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Parenting And Stress

Tips on Parenting and Stress Management

By FromParisWithLovePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Just Another Day

Our kids! We love them like crazy, but they can also drive you crazy. Stress is a normal part of parenting. There are no guidelines on how to raise your children. Though some people may say that parenting is not a job, although in actuality parenting is one of the toughest jobs in the world. It's like a never-ending cycle of non-stop work. You have so many other responsibilities than on top of all of those responsibilities; you have a 2 -year-old crying about what is his and a 13- year daughter who is in her own little world checking her cell phone apps. It always seems like there is never enough time in a day, running low on finances, either we don't get enough sleep or spend enough quality time together. That's a typical day for the average parent. No wonder we as parents are so stressed out. By knowing how to handle this type of stress; nevertheless, you will ultimately know how to handle these stressful situations; in a better manner, while becoming a better mother or father.


Take Care Of Yourself

I would like to think that self-care is important for everyone. Here is where you can take control, and put yourself in the position to do some self-care with your child. Exercising; Yes, exercising is a great way to help manage stress, so you can manage your kids and everything else in between. You can take a walk around your neighborhood with your kids, or just play kickball with your kids in the backyard a few times. All of these things are a form of self-care as well it helps reduce stress.

Don't Do It All

Some people are great at multitasking, organizing, and being detail-oriented. From juggling your family, doing housework, and going to work- it's a lot to handle for anyone. You can ask a relative, friend, or neighbor if they are willing to help out. The worst thing they can say; is no. Besides; we all know the saying, closed mouths don't get feed. Get everyone in the household involved in household jobs. And you can create a chart to keep up with whom did what. Then at the end of the week, you can give out an awarded for that week, but ultimately at the end of the month; They can be able to receive the BIG REWARD such as $40.00 CASH if they completed all of the weekly chores. This is just an example you could use.

Catch Special Moments With Your Kids

Realistically; I know that every day is not going to be a good day, but here is the opportunity for you to get a special moment with your child. For example; while you are taking your child to school, whether it is walking or car ride, you can make the most of this time and make it a special bonding moment together. Or while the kids are doing the share of the household chores; you can put on some music and make up a dance while sweeping or mopping the floor.

10 Things To Relieve Stress Now

1. Give yourself a time out. (Walk Away From Child for about 10 mins.)

2. Take slow deep breaths

3. Look at a special picture of you and your child.

4. Run. Jump. Dance.

5. Call a friend/family.

6. Change your environment.

7. Cry or Yell out loud away from the kids.

8. Journal

9. Remember "This Too Shall Pass"

10. Forgive Yourself; say out loud to yourself that "your a good parent and can handle this."

https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/nsch.html Retrieved Sept.19,2020


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