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Giving and receiving are two

Giving and receiving are two

By Stephanie AllenPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Giving and receiving are two opposite concepts. The first word "Shedu" came from "Fan Sichuan". After it was introduced into China, it quickly merged with the traditional Laozhuang Taoist thought and became a kind of philosophy of "Zen". All things in the world are relative, have to give to get, to get must give up. For example, a man takes a boat across the river, the boat is full of half life's treasure, but the boat is going to sink in the middle of the river, what to do? There is only one choice: give up your treasure and get your life! There is a story: Two hunters were pursued by hungry wolves, both of them with guns and heavy gold. But none of the bullets were in the gun. While crossing a river, the two men separated. One of them gave up his gold and his gun and fell down; The other gave up his gold and his gun to fight the Wolf and survive. Give up your worldly possessions and get life. Mencius said: "Fish, I also want; Bear's paw, also I want also. You can't have both, but the bear's paw instead of the fish." Sacrifice oneself for others, sacrifice one's life, sacrifice one's own for the public, give up greed to worry, give up fame and gain quiet, give up all unselfish thoughts to be a down-to-earth man... It all goes to show us that what you give is what you get. "Willing" is easy to say, but it is not easy to do. People focus more on getting and less on giving up. The ancients said, "Give what you would take." This dialectical thought is the relationship between giving and receiving. You work, you have to give strength to gain; You study, you have to give up time to get knowledge; When you do business, you have to give up the cost to get the return; When you become an official, you have to give up comfort to get a brilliant life. From ancient times to the present, there are countless celebrities who have made achievements that will remain memorable for centuries. They all have confidence and understanding of the word "willing". The same is true of including things. Snakes grow in their molts, gold is taken out in the gravel, and trees have to be pruned before they can bear more fruit. Being willing is not only a philosophy of life, but also an art of doing things. Indeed, willing is a kind of spirit, willing is a kind of understanding, willing is a kind of maturity, willing is a kind of wisdom, is a kind of life of the highest realm!On a Sunday morning last winter, the sun was shining brightly, but the air was very dry and the wind was whipping in. The dead leaves followed all over the ground, swirling all over the sky. The pedestrians on the road have rubbed their hands, bowed their heads and hurried past, only an elderly couple walking in the street is walking so calmly and enjoying, with a light smile on their face, like layers of ripples on spring water, looking at them, I seem to feel the warmth around me, unconsciously slowing down and focusing on it. The husband had an old blue cloth bag on his right wrist, and pushed the wheelchair with both hands, walking with great care; The woman sitting in the wheelchair was the wife whose eyes were a little glazed, but whose smile was sweet. She was wrapped in a large and thick layer of cotton clothing, cotton hat, ear muffs, masks, gloves, cotton shoes all cold items in her body almost used, in this "fully armed", I seem to see her wife that love her heart. After walking for a while, the husband found a row of chairs and pushed the wheelchair to the side. Later, I felt that it was not appropriate, and I looked at the road warily and pushed the wheelchair to my side. Completely relieved, the husband began to chat with his wife - only the husband is talking, it is estimated that some parents are short, very tedious. But the wife just smiled at the husband's earnest. Face, listen patiently, smile will be more brilliant. Suddenly, the wife's leg covered by the blanket was blown off, the husband was busy to pick it up, and carefully help her cover it, and worry about something, and then push the wheelchair on the road. This scene is short, but romantic This scene is silent, but warm. On the road, the bright sunshine is still cold, the fallen leaves and dead branches are still shivering in the cold wind, the wind is roaring wildly. However, when I stared at the back of the old couple, my heart was filled with only full and warm happiness. Happiness does not necessarily come from ourselves, as long as we can stay close to the sun, we can warm ourselves. Seeing others happy together can also be a touch of happiness in our hearts. Though only one


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