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Following The Numbers

Valentine and Rosie's Life Continues

By Monica SpurrellPublished 3 years ago 101 min read

Following the Numbers

The Little Black Book

Early to bed, early to rise makes a young Mother and Daughter healthy, wealthy, and wise!

Valentine and Rosie wake every Saturday morning eager to partake in the weekend bonding rituals. For the last five years of Rosie’s life, her Mommy finishes their errands by visiting their local library. Here a proud Mother watches as her pre-school daughter searches for newer and more exciting reading material printed for children double her age.

The days of reading about Pooh Bear and Dr. Suess are long past for Rosie. At the age of just two, this child quickly mastered the art of reading, and by age four, she has moved on to books teaching the basics of math! Valentine sees the direction her baby girl leads and feels the struggle of keeping her sponge-like brain hydrated with expansive knowledge. Valentine knew the high cost of any gifted learning program was out of reach without ever making a physical phone call.

Sometimes Rosie forgets about the library books and joins in with other children her age, playing hide and seek under the tall stacks of shelves donning the grand city library. Without a doubt, none of Rosie’s small friends knew the library had a math section with plenty of space for hiding. Rosie loved crawling under the shelves waiting for anyone to find her but was always left disappointed, never being discovered. Yet, Rosie never gave up on the game. This particular day was no different. The children gathered, and the hiding game began. Instantly, Rosie ran left and right, searching for the best hiding spot.

Valentine smiled, seeing her daughter take a quick left turn toward the math books, and from her chair, she saw her baby roll on the floor and get tucked out of view.

To any child, minutes laying quietly waiting to be found can seem like hours. Although patient, Rosie got bored and decided to lay on her back for a more comfortable wait.

Before her very eyes did appear, a small back notebook lay taped to the shelf bottom. She removed the tape and placed the little black book in her jacket pocket just as she heard her Mommy call her name, saying, “Rosie, it’s time to go home.”

Later that night, Valentine tucked Rosie into bed and went to clean the mudroom. When she picked up their jackets, the little black notebook fell from Rosie’s pocket. Valentine picked it up and quickly scanned the seemingly empty pages. Seeing nothing, she tossed it onto the shoetree stand.

Monday morning, both walked into the mudroom and prepare for their typical departure when Rosie’s eyes spied the little back notebook. Quickly, she grabs it, saying, “Mommy, Mommy, I forgot about this. I found it while hiding in the library. I need to take this with me to daycare.” Valentine tucked the notebook into Rosie’s backpack and said. “You will find it in here when you want it.” Then the two of them went on their way.

The minute Rosie arrived at daycare, she searched her backpack and told her caregivers she had a new notebook and needed to do some exploring. Quietly, Rosie sat at her table and began to turn the pages seeing it empty. Until her wondering eyes spotted a number 1 handwritten at the very bottom left corner of the back of the first page! On the backside of the seventh page, she saw a 7, and on the next page, she found a handwritten 0. Rosie was thrilled to find numbers don her little black notebook. Page by page, she continued to search until she was satisfied she had seen every page containing a number. She tucked the little black notebook back into her knapsack and joined the children for their morning snack.

After Supper, Rosie told Valentine about the notebook having numbers on some pages and nothing on others. Her Mom suggested Rosie use the new book to practice her math, and Rosie agreed. After Supper, Rosie found her notebook and began to play with the pages. Seeing some pages with numbers and others with none began to bother Rosie’s growing mind. So Rosie, being Rosie, grabbed a yellow post-it and wrote out the numbers she saw on each page. Seeing 17090020000 written meant nothing to her. She tucked the yellow note into the black notebook when her Momma called out, “it’s bathtime.”

Valentine carried her happy, clean, little sleepy child to bed when bathtime was finished and plopped her down. Instantly, the yellow post-it note flew into the air and landed faceup on the floor. Valentine bent down and picked up the paper, asking Rosie, “what’s this?” Rosie explained the numbers she found in the book and wrote them as they appeared on each page. Continuing with, “too many numbers are hard to figure out.” Her Mother’s eyes smiled while saying, “it’s a phone number with a whole lot of zero’s.” Rosie was thrilled to hear her Momma explain the list of numbers. Rosie spoke, “We should call the number and see if it works.” Valentine laughed at her beautiful little girl and the wild ideas she can speak so close to bedtime. Valentine took the yellow note in hand, placed a kiss upon her daughter’s sleepy head, and settled in the living room.

