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Love Letters to Anne

An Adoption Story Chapter Twenty Six

By Michael DeMaraisPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I can do anything I have ever set my mind to. People, places and events occur to the end that these things happen for me. It all unfolds in my favor and I accept this even when it seems hidden. That could be Faith or Manifestation, you choose. I’d say it’s a little of both with some visualization thrown in.

All my life I had been daydreaming of my momma and my family. Now that I had them, what would I do? I would let them know me. I would indulge them touching me although I had previously not wanted to be touched. With them it’s ok for some reason. Perhaps because we belong to each other.

It’s as if we always knew this time would come. A blind faith in the things that would be coming. And now they are here. We are here. I am here. So, what does this really mean? It means my life’s pursuit has been achieved. I get to know my family, my birthright is mine once again. That which was hidden and stolen has been revealed, found and returned. I get to have peace in my soul about who I am and where I come from. Peace in my mind.

You see, it wouldn’t have mattered to me if I found my family was poor, (they were) and it wouldn’t have mattered to me if I found them unaware of me, (most were), it only mattered to me that I found them. This pressing need in my soul to be reunited with what is mine by blood. Mine by birth. Mine.

It still irritates me to think that I was cast out to have no knowledge at all to guide me back here. But then, the world couldn’t even beat me like this. I still prevailed. It’s my inbred tenacity. And my belief in myself. And my faith in my family. Surely, they would be like me in the land that I come from. And they are.

So, this is not just a love letter to Anne, this is a love letter to my family...

In my drive was your desires, in my faith was your beliefs, in my heart is your love...I was always with you, you were always with me;

In foreign lands, among the foreign tongues, in the sights of splendor and wonder, I held you in my heart as I looked for you near and far. As I peered through history to find our story written before, I found only echoes waiting for me to journey further, so I went forward.

My footsteps leading me ever closer to you.

Until that beautiful day where my arms found you wrapped around me, welcoming me back home into your arms. A circle of love that has been mended.

Things that were put right, and rightfully so. Justice prevails in the world sometimes, the day is not always to the evil ones.

Not this day anyway. Not in this story. There was a season when evil prevailed and howled and beat on our shields with gnashing teeth, but those teeth have been broken. Our shields strengthened, hardened and completed as a phalanx, impenetrable.

The battle over, the battle won. Victory for my family and my house! Victory and accolades to me! An impossible thing was achieved, and now what's left but to continue stretching out my mind and desires into this place. What would I do now that I have been set free of the bondage I knew all my life? I would tell this story for others.

Those who have no hope or direction at the moment. I would tell this story and give them hope.


About the Creator

Michael DeMarais

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