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A Critical Component of Health and Development

By Asma HassanPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Photo by Katie Smith on Unsplash

Nutrition: A Critical Component of Health and Development

Nutrition plays a crucial role in promoting overall health and well-being. It has a direct impact on various aspects of an individual's life, such as their physical and mental capacities, immune response, and life expectancy. Ensuring adequate nutrition is essential for breaking the vicious cycles of poverty and hunger and fostering economic growth and social progress. This article delves into the various aspects of nutrition and its significance for human health and development.

The Double Burden of Malnutrition

Today, the world faces a double burden of malnutrition, which includes both undernutrition and overweight, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Malnutrition can manifest in various forms, such as wasting, stunting, inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals, overweight, and obesity. These conditions can lead to diet-related noncommunicable diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The consequences of malnutrition are severe and long-lasting, affecting not only individuals and their families but also communities and nations as a whole.


Undernutrition is a major global issue, with an estimated 149.2 million children under the age of five being stunted and 45.4 million being wasted. The prevalence of stunting is on the decline in all regions except Africa, while severe wasting is predominantly concentrated in Asia. Undernutrition is linked to nearly 45% of all child deaths in low- and middle-income countries.


Anaemia, a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or their ability to carry oxygen, is a severe global public health problem. It disproportionately affects young children and pregnant women. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 40% of children under five years of age and 37% of pregnant women worldwide suffer from anaemia. Additionally, 30% of women of reproductive age are affected by this condition.

Overweight and Obesity

Globally, 1.9 billion adults are overweight or obese, and 38.9 million children under the age of five are overweight. Rates of childhood overweight and obesity are on the rise, particularly in high-income and upper-middle-income countries.

The Importance of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding serves as a protective measure against both undernutrition and overweight. However, only 44% of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed.

High Sodium Consumption

High sodium consumption, exceeding 5 grams of salt per day, contributes to high blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Most people consume too much salt, averaging 9-12 grams per day, which is approximately double the recommended maximum level of intake.

WHO's Nutrition Strategy and Global Efforts

The WHO's 2016-2025 nutrition strategy aims to address the global burden of malnutrition through various initiatives, such as setting priorities and advocating for policies, developing evidence-based guidance, supporting the implementation of effective nutrition actions, and monitoring and evaluating policy and program implementation. The Comprehensive Implementation Plan on Maternal, Infant, and Young Child Nutrition, adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2012, serves as a framework for these efforts.

Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases

Efforts to combat malnutrition are also crucial for achieving the diet-related targets of the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2013-2020.

Global Strategy for Women's, Children's, and Adolescents' Health

The Global Strategy for Women's, Children's, and Adolescents' Health 2016-2030 emphasizes the importance of nutrition in improving the health and well-being of these vulnerable populations.

Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity

The report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity, released in 2016, highlights the need for comprehensive and coordinated efforts to address the global issue of childhood obesity.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development underscores the significance of nutrition in achieving sustainable development goals, including ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.

The 13th General Programme of Work

In May 2018, the Health Assembly approved the 13th General Programme of Work (GPW13), which guides the work of WHO in 2019-2023. The reduction of salt/sodium intake and the elimination of industrially produced trans-fats from the food supply are identified as priority actions in GPW13.

The Role of Governments and Public Health Organizations

Governments and public health organizations play a vital role in addressing the issue of malnutrition and promoting optimal nutrition. They can implement policies and programs that encourage healthy eating habits, support breastfeeding, regulate food production and marketing, and provide education and resources for individuals and communities.

Food Policies and Regulations

One way governments can promote optimal nutrition is by implementing food policies and regulations that ensure the availability of healthy, affordable, and sustainable food options for all citizens. This can include measures such as subsidies for nutritious foods, taxes on unhealthy foods and beverages, and stricter regulations on food labeling and advertising.

Nutrition Education and Awareness Programs

Public health organizations can develop and implement nutrition education and awareness programs that aim to inform people about the importance of a balanced diet, the risks associated with malnutrition, and ways to maintain optimal nutrition throughout their lives.

Community-Based Nutrition Initiatives

Governments and public health organizations can also support community-based nutrition initiatives, such as school meal programs, food banks, and community gardens, that help improve access to nutritious food and promote healthy eating habits among vulnerable populations.

The Role of Individuals in Promoting Optimal Nutrition

Individuals can take several steps to ensure they maintain a healthy diet and promote optimal nutrition for themselves and their families. These include consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats; staying informed about nutrition recommendations and guidelines; and advocating for policies and programs that support healthy eating and food systems.

Making Informed Food Choices

Consuming a variety of nutrient-dense foods and maintaining a balanced diet is essential for optimal health. Individuals should prioritize whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while limiting their intake of processed foods, saturated fats, added sugars, and sodium.

Staying Up-to-Date on Nutrition Information

Staying informed about the latest nutrition research and guidelines can help individuals make educated decisions about their diet and overall health. This can include consulting with a registered dietitian or nutritionist and following reputable sources of nutrition information.

Advocacy and Community Involvement

Individuals can also play a role in promoting optimal nutrition by advocating for policies and programs that support healthy eating and food systems and participating in community-based nutrition initiatives. This can include supporting local food producers, volunteering at food banks or community gardens, and raising awareness about the importance of nutrition within their social networks.


Nutrition is a critical component of health and development, with far-reaching consequences for individuals, communities, and nations. The global burden of malnutrition, encompassing both undernutrition and overweight, poses significant threats to human health and well-being. Addressing this issue requires concerted efforts from governments, public health organizations, and individuals to implement policies, programs, and initiatives that promote optimal nutrition and foster sustainable development.


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