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Piece of Mind

and how patience isn't always a virtue

By Jacqueline Courtney RiosPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
The view from my dck

This quarantine is ridiculous. Absolutely necessary but I've had enough. Yes, I totally understand how this virus is potentially dangerous, is in fact but I'm so done with attempting to be an adult with how not very well at all my family and I are dealing with each other. My thirteen year old autistic daughter is handling this whole thing better than the four grown ups that live her. It probably helps that she's been begging me to home school since she learned how to speak so this whole thing is, like, the best thing ever to happen in her whole entire universe and she's praying hard everyday that it doesn't change.

Now, getting back to the four adults in the house. Two Capricorns, a Gemini and a Scorpio. Probably the worst signs you could possibly put together. Mostly it's the Scorpion's fault. The rest of us are doing pretty well. As long as we stay away from the Scorpion. She is literally just that. Dangerously poisonous. She swears she doesn't mean it but we all know looks can be deceiving.

Now, I'm not bashing my family. I love them all dearly. I'm just attempting to shed light on how hard it can be to deal with the people you love in times that can be absolutely devastating. There's no way out of this right now. Yes, so many places are starting to open back up but even still the need to feel safe is hard to come by. You have no way of knowing where the person six feet away from has been. And even if you asked and they answer, how do you they were telling the truth or if they really know where the people they know have been. You simply just can't know any of that for sure. But I digress. Plain and simple, my family is driving me nuts and I'm questioning if it's still possible to run away with the circus the next time it comes to town...

I suppose there are other families that have it worse than us. I can only imagine how they are dealing with all of this. Actually, I take that last statement back. It's a lie, plain and simple and if there's one thing I am not, it is a liar. I don't intend on ever becoming one, unless, of course, it would save my life or the life of someone I love (I will admit that all family is not created equal. If I had to save only two of my family members from a burning building, one of them being myself, I'd save my daughter. The rest of them are just going to have to burn. Not sorry that I'm not sorry). I am obsessed with telling the truth even if I come across as a total bitch. I think that's what part of the problem is. I call it like I see it and there's a hundred percent chance that you're not going to like it and it's going to piss you off worse than anything has ever pissed you off in this life or the past forty, maybe fifty lives. I'm good for that, too. It just might be my favorite thing to do. I love the reactions I get out of people, even though that's not even remotely the reason why I am the way that I am. I don't have a choice in the matter. It is what it is and I wouldn't change it if you promised me it would get me into heaven.

You would think we'd be used to each other, considering how long we've all been together. My youngest sibling is thirty years old, my daughter, as I've said, is thirteen. This quarantine situation has brought out sides of us that I would've never liked to meet. I'm shocked none of us has pushed the other off a bridge in the middle of nowhere on a deserted island in the middle of an unnamed ocean no one has discovered yet. We're all going to be crazy, drunken psychopaths by the time all of this is over. I already feel bad for the rest of you when all of this is over and we can go out for real and unrestricted. We might be in trouble then. Then again, it might be quite the show. I'd pay to see it.

I guess the whole reason I'm writing this is to make a point that this whole situation really that life changing. There's no way around it. It can't be helped. The ability to deal is a hard thing to learn, to change everything about yourself and the expectations you have of everything, everyone, while trying to, well, deal. We all have to at least try to understand what others are going through. It's difficult for everyone. For some people, it's really bad and to help them out in someway, no matter how big or small, would do something for them you wouldn't be able to understand. Let's just try to help each other out, peeps. Call your parents. if you have them. Check on your neighbors you know need a hand. Love your children a little bit more; remember they're little human beings with thoughts and emotions and they might not understand and that's the worst thing about of of this. You may think they're too small to understand but most of them time, they're the wisest of us all.

Be happy love


About the Creator

Jacqueline Courtney Rios

A Type 1 Diabetic, epileptic in Stage 4 Kidney failure trying to raise an autistic teenage daughter all by herself (with a little help from her family).

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