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By Ahmar Naz Asim Published about a year ago 4 min read

There lived a poor farmer in a village

Tired of poverty, one day he decided to go to the city. His wife cooked him 7 loaves of bread, which he packed in a table and walked to the city. He got tired of walking continuously for several hours. So he reached a blind well and stopped to rest.

After resting for some time, he felt hungry, so he took out his dinner plate and placed it in front of him and said to himself. "Eat one, eat two, eat three or eat seven of seven"...

7 fairies lived in the blind well near which he was sitting. When they heard the words of the farmer, they understood that he was addressing them. A fairy said: This is a strange creature that eats fairies. The other said: How shall we get rid of him now?… After discussing among themselves they all came to the conclusion that the eldest fairy should go up and tell him to take what he had to take and spare our lives.

The biggest fairy came up and said to the farmer: We will give you whatever you ask us, but for God's sake don't eat us. So he also became a lion and said to him:

I can leave you only on the condition that you bring me the hen that lays the golden egg. The fairy immediately brings him the hen that lays the golden egg and says: You put the hen in front of you and say, Go chicken, your achievement. Show me this, Will show his achievement

The farmer happily returned to his village with the chicken. Since he had come far from the village, night fell on the way and he thought that no one would steal the chicken from him, so he reached a nearby village and knocked on the door of a house. One used to grow up.

When the farmer asked for his permission to stay at home, the old man took him in. After dinner, when they lay down in their beds to sleep, the farmer told the old man all about the exploits of his hen. The farmer told the secret of the hen to the old man and fell asleep himself, but the old man kept awake and when he was sure that the farmer was already asleep, he hid the hen that lays the golden eggs and brought the same hen to her. When the farmer woke up the next day, he thanked the old man and took the chicken and went to his house.

When he reached home, he said to his wife, "I have brought a very rare gift today. So show me that rare gift." His wife said the farmer now sat down with the hen in front of him and said: Come on, show your achievement! If there was a golden egg-laying hen there, she would have shown her achievements

When his hen did not lay a golden egg, his wife said to him: "You are just out of your mind, did the hen ever lay a golden egg?" The farmer tried hard to convince him, but his The wife did not obey. The next day, the farmer went to the same well and said: Eat one, eat two, eat three, or eat seven of the seven! Hearing his voice, the fairies were very angry that he had come again. The eldest sister came out of the well and said to the farmer:

O greedy person! We had given you such a precious gift, but your greed still did not end and you have come again today. The farmer heard the fairy's words and said: You have deceived me. He gave me an ordinary hen and said that it lays golden eggs. The fairy was very wise and asked the farmer if he stopped at anyone's house on the way.

The farmer told him about staying at the old man's house. The fairy thought that the old man must have stolen the hen that lays the golden egg from the farmer. Ask for the chicken back. If the old man returns the chicken, great, and if he does not return the chicken, then you say, Come on, show me your perfection.

The wand will begin to show its brilliance. When the old man agrees to give you back the chicken, say: Stop now, stick. The farmer took the stick and then reached the old man's house and started demanding the return of his chicken. When the farmer expressed his lack of knowledge about the chicken, the farmer said: Come on, my sticks, show your perfection! The old man shouted a lot but the farmer remained silent and sitting on all cots, he started watching his spectacle

After a while, she said to the farmer, stop your stick, I will return your chicken right now. Hearing this, the farmer said: Stop now, stick! And the stick stopped raining. The old man returned his hen to the farmer and he took it with him and went home.

On reaching home, when the farmer showed his wife the feats of the chicken, she was very surprised

Soon the farmer became very rich and the husband and wife started living happily in the same village.


About the Creator

Ahmar Naz Asim

As a story writer, my passion lies in crafting worlds that readers can escape to and characters they can connect with. landscape or a subtle exchange of dialogue between two characters,

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