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Pet-Peeves of Mine

Five of the Most Aggravating Annoyances

By Ady FrielPublished 6 years ago 5 min read

First things first, pet-peeves are often used to describe things or actions that really get on a person's nerves. I have quite a lot of those and often far too many to name. Yet, I've managed to come up with a list of five that really, really, get to me on a day to day basis.

Most are pretty connected to one another or flow into each other, while others wouldn't make sense at all to be on the list. These are the ones that get right under my skin.

Pet-Peeve 1

Interruptions. There's hardly a day where I can have a full conversation with somebody without somebody else coming in and interrupting me. Most of the time they're serious since I'm a rather serious person and other times they're a little silly. I would seriously love to get through one without someone coming up and putting their two cents in or trying to change the subject.

My younger sister and her twin brother are the best example when it comes to this. She doesn't yet understand how to wait patiently for somebody to be done talking to talk with her or pay attention to her. He, on the other hand, throws himself onto you when he wants something or when he feels like it. He also screams or yells to get your attention.

Pet-Peeve 2

Enablers. My mother is a huge enabler. Whenever she'd get annoyed or mad over my little siblings being on top of her, she'd give them a toy or let them on a device. Even after it's been agreed that they cannot have what it was they wanted. She doesn't, yet I know she does, realize what she's teaching the little ones and it's been causing so many problems for everybody.

They've turned into total spoiled brats. Don't get me wrong, I used to be one but, I came to realize I wouldn't ever get what I want in life by always wanting it and not working for it, and that was only after getting taken from her care and put into situations where I'd no longer be treated like a little "princess" or "prince."

It was the best thing to happen to me because now I know I need to work, save, and actually do something in order to get what I want and I'm not as disappointed in not getting anything at all. And she's not doing that for them. They always cry and scream or hit whenever they don't get what they dreamed off or expected to get. It's driving me crazy and causing so much stress.

Pet-Peeve 3

Another thing about my mother that goes for others as well...smoking around me. I quite literally cannot breathe when somebody is smoking near me or in the car. Simply telling me to "stick my head out of the car" to be able to breathe doesn't help.

It only pisses me off more because I'm suffocating and they're just ignoring me. I try to let it go because I know I'll never get through to them but, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep quiet. My aunt is a little more understanding with this and I thank her for that.

Pet-Peeve 4

People who are inconsiderate. I have a long history of major health problems and chronic insomnia the most prominent right now; nobody in this household understands because they can fall asleep almost instantly. They run through the halls screaming in the morning or do their normal routine very loudly. They turn on and off lights that shine right on my face through my door or they don't turn them off at all.

They also tell me they don't care because they're too busy doing what they're doing to realize that somebody, like myself, cannot drown it out no matter what I try nor use. My slightly younger sister, the 17-year-old, has a horrible habit of making things about herself when she knows it isn't and throws a huge tantrum about it.

She has no idea on how to appreciate people when they do stuff for her a lot and sometimes need their space/time. She has passed that onto the younger two and it's killing me on the inside.

Pet-Peeve 5

Stubborn people. I know I'm a stubborn person but, I'm aware of when it goes too far and either back down or acknowledge whatever it is that sparked my dogmatic response. When people don't and continue to insist what they say or believe is a matter of fact when most of the time it doesn't just get to me. It has caused far too much drama and hate in life and it has created so much more tension than what is necessary.

If people were smart enough to actually see what they're doing in cases where stubbornness is not needed, then there'd be less trouble in the world. I can say it would definitely help with this household. We cannot break this constant cycle of tension and stress and take it out on each other without a second thought. Yet, between my mother, younger sisters, and younger brother it is pure stubbornness. They refuse to change and in that...we all suffer.

I cannot tell people how much these get to me, and how much better off I'd be if I could honestly find a way to get around or through to people. I'm under a whole lot of stress and a whole lot of tension because of a few of those and it's about time gather my breeches and speak up for myself...albeit, it may not get me nowhere like it has in the past. It would at least be nice to let people know what's on my mind than stuffing it away like I'd normally do.

immediate family

About the Creator

Ady Friel

I'm Ady Friel. I'm a 24-year old Non-Binary (He/They) Aroace. I’m currently living with my parents due to health. I'm an avid writer and often times super opinionated. I love to tell stories and what's on my mind.

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