“You will do it now. You are bleeding.” he responded sternly. “Jake, Gage load up! Aunt Lil is down we have to roll.” The chief yelled and off the firetruck went before Piper could protest.

Tending her hand didn’t take long and Piper fussed sitting still as she was worried about Aunt Lil. She’d left Bart there with her and wanted to get back to the house. Alex finished bandaging her hand and cleaning a cut on her shoulder when she heard on the radio Aunt Lil was being transported to the hospital and Bart was in the truck. As soon as her wounds were tended Piper jumped into her truck and off to the hospital she drove.

Once at the hospital Piper rushed in to see what was happening. The nurse explained Aunt Lil had some fractured ribs but her lungs weren’t punctured thank heaven. “Can I see her?” asked Piper. “When she is ready and her head wounds bandaged, of course Piper, you can see her.”

Bart bounded out of the double doors jumping on Piper when he saw her. “Hey buddy, good job.” The chief came out of the doors and said, “Bart kept her awake and licked her hand. You did an amazing job. Probably saved her life Piper.” he told her. “Will she be okay?” queried Piper. “Thanks to you.” answered the chief. “Now about not following directions,” the chief started as the doors opened and the doctor came out. “Piper, she's asking to see you.”

“Okay Kevin we will talk about those directions later.” she yelled over her shoulder moving quickly to the doctor and the double doors.

Piper followed the doctor into a room on the left with a blue door. The room was decorated in blue and green and smelled of Clorox. In a bed with a blue and green blanket was Aunt Lil. She was laying down and the machines she was hooked up to made loud beeping noises. Piper felt a little sick.

“Piper.” Aunt Lil whispered. She moved her hand to the blanket beside her.

Piper moved to sit beside Aunt Lil and hold her hand. “Oh I am so glad you are ok, Aunt Lil,” looking into the blue eyes looking back at her she continued “I was really worried.”

“You are a brave girl Piper.” whispered Aunt Lil. She coughed and the doctor asked Piper to leave so Aunt Lil could get some rest.

“I’ll come back in the morning, Aunt Lil, first light ok?” asked Piper. Aunt Lil gave a nod and closed her eyes.

Pulling back into her driveway Piper felt exhausted. She and Bart headed inside and she let Esme and Olivia out of their carrier. After a storm warm grits for you two she said. She put a saucepan on the stove, added some grits for herself and the chickens and set the flame to medium. Feeding Bart and giving him some fresh ice cubes in his water she began to stir the grits. Her mom always made grits after a storm, something about the bland diet and the stomach. Piper smiled as the fond memory floated through her mind. She hummed a familiar song and finished stirring the grits. Plating for herself and the chickens she leaned her slight body against the kitchen table and gobbled them down, not realizing how hungry her body had become. Once done she walked outside to the coop carrying her two girls let Bart do his business and went straight to bed in her clothes.

Morning light came through the curtains and shone brightly into Piper’s eyes. Jumping out of bed and changing clothes she rushed into the bathroom to brush her teeth and throw some cold water onto her face. Looking at her long red hair and the tangles she opted for a nearby scrunchie. Remembering she told Aunt Lil she’d be at the hospital at first light hurried her morning routine. Grabbing some clothes from her mother’s wardrobe Piper hoped they’d fit Aunt Lil. Racing out of the house yelling to Bart, “Take care of the farm buddy, I will be back in a lil bit!'' She opened the truck door and started the engine before she closed the driver’s side door.

Pulling into the hospital and parking Piper sighed. Aunt Lil’s house is gone. Now what will happen. She hopped out of the truck and let her long legs carry her swiftly across the parking lot into the double sliding doors. Checking in with the head nurse she was told the doctor was visiting with Aunt Lil but she could wait outside the door.

Striding down the hallway to Aunt Lil’s room the doctor was leaving as soon as she arrived. Smiling she entered the room to see Aunt Lil sitting up with pink in her cheeks. The curtains were drawn and the sun was shining. “Mornin Aunt Lil!”, Piper beamed.

“Mornin Angel.”, “how did you sleep?” Aunt Lil asked patting the blanket beside her.