Staring at the phone number, Valentine began to wonder why someone would tape an almost empty little black notebook in a library? Curiosity got the best of Valentine, and she dialed the phone number. An answering machine picked up, and the words spoken made Valentine laugh with glee.

You have reached the Mathematics Department contest line. If you have the little black book, you are the grand prize winner of a brilliant mind and $20,000. Please deliver the notebook to the MUN Mathematics Department to collect your prize.

Chapter 2


The next morning Rosie woke to a strange silence. After slipping from the bed, she walked into her Mommy’s room, seeing everything neat and tidy. Rosie almost ran into the family room with a sharp right turn, discovering Valentine asleep on the couch, clasping tightly to the little black book. Rosie woke her mommy, asking, “why are you still sleeping? It’s Tuesday and a workday!”

Valentine woke from her fog and remembered the thrill of winning a large sum of money. Quickly, she told Rosie, “today will not be a workday or a daycare day! Today, we get to take this little black book to the University Math Department. Your brilliant brain has solved a puzzle with a prize we can put toward your higher education.”

Rosie was excited hearing the little black book was used in a contest. Still, Rosie’s immediate concern was being able to keep the notebook. Valentine laughed, hearing her baby girl speak like a young child of five. Quickly, Valentine sent Rosie to the bathroom to ready for the day’s new adventure.

Two hours later, Mother and Daughter walked into the HH-3003 office, located in the Henrietta Harvey building in their city. Instantly, greeting a receptionist who seemed excited about having visitors. Valentine handed the little black book to Rosie and asked her to give it to the receptionist. Rose did as asked and said, “I found this; I was hoping I could keep it. It’s mostly empty.” Valentine laughed, hearing her daughter almost plead for the little black book. The receptionist smiled and said she will be right back, asking Rosie to hold the book. The secretary stood and asked both of them to take a seat. She knocked on another office door, and after hearing permission to enter, she stepped inside and closed the door.

Rosie looked at her Mother and said, “Do you think she is asking permission for me to keep the book?” Valentine heard her little girl speak, but she didn’t answer. Instead, she kept taking deeper breaths waiting for the receptionist to return, recognizing this was a life-changing moment.

Seconds later, the office door opened, and the receptionist requested they both step inside.

Behind the extra-large desk stood a taller-than-average dark-haired, dark-eyed, Math professor with shoulders befitting a football player.

The Professor walked around the desk, held out his right hand, greeting Valentine. “I'm Soire, and it's nice to meet you.” Valentine introduced herself and her daughter Rosie. The Professor asked, “I understand you have the little black book. Can I see it?"

The moment the big man asks for the book, Rosie walks over to him and reaches her left hand real high while standing on tip-toe, trying to place the book near his large face.

Standing in front of a towering adult made Rosie feel very tiny. Immediately, Soire recognized her struggle and bent both knees, greeting her almost face to face. Rosie smiled seeing such a tall man shrink to her size, and she giggled. Making everyone giggle.

Sorie took the book from Rosie's little hand while asking her, "who found the numbers?" Immediately, Rosie spoke up about writing the numbers on a yellow post-it note but how Mommy recognized them as a phone number. Sorie told Rosie she has a brilliant mind and how he noticed she was left-handed. While continuing to tell Rosie, he was also left-handed. Rosie spoke about how thrilled she was meeting another person who uses their left-hand. While saying, "Mommy uses her right hand only. Sometimes, I practice using both left and right hands." Sorie laughed, hearing the excellent use of words this child spoke. He was intrigued.

Valentine stood close by and watched as such a large man easily interacted with Rosie. She asked if he had children, and his answer did surprise her. While relieving the strain on his knees, he stood. "Gotta have a wife to have children these days, and my students are enough demands in my life." Valentine lightened the conversation with the words, "If you have to teach adults like Rosie, I understand the struggle of keeping a brilliant mind entertained." Sorie replied, "I bet you do."

Rosie knew when the adults start talking, it was time to occupy herself. Quickly, she wandered toward the large window ledge seeing a rainbow-coloured puzzle and began the challenge. Sorie watched as Rosie carefully lay the pieces out on display. Seeing her thoroughly entertained the adults in the room got down to the contest business. Happily, Sorie wrote out a cheque to Valentine Harrisons the grand prize of $20,000.00.

