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Fresh Breathes - The Perfect Breath Freshener for Dogs

A complete review on the product "fresh breathes" by pup lana

By DevonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Fresh Breathes - The Perfect Breath Freshener for Dogs
Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

Fresh Breathes is a revolutionary breath freshener for dogs that is designed to eliminate bad breath and keep your pup's breath smelling fresh for days. It's easy to use, completely natural and has no artificial ingredients, and it's vet approved.

By Joe Caione on Unsplash

Fresh Breathes is made up of 100% fresh mint leaves, so it's a great way to freshen your dog's breath without the use of chemicals or artificial scents. The mint leaves are sourced from around the world, including Spain and France, and are grown in small farms that maintain high standards for quality control. Fresh Breathes uses these mint leaves as the main ingredient in their product, which ensures that they're always using fresh ingredients and never using old or expired ones.

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The mint leaves are then combined with other natural ingredients such as witch hazel extract and menthol crystals, which help freshen up your dog's breath without causing any discomfort or irritation. They don't contain alcohol at all—so you can feel safe knowing that you're giving them something that won't dry out their throat or cause any other unpleasant side effects. And because they're all-natural ingredients

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By Chewy on Unsplash

I'm a huge fan of Fresh Breathes.

I have a 10-week-old puppy, so I know firsthand how important it is to keep their breath smelling fresh—especially because they tend to chew on everything (and everything smells). With Fresh Breathes, you can rest assured that you're giving them the best possible care.

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The product comes in a small spray bottle that you can easily carry around with you wherever you go. The formula is designed to dissolve quickly in water, so there's no need to worry about it sitting around waiting for your dog to lick it up like some sort of magic potion—you just spray it on as needed! The scent is really nice and light: nothing too heavy or overpowering here!

By Robert Larsson on Unsplash

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I've used Fresh Breathes for about three weeks now, and I'm still loving the results: my pup's mouth looks cleaner than ever before! He hasn't

Your dog's breath is one of their most important signals to you, and you want to make sure that your pup is always smelling as fresh as possible.

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Fresh Breathes comes in two sizes—a travel size that can be used while traveling or at home when you're on the go, or a larger size that will last longer but still fits in your pocket or bag. You simply place Fresh Breathes in your pocket or bag with your dog's food or treats (if they're eating them). Then leave them alone until they need a new refill!

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By Josue Michel on Unsplash

When they do need a refill, just pull the tab out of the container so it pops out of place, then replace it back into the top portion of the container where it sits snugly until next time! The only downside to this product is that it smells pretty strongly initially when you first open up its container (but once

We've been using Fresh Breathes in our household for about a week now, and we're really loving it! We have a dog who has bad breath all the time (including when he's sleeping), so it was really important that we found something that would work for him—and this stuff does the trick!

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By Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

The first time we used Fresh Breathes was after he'd been sleeping on his own for awhile without us there to stop him from snoring. When we came back into the room, he looked up at us with those big brown eyes and said, "What? I didn't even know you were here!" And then he went back to watching Netflix like nothing had happened.

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