“Like a log ma’am.”, “even in my clothes.”

“It was a big day. Easy to get tired.” answered Aunt Lil.

“Yes it was.” Piper said, her voice trailing off. “What did the doctor say Aunt Lil?”

“Well, he said I could go home tomorrow. I’m feeling well enough to do that I am.” she laughed.

“Aunt Lil, you know Kevin will have to look at your house, make sure it’s safe and all…..” Piper was feeling a sadness in the center of her chest.

“Oh, I’ll get it all cleaned up Piper. Not to worry. I am a strong old lady.” Aunt Lil smiled at her and Piper noticed how the sun reflected the light in Aunt Lil’s deep brown eyes. “Piper,” Aunt Lil asked, “would you get me a cup of coffee with a lot of cream?”

“Of course.” said Piper and she got up to head to the cafeteria to get the coffee. Come to think of it Piper thought I could use a cup too.

As she headed down the long hallway Kevin was walking toward her. “Morning Piper.” he said.

“Morning Kevin. What are you doing here?”

“Came to tell Aunt Lil that her house is inhabitable” he answered. “Not sure what she’s going to do, power’s off now but what a mess. Won’t be able to put that house back together no how.”

“Oh no.” Piper looked down at her shoelaces. She noticed how in her rush to get ready one was tied in a single knot and the other a double. “What will happen then? The doctor told her she could go home.” Piper queried.

“Well, she can go to Fuquay to the home for now until we get things figured out.” Kevin answered. “She doesn’t have any family around here.”

Piper’s heart sank. Aunt Lil could not live in a home not even temporarily. She’s going to want to get cooking and baking. Having known Aunt Lil her whole life the thought of her going somewhere to be taken care of made her feel queasy.

“Kevin, I’m headed to get us some coffees. Want to walk with me?” Piper asked.

“Sure thing.” Kevin followed her down the hall to the cafeteria. While in line Piper had a thought and blurted out “Kevin, could Aunt Lil come live with me? I’ve got plenty of room since Momma died and I could look after her while she gets better.”

“Well, I guess so if Aunt Lil wants to do that Piper. We can sure ask her.”

Walking back down the hall Piper felt excited this was the perfect solution.

As Kevin told Aunt Lil about her house Piper saw a deep sadness creep over Aunt Lil. “Can I go and get my things?” Aunt Lil asked.

“Well it’s not safe now ma’am but maybe later.”

Piper noticed Aunt Lil wringing her hands.

“We know you don’t have any family in these parts ma’am. Would you like to go up to the home in Fuquay until you get better?” asked Kevin kindly.

Aunt Lil looked out of the window, tears streaming down her cheeks. Piper’s heart was breaking for her friend. “Aunt Lil,” Piper said as she sat next to her. “I would like you to come to my house, to the farm, I know it isn’t your home but I have plenty of room and Bart and I could look after you until you are better and we can decide what to do then. I know it’s not the perfect place but I sure would like it if you came.” Piper noticed relief in Aunt Lil’s expression. Her hand covered Piper’s and she gave a squeeze.

“That sounds wonderful Piper. It will be just like when you were little and your momma passed God Rest her Soul.” breathed Aunt Lil.

“Settled.” Piper stated beaming from ear to ear. “I’ll find out from the doctor when you can leave.”

“Kevin?” asked Aunt Lil. “Did you say there were men cleaning up the house now?”

“Oh no ma’am it will be tomorrow or Wednesday before they get there. We just went out and turned out the power. Everything will have to go though, cause it's all been broken and wet.” Kevin knew not to ask about insurance, no one in the town had any kind of insurance on their homes around here.

Aunt Lil looked sad Piper thought. Something else though, a nervousness Piper hadn't ever seen before. “Piper, please ask when I can leave would you Angel?” asked Aunt Lil. “Sure thing.” answered Piper and she bounced up and headed to the nurse’s station.

Discharge sure takes a long time with all the paperwork in here just one day and all those papers to sign Aunt Lil thought to herself. Kevin left while Piper was arranging discharge for Aunt Lil. Sitting regally in a wheelchair in her mom’s khaki pants with the elastic waist and purple blouse Piper was glad to see the clothes fit. “I’ll pull the truck around Aunt Lil,” said Piper and walked quickly out of the double sliding doors.

