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Hair loss prevention through Ayurveda

Men's Hair Loss

By HEALTHY SPACE FOR YOUR LIFEPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Hair loss is experienced by all of us at one or the other time. To know the causes of hair fall, it is very essential to know the structure of hair and its normal growth cycle..

Hair loss is experienced by all of us at one or the other time. To know the causes of hair fall, it is very essential to know the structure of hair and its normal growth cycle.

Structure of hair

The hair on our scalp can be divided into two parts, the root and shaft. The root part of hair is in the skin (epidermis) of the scalp. The hair root is surrounded by a pouch-like structure called follicle. The base of the hair root is in the shape of a bulb. This bulb is indented by capillaries and nerve fibers. The cells in the center of the bulb divide. The newly divided hair cells push the previous cells up. The cells which move upwards die slowly forming a hard hair shaft.

The hair shaft has three layers: the cuticle, medulla and cortex.

Cuticle is the outer layer and protects the inner layers. It is transparent. Healthy cuticle gives a shiny appearance for hair and unhealthy cuticle gives lifeless look

Medulla is the innermost layer composed of large cells.

Cortex is the layer between cuticle and medulla. This contains pigment and keratin. Cortex determines the bulk and strength of hair.

The hair follicle contains oil secreting glands which make the hair shiny .Stress and illness diminish secretion of oil and pigments causing greying of hair.

According to Ayurveda the hair is considered as a tissue which uses the same nutrients of bone and considered as a tissue which is formed as bi-product of bone tissue.

Normal cycle of hair growth.

About 10 % of the hair on the scalp is in a resting phase at any given time. The resting hair falls after 2 to 3 months and new hair starts growing in its place. The growing phase continues for 2.25 to 6 yrs. During this phase each hair grows approximately 1 cm per month. At any given time about 90% of the hair on the scalp will be in the growing phase.

Few strands of hair fall as part of the normal hair growth cycle. But some people may experience excessive hair fall which is more than normal. Excessive hair loss can affect men, women and children.

Causes of hair loss

  • Hormonal imbalance in men and women: In men high concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles causes hair fall. In women hormonal imbalances during pregnancy and after delivery cause hair fall.
  • High amount of sebum in scalp clogs pores of scalp and prevents nutrition to hair follicle.
  • Inadequate nutrition causes hair fall.
  • Stress, worry, lack of sleep, worry and anxiety cause hair fall
  • Long standing diseases like typhoid, viral infections, anaemia, surgery etc cause general debility which lead to hair fall
  • Some medicines used for gout, chemotherapy of cancer , birth control pills , antidepressants etc cause hair fall
  • Diseases like lupus, diabetes cause hair fall.
  • Tying hair tightly pulls the hair from follicles and causes traction alopecia.
  • Heredity also causes hair fall.

  • Dandruff or Fungal infection of scalp.
  • Accumulation of dirt on the scalp causes blocking of pores and weakens hair roots. This leads to hair fall.

According to Ayurveda the causes of hair loss are described as follows

  • Too much exposure to dust, sunlight, water and other pollutants.
  • Too much sweating.
  • Irregular sleeping pattern.
  • Anxiety, depression, insomnia.
  • Unhygienic way of living
  • Diseases
  • Alcohol consumption.

Hair loss Remedies

  • Liberal intake of vitamins.
  • High protein and iron rich diet.

  • Consumption of raw vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, green leafy vegetables regularly.
  • Washing hair regularly ( twice weekly ) with suitable shampoo.
  • Using relaxing techniques to overcome stress, anxiety and sleeplessness.
  • Preventing fungal infections of the scalp.
  • Preventing hairstyles which pull hair.

Due to these causes the tridoshas get vitiated and cause hair loss. The vitiated doshas affect the scalp skin and cause hair fall occurs. Medicated oil with the herbs Bhringraj ( Eclipta Alba ), Amalaki ( Embelica officinalis ), Haritaki ( Terminalia chebula ) and Bibhitaki ( Terminalia bellirica ) is a best remedy for hair fall.

Follow This And Grow Your Hair Naturally

Folicerin Hair Loss

Folicerin is a modern anti-hair loss shampoo dedicated to men. The cosmetic formula helps to prevent hair loss, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves microcirculation of the scalp and thoroughly cleanses and conditions.

Folicerin is a safe and gentle product for the skin, so it can be used daily. The shampoo's ingredients are surrounded by biopolymer particles with a diameter of more than 200 nm, which ensures the stabilisation of sensitive active substances and increases their effectiveness. It is an innovative product, which makes it of great interest to men.


Folicerin is a modern anti-hair loss shampoo containing ingredients that help increase blood circulation in the scalp, deliver nutrients to the hair roots and strengthen the hair at its roots. In this way, it helps to reduce hair loss and stimulate new hair growth.

Folinerin contains only the highest quality active ingredients. The formula of the shampoo is gentle, which allows its daily use. In addition, the product has an extremely masculine cedar-grapefruit scent that will fill you with energy for the whole day.

Don't let baldness take away your self-confidence and go for confident results with Folinerin.


Nano T-Growth Hair is a revolutionary blend of natural ingredients that effectively fights hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. Thanks to the technology developed by Nanovetores, the shampoo's ingredients are surrounded by biopolymer particles with a diameter of more than 200 nm, which ensures the stabilization of sensitive active substances.

The effectiveness of Nano T-Growth Hair was confirmed in studies, which showed an 8.7% increase in the average density of new hair strands compared to the initial state. The product was applied once a day for 56 days.


About the Creator


Everyone should live a healthy life. I will give the necessary guidance and information's to bring a healthy life to everyone born till death.

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