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How do you stop your child from being stubborn?

A careful solution to protect your youngsters

By Kamran Mehmood Published 2 years ago 5 min read

There are several defects in children's personalities, one of which is stubbornness. Stubbornness occurs when youngsters refuse to adapt and hold rigidly to their own decisions. According to the Cambridge dictionary “A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else.”

In Merriam-Webster, the meaning of stubborn is “refusing to change your ideas or stop doing something”.

In Collin dictionary “Someone who is stubborn or who behaves in a stubborn way is determined to do what they want and is very unwilling to change their mind.

According to the UK dictionary “Having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.”

With these definitions in mind, we can state that stubbornness is disrespectful conduct displayed by someone who denies or refuses other people's ideas, orders, suggestions, or requirements.

Nowadays, in many homes, youngsters are rude to elders and refuse to participate in any activity that a family member requests of them. As a result of this attitude, parents are becoming depressed and have no idea how to tackle the problem.

This article is for parents who wish to safeguard their child because he or she is obstinate.

Causes of stubbornness:

True, not all youngsters are obstinate by nature, but there are several additional reasons and causes for this problem.

1. Many youngsters are being obstinate because they believe that if they act this way, they will be able to get what they want.

2. Many children do not like to be interrupted; if their parents wish to interrupt or manage their children, the youngsters feel uneasy, and as a result, they become argumentative.

3. Many youngsters are sensitive enough to maintain their dignity and ideas, and if another person opposes them or opposes their opinions, they feel irritated.

4. Youngsters who take revenge on other children and stay furious all the time might suffer from stubbornness.

5. Miscommunication between children and parents is a key source of obstinacy. When these misunderstandings arise, conflicts ensue, and obstinacy in children begins.

6. Because children learn from their environment, they are unaware of what is wrong and what is right. If he/she learns good things, it has a positive impact on his /her personality and vice versa if he/she learns terrible things.

7. Children dislike it when someone restricts them or their ideas from outside. They feel awful when someone stops their activities and asks for a change as a result of the aggravation they have generated.

8. Making comparisons with other children is not helpful for your children since it makes them feel inferior, which leads to jealousy, which is a major source of stubbornness.

9. Children learn a lot from their parents, such as how they talk, move, and eat. How do they deal with challenges, and how do they behave? It means that children observe everything their parents do, including their communication style.

How can you know that your child become stubborn:

• When children are always furious, they are passionate and impatient.

• They've become opinionated, therefore they're asking why in every approach.

• In any scenario, youngsters will disagree with others and insist on their own point of view.

• Frustrated children are always refusing to do any type of work, which means that their answer is always NO.

• An inclination to be quick is an indication of stubbornness; impatience is a major source of stubbornness.

• They constantly listen to their own views or simply selectively listen.

• When asked to do anything, they first deny; if they want to do it, they go at their own pace and set their own rules.

• Stubborn children believe that they are always correct and that others are incorrect.

What is the role of parents? How do they stop their children from being stubborn?

Dealing with a child that exhibits obstinate behavior is challenging for parents; nevertheless, if parents know how to react and treat these children, they may play a significant part in helping them develop a distinct identity.

Here are some tips and tricks to deal with a stubborn child.

Training vs. raising a child:

There is a significant difference between training and parenting a child. If parents properly care for their child from the beginning and provide them with suitable training in all parts of life, there is a good possibility that they will develop a responsible personality in society.

Provide a concise description:

The Half-truth is more hazardous than a lie, thus parents should adequately address their children’s curiosity so that they do not carry an unclear response in their minds.

Offer them two choices:

Always provide your child with two or more alternatives so that he or she does not have the ability to deny it. One rigid instruction makes children feel uncomfortable; but, if you give them options, they get some space and feel free to act properly.

Encourage them to solve problems:

Make an effort to praise more than you criticize. As a general rule, try to praise your child five times for every bad comment you make. Praise your youngster for their abilities and encourage them to be enthusiastic about their own hobbies. This will aid in the development of your child's feeling of pride and self-confidence.

Avoid enforcing too many rules:

Making too many rules makes youngsters feel as if they have lost their independence and sophistication; consequently, parents should keep these factors in mind and avoid making too many regulations.

Use reward more than consequences:

When parents tell their children, "If you do this, I'll give you a gift," they will do it right away; nevertheless, if parents threaten them with repercussions, the youngster will feel challenged and become resistant.

Dealing with obstinate children is difficult for parents since persuading them to complete even the most basic activities, such as taking a bath, eating a meal, or going to bed, is a daily fight. By giving in to their children's tantrums, parents unknowingly foster obstinate conduct. The best way to deal with stubborn youngsters is to demonstrate that their behavior is ineffective. Pay attention to their positive behavior in order to get the intended result.


About the Creator

Kamran Mehmood

Freelance content writer,Ghost writer| Teacher

Reading and writing are my cognative enhancers.

writing of orginility

Trying to explore world with beautiful words.

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  • Aisha Mohammad2 years ago

    From reading the article I think I am probably stubborn as well. Thanks for sharing:)

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