Piper pulled up in front of the sliding doors and an orderly wheeled Aunt Lil out to the truck and helped her into the passenger seat. Piper pulled the seat belt across Aunt Lil’s chest and handed her the blanket from the back seat in case she got cold. As they drove off Piper noticed Aunt Lil ringing her hands. “Aunt Lil, is something wrong? I’m sure we can fix up your room, however it will make you comfortable when we get home.” Piper chirped.

“Oh, that’s not it Piper girl. We need to go to my house before we go home.” Aunt Lil said definitively.

“But, well, it really isn’t safe,” said Piper.

“Oh hush.” continued Aunt Lil. “I need to get my pop pop’s small black notebook and I know exactly where it is.”

“Aunt Lil, I am not sure the chief will let us through….” Piper trailed off.

“Listen Piper. My pop pop was very particular when I was a small girl that I hold onto and keep that little black notebook safe in case I ever had an emergency and I’ve never been without it. We are going to get it. This is definitely an emergency.”

“What’s in the book?”

“Well, I don’t actually know. I’ve never opened it.” laughed Aunt Lil.

Piper pulled the truck over and looked at Aunt Lil. “Listen Aunt Lil, we can go look for the notebook when the chief says ok”

“No!” said Aunt Lil firmly. “We are going there now before the workers tear up everything and it is gone forever!”

“Okay, okay,” said Piper. “But they may not let us through so just prepare yourself.”

“Piper, my pop pop was a serious man and he was serious about that small black notebook. We need to get it today.” Aunt Lil looked away out of the window ending any protest Piper would have made.

Turning into Aunt Lil’s street Piper noticed the downed wires and signs marking no entry by order of police. “We can’t get through, Aunt Lil I am sorry.” said Piper.

“Nonsense! Drive through the field and go in the back way.” said Aunt Lil shortly.

“OK, four wheeling it is,” answered Piper shifting gears and driving into the meadow toward Aunt Lil’s house. When she saw her house Aunt Lil gasped. There was no recovering the house as the foundation was exposed by the massive trees laying on top of her roofless house.

Pulling up to the back of the house and what used to be Aunt Lil’s screened porch Piper put the truck in park. “Are you ok Aunt Lil?” she looked at the elderly woman whose eyes began to water.

Wiping her eyes Aunt Lil replied, “Yes, angel I am ok. I am not sure how you got me out of this mess but I am sure grateful.” She looked lovingly at Piper.

“Where is the book Aunt Lil? I will go in and get it. It’s not safe and you just got out of the hospital for pete’s sake.” Piper said stiffly.

“Piper. In my desk, you know the rolltop one? In the top right drawer there towards the back is a small black notebook. It has no markings on it but it is the only one in that drawer.” Aunt Lil said.

“Okay. Be right back.” As Piper walked toward the house a knot grew in her stomach. Aunt Lil’s desk had been on the second floor which was now laying in the foundation. How in the world is she going to find a small black notebook with no markings?

Walking through the unhinged screen door Piper gasped when she saw the complete devastation before her. Earlier it hadn’t registered as she was so focused on finding Aunt Lil.

Climbing over furniture and feeling water seep into her shoes Piper thought how the squishy feeling of wet socks contributed to the hopeless feeling growing within. Tripping over a broken chair and landing square on her bottom Piper looked around. This chair was at Aunt Lil’s desk upstairs she thought. I wonder where the desk is and if I will even find it. Getting up and brushing off her jeans she scanned the room. Everything from upstairs was in front of her in a big heap.

“Well…...I guess digging is in order.” she said aloud.

Moving and tossing pieces of wood, broken ceramic and furniture Piper located the desk. With a groan she sighed “Of course you are in pieces. Now where are the drawers?” Continuing to dig she unearthed the center drawer and it was empty. Her heart began to pound. She thought, what if I can’t find it? Why is this dumb ol’ book so important anyway. Then recalling Aunt Lil’s kindness when her mother had passed Piper pressed on.