Valentine mentioned the phone number ending in 20000 and asked if it had anything to do with the prize payout? Sorie, laughed saying, "Yes, It was exactly! I see where your daughter gets her brainpower."

He continued sharing with Valentine some of the Math Department's gifted programs for children. He wanted to know if she would be interested in having Rosie attend. He explained how the first four sessions would be mostly testing her level of knowledge. "After analyzing the combined information, we can find the best Saturday advanced learning group your daughter would be most comfortable attending." The cost of which was zero dollars. He explained the funding comes from many higher learners donations reserved for children showing exceptional promise.

Valentine felt like she walked into the twilight zone. The Saturday routine they practiced for the last five years had changed. Her baby girl was to begin genius testing at 1 pm Saturday.

Chapter 3

A busy brain needs sleep

Wednesday morning, Rosie was awoken by Valentine telling her to get her sleepy brain awake. "Daycare for you and back to work for me." Rosie smiled wide, feeling the comfort of their regular routine quickly restored. She hopped out of bed and picked up her little black book from the nightstand, telling her Mother she was taking it to show and tell. Valentine laughed while imagining how this child will speak about her past adventure to Memorial University.

On the first Saturday of testing, Rosie managed to sit and explore the computerized system for over two hours. The second week, she sat for three hours, and by the third Saturday. Rosie was sitting attentively at the computer for five straight hours. Only when she began to show disinterest or tired did the automated system stop.

After each session, Valentine began to recognize Rosie was growing quieter and almost always occupied. Rarely did she ask any questions, too many evenings after supper Rosie went directly to her room beyond excited to continue learning something new. Every night, Rosie instantly falls asleep when her head hits the pillow. Yet, remains sleeping long past sunrise.

On the final day of testing, Valentine woke Rosie and was greeted by a much older attitude than the pre-schooler she put to bed! "Go away, I need more sleep," Rosie hollered at her Mommy as she pulled the covers over her head.

Valentine became more than concerned hearing her child respond like a teenager. On her way out of Rosie’s bedroom, Valentine spoke words Rosie’s grown attitude might understand. “I’m your Mother, and if you want to complete the Saturday testing, you better rise with a nicer attitude.”

She decided this child's reactions and actions needed to be discussed with the Professor. Neither Rosie nor Valentine had seen him during the previous test days; today, she needed an immediate conversation.

She dialed his office number and left a lengthy message regarding Rosie's maturing attitude.

Valentine arrived fifteen minutes early for the last Saturday's testing session. She was hoping to find the Professor before the computer class began.

The minute Rosie was taken to her computer session, Sorie appeared.

Valentine almost didn't recognize the man standing in casual attire until he stepped closer, instantly towering over her. After shaking hands, he asked her to have a seat and tells her he planned on calling. “The first three weeks of Rosie’s test results surpassed their scale for a gifted child her age.” Valentine laughed, saying, "A gifted, grumpy, and sleepy teenager, you mean." Sorie laughed, telling her how the testing is igniting her ability to learn. “With that comes a teenager's level need for excessive sleep. It’s natural and is a symptom essential in the learning process. When the brain is processing, it's working very hard, and it's beyond tiring. The brain needs that rest to process without taking in anything new.”

Sorie continued, “Most importantly, it also gives the brain time to sort after processing. During sleep, it becomes a deeper learned lesson.”

Valentine laughed and said, “I thought you teach Math!”

Valentine felt better but wasn't sure if she was ready to deal with a teenager. Sorie seeing the bewildered look on Valentine's face, comforted her by touching her right hand with his left. Asking her where she was originally from? She laughed, saying, "Why, I don't have an accent?" He laughed, saying, "Neither does your daughter."

Valentine sat with Sorie while Rosie continued to score even higher on her testing.

Valentine spoke, “Rosie was born down the road. So my daughter is a born and bred Newfie. I lived and studied Marketing in Toronto. In the third year of University, I began researching inverto-fertilization. Finding a clinic in Toronto where you can choose sperm and hold it until you are ready to be fertilized. I was impressed with many of the donation bios. In the end, I felt the genes of a Science Major were my best bet.

