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How to Keep Our Teeth, "White and Clean", The Important Tips.

Teeth Cleaning Tips

By wajahat javaid javaidPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Teeth Whitening Tips

Shinning white, clean and strong teeth are really nature’s bounty in our lives. They are the prime source of attraction in your face. Everyone wants to get white, clean and strong teeth to groom up more his personality features. They are the just shining stars on your facial priceless sky. No doubt they are just the personality booster elements in your overall appearance.

Now, I will keep the “Teeth Whitening Tips” in the separate specific headlines for your understanding and motivation to apply to yourself.

1. Maximize Water drinking Instead of Pop or Juice:

Water plays a crucial role in providing you the healthier teeth. Acidic drinks like pop and fruit juice damage enamel, due to which enamel loosens its shiny look. Water is a much more enamel-friendly choice as it has a relatively more suitability for the teeth in comparison with the other juices and drinks. Anything you ingest through your mouth can have an impact on your teeth and enamel, consider this simple fact when making food and drink choices on your journey to healthier teeth.

2.Chew sugar cane as much as possible

Chewing sugar cane, is the best physical exercise strengthening your jaws and the roots of your teeth. This way also whitens your teeth and providing you a glow to your teeth. In fact, the fibers of sugar cane just act like the high quality tooth brush increasing the shinning of teeth. They eventually result in the sound growth and nourishment of teeth, especially in the early age of Human.

3.Use baking soda, alum powder and lemon paste:

Take some baking soda, alum powder and lemon drops. Mix them gently to have a well-mixed paste. This paste is really very effective in cleansing and whitening your teeth. You can use regularly use this natural tooth paste before brushing your teeth with the company high quality tooth paste. In fact, baking soda, alum powder and lemon have the bleaching and washing and whitening properties. They are very good cleaning and sanitizing agents as well and have no side effects at any stage of their usage.

4.Use miswak or salvadora Persica:

For the ultimate purpose of having white and clean teeth, use Miswak or salvadora persica. Miswak is an Arabic word meaning “tooth-cleaning stick,”. Miswak has a wide geographic distribution. It was used by ancient Arabs to whiten and polish the teeth.

Therefore, Miswak is authentically very effective and fast in polishing and whitening teeth on its regular use. It contains some herbal chemicals and oils which are very advantageous for the development and nourishment of teeth. For the best result, you should have a Miswak every time in your pocket. You should apply this stick gently on your teeth just like a brush and chewing this simultaneously to get your teeth white, polished and shiny. On this stage of suggestion, the use of Miswak is highly recommendable.

4. Avoid stain-producing foods and drinks:

Avoid using dark soda, red wine, tomatoes, and coffee because they contain a combination of acids and pigments that can discolor, thin away or weaken your enamel over time. Reducing such things from diet schedule will strengthen your oral hygiene, will be very influential in providing you a stronger enamel and healthier teeth.

5. Care about your overall mouth hygiene:

Good oral care is more than just proper brushing. Remember to floss and brush your tongue because a healthy mouth and gums help keep teeth healthy and white too.

6. Eat calcium-rich foods:

Calcium, specifically, is essential for strong, healthy teeth because it helps Incorporating a healthy number of dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts into your diet could help with strengthening of tooth enamel, and in turn with whiter teeth.

7. Brush with an enamel-strengthening toothpaste:

For maintaining the strong and white tooth enamel, choose always a quality toothpaste which helps teeth maintain their “natural whiteness” with twice daily brushing. Consistency is key, so whatever method or methods you employ towards stronger enamel, be sure to stick to them.

Therefore, after presenting the above-mentioned highlighting important tips for removing “unpleasant smell” from the mouth. I would like to remind this inevitable fact that mouth smell damages your personality and the people keep the distance from when they communicate or talk to you.

Hope, you guys have enjoyed a lot and gained so much important knowledge about that how to get rid of “unpleasant mouth smell” in order to achieve a quite stunning and attractive personality. Now, I want the permission to wind it up and with this promise that you all will get its maximum advantages by applying all the tips to yourself for kicking out the unpleasant smell from your mouth.

Take Care

Your Well Wisher

Wajahat Javaid

Good Bye


About the Creator

wajahat javaid javaid

I am an experienced article writer that is my passion for the reinforcement and improvement of social picture of today's "Present Era".

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