More determinedly she began moving larger items and making systematic piles. It had to be somewhere. There were newspaper clippings and index cards with recipes scattered about under the pile of rubble that used to be Aunt Lil’s cozy home. As she lifted the pink and white curtains still attached to the rod she heard a thud. There it was! At her feet dropped a small black notebook. It was unmarked. This must be it. She opened it and on the first page was a name. Cyrus Lee Cohoon. Well, Piper thought Aunt Lil’s last name wasn’t Cohoon but who else could these pencil markings belong to? She took the black notebook and scooted out the screen door and ran to the truck. “Is this it Aunt Lil?” Piper beamed.

“Yes! Oh, Angel now I now everything is going to be ok.” Aunt Lil held the book to her heart and Piper climbed in and started the truck. “Ready to go home now?” Piper smiled.

“Yes. We will have some tea and look at this book together.” The entire drive Piper wondered what could be so important about a journal Aunt Lil’s grandfather kept. “Aunt Lil, your grandfather’s last name was Cohoon?”

“Yes.” Aunt Lil answered. The Cohoons had owned most of the land in town and grown dewberries. Until the blight, the Cohoon dewberries brought many workers and jobs to town in the 50’s. Cohoon dewberries were sought after all over the East coast until someone brought blackberries to North Carolina and wiped out the dewberries in one year bankrupting the town and ending all of the jobs. Piper knew the history but didn’t know Aunt Lil’s family had been part of the town's inception at such a massive level. She wondered what it was like back then.

As they drove along Piper looked at Aunt Lil flipping through the pages and furrowing her brow. “Can you read the pages Aunt Lil or did the book get wet?” asked Piper

“No I can read them,” Aunt Lil trailed off.

“What’s in it?” Piper’s curiosity had grabbed hold of her.

“It’s a map Piper.”

“A map?” asked Piper.

“Yes. There are places in town and paces to count along with the drawings. Pop pop left us a treasure map it looks like.”

Pulling into the farm Piper could hardly contain herself. A treasure map! What in the world she thought to herself.

With an abrupt stop and quick shift into park Piper asked, “A treasure map?”

Aunt Lil held out the drawings and descriptions and held it up for Piper to see. “Sure enough.”

They laughed together sitting in the front seat.

Getting Aunt Lil settled in the rocking chair with some tea Piper leafed through the pages of the book. The markings and mentions were all places in town. Five places to find clues and once discovered they would lead to the next clue and eventually the treasure.

“We have got to get up early and get started, Aunt Lil.” Piper said excitedly.

“Yes. Now I hope the treasure, whatever it contains is still there,” said Aunt Lil hesitantly. “I don’t know why I waited so long to look in that small black notebook.”

“You didn’t have an emergency before Aunt Lil. Certainly not one of this size!” said Piper.

“You are right Piper. Let’s get started at dawn and find what pop pop left for us.”

Piper could hardly sleep, when she finally fell asleep she dreamed of a fun adventure full of excitement and joy.

Up at dawn Piper ran downstairs to make coffee and found Aunt Lil sitting at the kitchen table with biscuits and coffee already made.

“Did you read the book?” she asked excitedly.

“Yes,” answered Aunt Lil, “we will start at the library.”

“OK! I’m ready.” Piper jumped up and threw the dishes in the sink. “I’ll pull the truck around if you feel up to it.”

Aunt Lil let out a whoop “Up to it! Ha I didn’t sleep a wink child.”

They got into the truck and sped down the driveway to the library. Being a small town there was no traffic to hold them up. Pulling into a space Piper asked, “Where do we start?”

Aunt Lil held the small black notebook and read what Cyrus wrote all those years ago. Behind the library is a stone well. Face north and count three stones down, I’ve loosened it for you. The next location is behind that stone.

Walking behind the small library was the old well. “Which way is north?” Asked Piper.

“Well the sun rises in the east and since it's still rising we can find north by the sun.” smiled Aunt Lil.

Facing north and counting three stones down from the top of the well the two seekers tried moving the stones. Sure enough one of them moved. Pulling it carefully out they felt in the empty space and felt nothing. Piper’s heart sank. Holding the stone she asked Aunt Lil to double check. Nothing.