After University, I traveled directly to St John’s to the only clinic willing to fertilize a single woman. Quickly, I found a 9 – 5 job running a retail store and began the problematic steps of getting considered for the invitro-fertilization process. It took a few years to maneuver through their comprehensive requirements. I passed every stage and was lucky enough to be chosen. On the 4th of Jan 2000, I was fertilized with the saved sperm bank deposit, which worked perfectly. Rosie was easy to carry. I worked up to the Thanksgiving holidays. At week 40, Rosie quietly slipped into my world just after Thanksgiving Supper. I felt how special she was the moment I held her in my arms. Immediately she was everything I knew she would be. A Perfect little Rosie baby. So I named her Rosie.”

Sorie was very interested in Valentine’s story. He asked her why she stayed on the East Coast? Valentine laughed, saying, “In the winter, I ask myself the same question. I felt this city gave me a gift, and I want to give my daughter roots on the same soil where she was made. We are both fortunate.”

After Valentine shared her story, Sorie had to leave. He apologized for his departure, explaining he had a particular class to teach. While he stepped farther away, Sorie turned back, saying, “I will be calling you very soon. I’m sorry I’ve been absent.”

Sunday after brunch, Valentine took a lazy Rosie to their neighborhood park to remind her that she was still a small child. By Monday morning’s regular departure, a pre-schooler was ready for daycare fun.

Chapter 4

Attention To Detail

The minute she spoke the words, “Toronto, University, and Science Graduates,” his brain began to tingle, tingle, tingle back to the last week before graduation. A drunken group of young men felt they were too geeky to get a wife to spread their seed. Therefore, the brave men thought they had to make a significant contribution to every society by depositing their spectacular seamen into a local sperm bank. Here they were almost guaranteed to reproduce for any wanting lady. Today, not one of them has married or produced offspring.

Sorie sat in his office staring out the window, waiting for the Ontario sperm bank office to open.

What should he tell Valentine? He pondered his sneaky method of obtaining Rosie’s DNA. But, the deed is done, and now he was waiting for Rosie’s drinking glass to produce her specific sequence. He wasn’t having it tested against his, but he didn’t need a computer to read the codes. His own brain loved the process of finding matching DNA before ever asking for confirmation from a computer.

10:30 am NL time is the perfect time to call Ontario.

With total clarity, Sorie explained he was a temporary client. “I made a deposit on a Friday and withdrew it Monday morning back in 1990. I was assured no one picked my sample, and it would be disposed of. I have a copy of the paper I signed withdrawing my sample. Can you help verify my sample was destroyed?” The female voice on the other end said, “I’m sorry, sir, this number is no longer for a sperm bank, but good luck.”

Sorie hung up. He was no further ahead. All he had left was to check the DNA. He continued to think about Valentine and how much he must share with her before his search continued.

Sorie picked up the telephone and called Valentine. He asked her to bear with him while he explains what he needs to do. Valentine listened as he told her the tale of a boy's drunken joke and how he wanted permission to check Rosie's DNA sequence against his own. He was assured long ago no one picked his sperm sample, and he signed the papers and left the sample for them to dispose of.

Valentine was not shocked by his story. She was grateful for the men who shared their seed to women like her. Valentine explained, when choosing an alternative method of creating a child, wanting mothers are warned, their offspring may have a larger biological family. “I knew she was unique early on, and that was my first warning sign.”

Valentine asked when he would know the DNA results? Sorie replied, “I’m working on it between classes. Can we meet around five?”

Valentine and Rosie went to met Sorie in the neighborhood park at five fifteen. Valentine knew there was a big chance Sorie was not the sperm donor, but he needed to know for sure. She let herself wonder what the mathematical changes were of Rosie winning a contest her Father placed in a library? Indeed, 1 in 7090020000. Yet, that was the exact goal all of his buddies had in making their genetic contributions.

Valentine sat on a bench near the Jungle Jim when Sorie silently appeared standing to her left side. Almost startled, she made a snarky remark on how a big man can sneak around. But, Sorie was feeling a loss he didn’t ever expect to feel. As soon as Valentine saw his face, she knew he was hurt, which meant he was not Rosie’s Father. Valentine encouraged him to sit to the right of her. He slowly placed his heavyweight onto the bench, making sure it was strong enough before stretching his long legs out toward the gravel path.

Valentine waited until he was ready to share the disappointment he was feeling. It was evident he was heartbroken over not having a child. When he said the words, “For a whole day, I wanted to be the Father of your child. It felt really filling. Now that it’s gone, I’ll never feel it again. For the first time in forever, I feel lost.”

