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How to choose an air purifier for home

Tips for choosing an air purifier

By EddieePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Room air purifier

To against viruses, microbes and polluting particles of all kinds, nothing is more effective than an air purifier! Real practical equipment, this device is now invited into homes and is presented as the 'domestic anti-pollution' ally for households. If you want to equip yourself with a new room air purifier to guarantee the quality of your indoor atmosphere, here are the criteria that you should pay attention to.

Take into account the area to be cleaned

To be guaranteed to acquire a domestic appliance that perfectly meets the requirements of your interior, it is essential to focus on the total surface area of ​​the space to be purified. The objective being to be able to benefit from all the advantages, as well as the benefits of this equipment, it will be mandatory to focus on the range. This indication must be greater than or equal to the area to be cleared to benefit from the best performance. In the event of insufficient range, the coverage will not be optimal, making pollution control ineffective. Due to the totally variable needs from one home to another, you can now find a wide selection of air purifiers at reference brands such as bricomarché. It is therefore up to you to choose according to the requirements of your interior.

Ideally, it is advisable to bet on a high-range purifier that will be able to cover your entire home. Practical and much more economical, a single air purifier with sufficient range allows you to keep your indoor atmosphere completely clean. However, if you feel a strong need to clean the air in a particular room, more than the others, you can opt for a reduced performance air purifier. By the way

Filters: an essential component

The effectiveness of an air purifier relies on its filters. As the air sucked in by the device passes, the polluting particles will be retained by the filters, leaving the air to come out completely clean. Poorly performing filters may therefore not be able to trap harmful microparticles, reducing the effectiveness of the device. According to experiments, an air filtration device is considered efficient when it contains at least 3 filters. Thanks to this triple addition, the filtration capacity will be greater, reducing the risk of inefficiency.

All the information relating to the range and capacity of filtration is found on the packaging of an air purifier. Above all, do not neglect this information so as not to risk ending up with an unusable device!

Clean Air Delivery Rate and air inlets

In addition to the selection factors mentioned above, the CADR and the air inlets are also important points to consider when making your choice. The Clean Air Delivery Rate indicates the rate of air a sanitizer is able to clean per hour. Expressed in m², a higher CADR means better performance. In addition, the air inlets are also a parameter on which you must focus. A device that offers a 360° air inlet will be the most practical for filtration and treatment of the overall air in the surroundings. A reduced degree of air intake directly impacts the CADR performance of a purifier.

Read also How to choose a water purifier for your home?

Sound emission from the air purifier

As an electronic device, the air purifier also emits a particular sound. To guarantee comfortable use with the best possible transparency, it is better to turn to a model with a low noise level. Today, you are able to find air freshener devices on the market with a night mode that allows the home device to work silently after dark.

Useful additional options

Thanks to brand research and innovation, you will now find air purifiers with extra options that can make a big difference in use. Essential oil diffusion function, filter status indicator, silent mode, pairing with smartphone for remote control…… It's up to you to make a list of what you deem important for your daily use.

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