Piper held the stone in her hand and began to pace. Why would he send us to something empty?

“Piper!” yelled Aunt Lil, “look at the stone!” Carved into the stone in Pipers hand were two words. Town Jail.

Piper’s heart leaped. In this small town was the historical Town Jail, a one room jailhouse preserved by the historical society as Billy the Kid once did a day there while waiting transport to Raleigh. It was a small building open for tourists who enjoyed reading about how prisoners could go home for lunch and come back to complete their time. “What does the clue say?”

Taking out the notebook Aunt Lil read the next clue. When you are at the location, face the back and walk 111 steps. Beneath the memorial stone you will find the next clue. Piper wondered why this was so complicated, what had Cyrus been thinking when he planned this? She smiled inside as she also was enjoying herself tremendously.

Reaching the jail the two walked the 111 paces and found a small civil war memorial stone. It hadn’t been tended well and could easily have been missed. Piper reflected that without the notebook they wouldn’t have ever found it anyway.

Lifting the small stone Aunt Lil saw a brass coin. The coin was from her pop pop’s American Legion post 159. She recognized it as she had gone to many picnics there with him when she was small. “Oh my gosh, read the next clue Aunt Lil!” gushed Piper.

Again taking out the small black notebook Aunt Lil read, At the tank face north and take 55 steps. Within the bricks you will find the next location.

“What kind of tank does he mean the water tank is nowhere near the post Aunt Lil.” Piper began to worry maybe the coin was the wrong clue to the location.

As they pulled into the American Legion post they were surprised to see a massive World War II tank in front of the post. They looked at each other and laughed.

Facing north and walking 55 steps they came to a patio of bricks. In these bricks were the names of veteran soldiers who served in the many United States wars. “Aunt Lil, how will we know which one to look at?” sighed Piper. There were so many, how would they ever know. Aunt Lil let out a sigh. Reflecting back to time spent with her grandfather she remembered his friend they called “Hollywood”. His unit called him that because he was so good looking she shared with Piper. “Let’s see if there is one here with his name.”

Scanning the many bricks and names, they found a brick with the name “Hollywood” engraved on it. They looked at one another and lifted the brick. On the bottom of the brick was carved Potteries.

“Read the clue, read the clue!” Piper was jumping up and down. Only locals would know these places the Potteries were a type of ceramic glaze known during the boom times in this town. Although signs still remained the buildings were mostly empty now. Upon arrival look for the hawk. Face north and count 22 steps. Beneath the blue you will find your final clue.

They rushed to the Potteries pulling into the dusty driveway Piper skidded to a stop. The deserted courtyard was sandy and dust blew everywhere as they exited the truck. Waiting for the dust to settle they scanned for a hawk. “What kind of hawk do you think we are looking for? They are everywhere here in the pines Aunt Lil.” said Piper.

“Maybe it's a statue or symbol we are looking for.”, answered Aunt Lil. Let’s walk around and see what we can find. After 45 minutes of walking around no statue or symbol of a hawk being found they two sat down to have some water. It was getting hotter now as it usually does after a big storm. Sitting at the base of the fountain in the center of the Potteries Piper scanned again. Her eyes fell upon a faded sign. The paint light now from years of baking in the sun the sign read “Artist in residence James T Hawk”. Tapping Aunt Lil Piper was stunned. Not a symbol but a name! “What is it Angel?” asked Aunt Lil.

Piper pointed to the sign. They burst out laughing. “Well I ‘ll be……” sighed Aunt Lil.

Taking the 22 steps they arrived at a concrete disk. It may have been blue at one point shown by the chips remaining but sun and weather had restored it to its natural gray color. Lifting the disk the final location was carved Greenwood Inn. “Well, let’s read the clue.” said Aunt Lil. Looking concernedly at one another since the Greenwood Inn was now a community center and had been restored Aunt Lil read the final clue. Behind the brass star you will find my gift.

“Wait! That’s it?” That’s all there is?” Piper asked.

“Yes. I'm afraid so.” answered Aunt Lil.

