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Food is medicine!

By Chrispinus SimiyuPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Doing research on food!



(This information in this article is provided as an information source only!)



(The information in this article is provided as an information source only!)

Hello, I'm Dr. Chrispinus Wanjala Simiyu, and I want to talk to you today about cardiovascular diseases that are causing the loss of many lives. This article can help you save lives.

One major issue that affects millions worldwide is clogged arteries. Several factors contribute to clogged arteries, including obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a poor diet. A diet high in refined sugars without fiber can lead to inflammation throughout the body, which can cause excess fat, plaque, and clogging. This cycle continues to worsen until symptoms arise, which is often too late.

However, there is a solution to clogged arteries. Aged garlic has been proven to reduce plaque buildup in arteries, according to two studies: one from Science News and another from PubMed. The study involved 55 patients with metabolic syndrome, characterized by obesity, hypertension, and other cardiac risk factors. Participants were given either a placebo or 2400 milligrams of aged garlic extract every day. The final results showed that the extract reduced soft plaque, slowed total plaque accumulation by 80%, and demonstrated regression.

In addition, the same study from PubMed found that aged garlic inhibits platelet aggregation, preventing the formation of fibrinogen and fibrin in the internal parts of arteries, which can lead to more clogging.

It's important to consider aged garlic extract as a solution, but it's equally important to make lifestyle changes. Start eating healthier by incorporating more fiber, greens, vegetables, and fruits while eliminating refined and processed foods. Exercise, get enough sleep, manage stress, stay hydrated, and take other necessary steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Making these changes can positively impact your health and prevent clogged arteries, which can ultimately save lives.

Please share this article with your friends and family and leave your comments below. Remember, what's going on in your arteries has been happening for a long time, and it's time to make a positive change.

A poor diet, in particular, is one of the leading factors contributing to clogged arteries. The excessive consumption of refined sugars, such as white sugar and stripped sugars without fiber, is inflammatory and leads to inflammation throughout the body. This inflammation causes excess fat, more plaquing, and more clogging, leading to a worsening cycle over time until symptoms arise. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms occur, it may already be too late to prevent further damage.

One effective way to combat clogged arteries is through aged garlic extract. While aged garlic does not have the allicin found in regular garlic when it is chopped, it has many other beneficial effects, especially when it comes to the arteries.

Another study conducted in the same year, published in PubMed, found that aged garlic inhibits platelet aggregation, which can cause clogging in arteries, leading to heart attacks and strokes. The study showed that aged garlic extract inhibits platelet aggregation by increasing cyclic nucleotides and inhibiting fibroses binding and platelet-shaped change. This is exciting news because inhibiting the aggregation of platelets prevents fibrinogen and fibrin from forming within the internal parts of our arteries, which can eventually lead to more clogging.

Thus, these studies indicate that aged garlic extract is something you should consider adding to your diet to prevent and combat clogged arteries. Of course, it is important to make other lifestyle changes as well. You should start eating healthier, getting rid of all refined and processed foods, and adding more fiber, greens, vegetables, and fruits to your diet. It is also essential to exercise, get enough sleep, maintain your stress levels, and stay hydrated.

Remember, what is going on in your arteries has been there for a long time and has not happened overnight. However, it is never too late to make a positive change and start taking care of your heart health. So, make sure to share this article with your friends and family, leave your comments below, and most importantly, make it a great day!

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