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How to Get Your Period in One Hour? 7 Best Ways

How to Get Your Period in One Hour?

By Abhishek SainiPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How to Get Your Period in One Hour?

How to Get Your Period in One Hour? 7 Best Ways

Are your periods running late? Well, there can be more than just one reason why your periods might delay. We know that missed periods can leave you feeling anxious. Don’t feel so! Your menstruation cycle can depend on several factors, including your hormones. But since you are anxious, you would want to know how to get your period in one hour.

As soon as your body undergoes any hormonal changes, your body is likely to undergo some changes in the menstrual cycle as well. Thankfully, nature has provided us with plenty of ways to get our periods on time. So, skip worrying! If you have a missed period, we have some of the best ways that are the perfect answers to ‘how to get your periods in one hour?’

How to Get Your Period in One Hour- Ways

Here are some top home remedies that allow you to induce your period early.

Try Eating Parsley

For centuries, women have consumed parsley to induce their periods. It is a perfect food that helps you to start menstruating. Parsley is rich in apiol and myristicin. These two ingredients are known for their properties that enable uterine contractions. Thus, consuming parsley induces your monthly cycle.

To consume parsley as the best solution for ‘how to get your period in one hour,’ you can boil 6g dried parsley leaf in water. Finally, you can consume it three times a day. Each dose can contain up to 2g of parsley. Other than this, you could also drink parsley tea two times a day. Doing this will have your period come early.

Use Cumin Seeds – ‘How to Get Your Period in One Hour?’

Cumin seeds are a great way to get your periods early. For women trying to find an answer to ‘how to get your period in one hour,’ cumin seeds can be the best pick! It is ideal not only for inducing your period, but cumin seeds also help you get rid of any menstrual cramps that you might experience.

You can add 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds and jaggery into your regular tea to get your periods early.

Eat Papaya

The properties of papaya fit perfectly as an answer to the question, ‘how to get your period in one hour?’ Just like parsley, papaya induces several uterine contractions. So, you can expect your period to arrive early than scheduled.

Papaya has carotene, which stimulates the estrogen hormone within a woman’s body. So, eating papaya is definitely going to help you stimulate your menstrual cycle.

Drink Ginger Tea

Most people love tea. But do you know the miraculous properties of ginger in tea? Well, you can definitely check it for yourself since you are trying to find an answer to ‘how to get your period in one hour.’

Since you are trying to get your period early, you can sip one to three cups of ginger tea. But remember, excess of anything can be bad! Keep your cups of ginger tea in a day limited to 2-3.

Ginger stimulates contraction around your uterus area. It provides the much-needed heat in your body to induce your period. You can also drink a glass of ginger juice in the morning to expect your periods in some time.

Try Celery Juice!

If you have reached this far, you must really be anxious about having your periods delayed. But don’t worry! We have another ingredient that can boost the process within no time! Yes! Celery juice is a natural food that is perfect for making your menstrual date fall soon. Even your doctor might recommend adding celery to your regular diet if you suffer from the problem very often!

You can consume two glasses of fresh celery juice every single day. It will definitely increase the blood in your body and also keep its flow normal. So, an adequate amount of blood reaches your pelvis and uterus, and you get your period within some time.

Thus, having delayed periods is not much of a problem until you start consuming celery juice every day. It is one of the perfect answers to ‘how to get your period in one hour.’

Consume Coriander Seeds if You Are Looking For Answers to How to Get Your Period in One Hour

Since ancient times, coriander seeds have proved to be an instant solution for women looking forward to how to get their periods in one hour. Consuming coriander seeds is the perfect way to get rid of your irregular cycles.

You can boil one tbsp of coriander seeds in water. Wait until the water evaporates and equals a cup. Finally, you can consume it after straining the seeds with a strainer. You can drink this mixture at least three times a day when you want your period to start.

Try Consuming Fennel Seeds

Other than these foods, you can also consume fennel seeds to get your period early. You can boil it in water or simply consume it with your regular tea. Put it in the tea and make it boil. Once you can smell its satisfying fragrance, you will know that your period booster drink is ready!

An answer for how to get your period in one hour can be to consume your fennel tea on an empty stomach every morning. If you would rather avoid tea, you can soak them in a glass of water and strain them in the morning. Finally, the strained water is ready for consumption to induce your period.

Now that you know how to get your period early, you might also be interested in knowing how to tackle them when they start. Since you are experiencing a delayed cycle, you might have a heavy flow. Because of that, the cramps that you develop can be intense. Therefore, you might need some tips and tricks to make your period easier after you have finally found your answer to ‘how to get your period in one hour.’

How Can You Make Your Period Easy?

Having your periods can make you feel cranky because of the hormonal ups and downs in your body. The cramp might add more to your misery and make you feel uncomfortable. So, here are a few tips you can use to make your period easier after you have implemented one of the answers to ‘how to get your period in one hour?’

Eat chocolates

Chocolates are happy food for most people. It releases dopamine in your body that makes you feel happy and satisfied. The hormones released in your body after consuming chocolates can make you feel less anxious and fulfilled.

Track your cycle

The best way to make your period easy is to track your cycle. When you track your cycle, you prepare yourself mentally for your period. This practice makes handling your periods even easier.

Exercise and Yoga

You might have come across several informational contents telling you to avoid exercising while on period. On the contrary, exercising and performing yoga asanas such as Vajrasana, Baddhakonasana, or Pranayama can leave you feeling more comfortable. You can get rid of the cramps in your body when you exercise. However, remember to keep it light!

Wrapping It Up!

As evident, ‘how to get your period in one hour?’ is not much of a big deal. There are plenty of ways that can enable you to get your period on time. So, next time you have a delayed period, you can pick one of these foods, include it in your diet, and wait as your period follows.

So, if anyone is looking for ‘how to get your period in one hour?’ don’t forget to share this information with them! They will be forever grateful to you!

Since we are concluding, we would also want to know if you are worried about aging. If yes, why not try botox therapy? Check out more about it here.


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