Discouraged and feeling not very hopeful the two drove in silence to the community center. Pulling in there were people there sharing food and supplies and comforting one another after the storm. Speaking with their friends and neighbors hearing about the things people lost like Mrs. Murphy who did laundry for the elders of the town lost her machines, and Tom the dairy farmer lost the roof of his cow barn, and Besty the school bus driver lost the bus when a tree fell on it. Sitting with everyone made Piper feel grateful everyone was alright and maybe this adventure was just about that, some type of journey to reconnect with the center of her beloved community. Listening to everyone talk made her feel part of something, she’d known most of these people her whole life. Aunt Lil was busy hugging people and pushing little girl’s hair behind their ears as she cooed over them. Piper wondered about the brass star. Sitting next to was the director of the community center Barbie. “Barbie,” Piper asked. “When this center took over the inn and got developed did you ever see a brass star anywhere?”

“Hmmm. Why yes Piper. The brass star is in the foundation. I can show you. It was an award put on the wall to Mr. Cyrus Lee Cohoon for his contribution of dewberry farming.” Piper’s lower jaw dropped. Looking at Aunt Lil she got up and followed Barbie to the location of the brass star. Along a small part of the foundation near the ground was a plaque with a brass star. It read, Our star, Mr. Cyrus Lee Cohoon, in recognition of his contribution of dewberries and changing the commerce and economy of this town.

“Cyrus was my pop pop Barbie.” said Aunt Lil.

“Oh my goodness, I had no idea Aunt Lil. I will leave you to your reflections. He was a wonderful man.” said Barbie.

“Thank you.” said Aunt Lil.

Barbie walked back to the gathered crowd. “WELL……” squealed Piper.

Aunt Lil jiggled the brass star; it didn’t budge. Piper pulled out her pocket knife and loosened the screws. Lifting the plaque from its holding place and putting it aside, Aunt Lil reached in behind it, hand shaking. As she felt around in the opening her hand felt a box with a handle. Pulling it out she noticed the old tin berry box she had seen many of in her pop pops barn. Shaking, she looked at Piper. Piper nodded at her. Opening the tin box Aunt Lil was shocked to find stacks of $100 bills with a note on an old receipt paper that read, “With love”.

Looking at Piper, Aunt Lil closed the box and asked if they could go home. Replacing the star plaque and tightening the screws, Aunt Lil then put the tin box in her purse and the two said goodbye and walked to the truck.

Pulling into the farm Piper helped Aunt Lil into the kitchen and put some water on for tea. Unexpected large gifts she thought really have a way of taking words away. Sitting at the table Aunt Lil counted the cash. “Piper there is $20,000 here.” she said.

“Oh my gosh! Your pop pop planned for a big emergency!” Piper laughed.

As they drank their tea, Aunt Lil said, “Piper if it's alright I’d like to stay here with you permanently. I can use some of this money to replace your strawberry plants too.” she smiled.

Piper smiled, “Yes Aunt Lil that would be wonderful!” petting Bart’s head, “We would love that!”

“I was thinking about the note in the box from pop pop. “With love” You know he cherished this town and all of the people that’s what made it great not the commerce. I don’t know if he thought I would find or even look for the treasure. Maybe that’s what the note meant for whoever found it. He saved it with love in mind.” she looked out the window and sipped her tea.

“Aunt Lil…” said Piper.

“I think we will take this $20,000 to the town council and share it with those who really need it after this storm. That's what my pop pop would have done. New washer for Mrs. Murphy, new roof for Tom’s cow barn, new school bus, those are just things and they can be replaced with this money. Maybe that's really what pop pop meant by “with love”. It's how communities support one another when things are hard that matters. That’s the real treasure. Don't you think?” asked Aunt Lil.

“I sure do.” smiled Piper. As the sun was setting the sunlight caught Piper in the eyes.

“I’ll even have enough to make you some new curtains Piper.” said Aunt Lil as she sipped her tea.

“Sounds wonderful Aunt Lil. Maybe I will even pick up a thing or two watching you sew.” she said laughing.

“What are your thoughts on pink and white?” Aunt Lil asked and the two giggled. It’s amazing what a small black notebook can create.


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    KBWritten by Key Burns

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