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My child calls me by my first name What to do?

A bond for life | take care of our children

By Racha KellyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Alexander Dummer from Pexels

An inevitable event. After all these pool sessions and the many trips back and forth in the footbath, your child has contracted warts. In the past few weeks, it has been impossible to beat despite your many attempts. Should we intervene? How to get rid of it? We explain to you.

Do you remember your joy when your little one proudly said those long-awaited syllables: “Mom”, “Dad!” And then, one fine day, nothing. These magical words have disappeared to make way for your… your first names to be pronounced!

Don't worry though. In the vast majority of cases, this is only a stage in its development. Let's try to understand how this idea can be in your child's head.

My Baby Calls Me By My First Name: Very Funny Idea!

Let's be honest, hearing your little one utter our first name in place of the traditional "mom" or "dad" is surprising to say the least. If, at first, it can make you smile, very quickly this obsession can become annoying. Especially since some first names are very complicated to pronounce for young children!

Several factors could be behind this new trend that is nothing to worry about, rest assured.

The era of opposition

Between 2 and 3 years old, the child shows signs of independence. He asserts himself, takes confidence and systematically refuses almost everything that is offered to him. This is the famous "no" period which can sometimes be difficult for parents.

This forbidding word, little child knows its meaning perfectly! Between 12 and 18 months, when he started moving on his own and touching everything, how many times did he hear it? A great little imitator, he will in turn test new tactics to get to you if you deprive him of what he wants. Calling you by your first name can, with mischief, become a game that allows him to test the effect produced.

He wants to do like an adult

Your child is still young and surrounded by a world of adults. Imitation for the sake of learning and improving is a natural stage in its development. He loves to reproduce the smallest facts and gestures of adults. For him, what they do is right and natural.

Also, if he heard his parents calling each other by their first names, why wouldn't he? This analysis will be the same for anyone around him who calls you by your first name. He reproduces everything he hears. It is also a way for a child to feel like an adult.

family structure

When several children born from different guilds coexist, the mixed family takes care of new siblings under its roof. The child is then raised by the stepmother or stepfather who instinctively calls him by his first name. But he will also live with one or more children who will call his mother or father by his first name. This rather complicated situation can be confusing and encourage a young child to do the same.

The "marry for all" system can complicate the distinction for parental name qualification.

The desire of the parents or one of them

While in most cases parents do not want their child to call them by their first name, sometimes it is the other way around. The parent is often very lenient and role models. He presents himself as a "parent and friend" and wants to be the perfect partner for his child's games and activities.

My child calls me by my first name: How do I act?

First of all, know that this is a common cycle that many young children go through. It is necessary to set the record straight: a toddler does not say it out of spite, and the fact that you are called by your first name in no way proves his lack of love on his part!

No need to scold him, it is not a thoughtful act, but rather spontaneous. If this bothers you and annoys you, calmly explain to him that you don't like him when he does it.

Tell him that you are his mother, and as such, unlike other people around him, he is only entitled to call you. Unless you have other children of course.

If he insists, ignore him and do not answer him systematically. On the other hand, once he calls you "Mom" or "Dad" give him all the attention he asks for. Don't worry, your little one will lose this bad habit soon.

But above all, know that calling you by your first name is in no way a form of disapproval. This is a necessary stage of construction at times that can allow him to understand that his parents are also present outside of their role as 'mom and dad'.


About the Creator

Racha Kelly

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