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Listening to Leyendas

Telling scary stories and legends from Mexico 🧟‍♀️

By Kyra LopezPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Source: Canva

Cowering under the blankets, my stubby 6 year old hands would move the comforter back by only an inch.

It was enough space to breathe fresh air and eyeball the closet without being entirely exposed. Scanning the room for danger, my head would slowly peer out from the sea of stuffed animals to look for "El Cucuy."

I'd shut my eyes tight, hoping that the disfigured coats hanging on the closet door didn't suddenly grow teeth. After a few minutes of overwhelming nervousness, the search for this mystical being tired me out. Eventually, I would fall asleep. If the monster ate me by the morning, so be it!

Luckily, I was never eaten.

This monster was just one of the many that my siblings and family told me about. El Cucuy was a particularly horrid monster, with a black cloak and glowing eyes. He would steal children who couldn't fall asleep, so this was used as a good tactic to deter disobedience. His story was a popular leyenda or legend that Mexican parents often told to their kids, and I can certainly see why it worked!

Suprisingly enough, I didn't grow up to be terrified by the supernatural. Instead, I gained more interest in reading about all those unsettling legends, stories, and ghostly encounters!

Getting involved into scary stories as a past time led me to become an avid horror genre fan. Throughout college, one of my favorite hobbies was looking up new scary stories I hadn't heard of yet or listening to reruns of "La Mano Peluda." This is translated to "the hairy hand", but it is a Mexican radio show that shared people's scary experiences with ghosts, creatures, and unnatural occurences. Once I would hear about these stories, I would share them back to friends over the phone if they wanted a good scare!

Since I am passionate about the creativity and luster behind these scary stories, why not turn my love for horror into a service that suits fellow fans alike? This membership could be a way to tell people about the coolest leyendas in Mexico!

Mexico has some of the creepiest legends, overflowing with stories that are still unheard of in American media outlets. A myriad of these bloodcurdling tales have been passed down amongst generations, giving new scary content to those paying attention. Some of the ghosts and creatures in these stories have been spotted by terrified locals, yet still are deemed as tales that no one wants to see come true. From weeping women in long gowns to floating candles seen in cemetaries, the entire country is alive with haunted stories.

If my passion for horror came into fruition, I would want to organize my storytelling into several categories for my audience. Grab your cobijas (blankets), because here are the topics I would love over the course of my podcast:

Supernatural Secrets: For this subgenre, I am focusing on the ghosts that haunt churches, forests, or even homes! Specters that wander at night and make themselves known through moving objects. This would be a chance to share some hot topics of the paranormal throughout Mexico.

examples: El chico sobre la tumba/ the boy on the grave

Roads and Ridges: This section is saved for stories of haunted highways, endless roads, and creepy bridges. Whatever follows your car at night is about to be discussed here!

examples: La carreta de la muerte/ the wagon of the dead, hearing chains at night

Ladies of Terror: Ghostly women allowed! This topic focuses on feminine ghosts, and other spine-tingling tales of women spirits who terrorize the living.

examples: La llorona, la pascualita

Caution of Creatures: This section is reserved for the bizarre and toothy. The creatures of the night are given the spotlight here, as I plan on breaking down some of Mexico's most terrifying inhuman beings.

examples: El cucuy, El chupacabra, duendes/trolls, el silbón

Membership: Leyenda Ladies (Legend Ladies)

Cost: $6 per month, including a T-shirt as a welcome gift :)

What should members expect?

1. Weekly scary stories told over the official podcast, "Leyenda Ladies."

2. Monthly letters sent to members that include mini art prints, stickers, and coupon codes for merch!

3. Zoom meetings for members to share their own experiences and talk about the podcast!

Why support it?

  1. Scary stories are fun and spark your own imagintive abilities for storytelling!
  2. By supporting this service, you can help keep my passion a reality!
  3. Sharing a community with other horror fans can be refreshing, and a good way to meet people who have the same interests!

Join us for some weekly scares by listening to Leyenda Ladies! ❤️🧟‍♀️

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About the Creator

Kyra Lopez

Writer from the 773

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