Valentine saw how sad he was and wanted to let him know all hope was not lost.

To break the pain, Valentine began to laugh, saying, “I thought you were smart; men can make babies up to the age of eighty. Women are all dried up by forty.” She told him he had lots of time to be a father.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence, Rosie came running, seeing Sorie. She asked her mommy for her knapsack while listening to Soria ask Valentine if she and Rosie would join him for dinner. Rosie said, “Please say, yes, mommy, you have to like him; we have the same letters in our name. We are like twins!”

Valentine asked her baby what she meant as she watched her rummage through the knapsack. Quickly, Rosie pulled out the little black book and turned to the very first page. Showing her mommy the letters in Sorie and Rosie are the exact same letters. Twins! Sorie saw the letters hand-printed and said, “She has to be all yours, cause no kid of mine would be this smart.”

Chapter 5

Searching Millions of Seed

On the fifth Saturday, Valentine delivered her brainchild to meet her university study group. Quickly recognizing the class of only girls put Valentine’s mind at ease. She was sure her daughter would not have too many issues dealing with girls a few years and inches over Rosie.

Unlike the last four Saturdays, this session had a specific time scheduled. Valentine was free for the next four hours but having nothing left on her errand list to complete, she felt lost.

Rarely has she experienced time not filled with the coming and going of work and child care. It didn’t take long before the local library came to her mind. Old habits were good habits, and Valentine decided to take the time to explore the more adult sections of the city library. Never before has Valentine walked into the library, noticing how many people were using the same facility. She was always concerned with getting Rosie to her scheduled library classes. As a teenager, she never paid attention to another person when using the Toronto library. It was always safer to find a corner in the section of your interest and stay to yourself. St John’s library was different from the moment you reach the top landing of the outside steps. Smiles are seen from everyone you pass, and the desk is eager to help with every need.

Since receiving the prize of $20,000.00, Valentine no longer feels the pressure of providing for Rosie’s future endeavors. Yet, she clearly sees it’s a mere deposit; if invested properly, it will relieve the excessive burden down to manageable. Therefore, she needed to educate her own brain on investing funds for maximum growth.

It didn’t take her long before holding the most up-to-date financial books promising to teach investments paying the most significant returns. Instinctually, Valentine began to walk toward the seats she and Rosie claimed every Saturday. Instantly realizing she needed a quieter area for research, she did an about-turn and smacked right into the hard abs of Sorie!

The books instantly covered the floor, and both bend down, picking them up. The list of apologies flowed from them both, had everyone watching laugh out loud. When the books were gathered, they both stood and greeted hello. Valentine asked Sorie why he was in the library? “Don’t you have access to all your material online?” Sorie responded, “Yes, but I teach High School Students most Saturdays in a room down the hall.” Valentine spoke under her breath, “yet, I’ve never seen you.” Then she remembered the little black book found in the library, and it suddenly made more sense.

Sorie didn’t have to ask Valentine why she was at the library. The pile of financial books gave him the answer. He offered to walk her to a quiet section while carrying the heaviest books.

When she was seated, he confirmed she was picking up Rosie at 5 pm and wanted to know if they could go to a burger joint for Supper. He asked if Rosie was a fan of burgers? Valentine laughed, saying, “You should see her take apart a big mac with extra sauce. She eats in layers!” Once their dinner plans were settled, Sorie left Valentine to her research.

Sorie was glad he ran into Valentine; over the last few days, he often wanted to call but felt the work pressure giving him zero time for play. Soon the semester will end, and time will be on his side. Some of the work pressure; he was putting upon himself.

A childlike Rosie had to come from two brilliant humans, and because Sorie knew this, he wanted to check further. Taking additional steps searching for biological matches has become more accessible, with private companies' holding the largest DNA banks in the modern world. Sorie knew he again needed to ask Valentine’s permission in submitting Rosie’s code. He continues to wonder if any of his buddies fathered Rosie!

Quickly, the timeline replayed in his mind. What are the chances Valentine choose one of his buddies samples? Rosie could have an unknown family but, it wasn’t his decision to make. It was his curiosity and not theirs he was looking to satisfy. Sorie was beginning to understand the more incredible list of complications he could put upon his newest friends. Deciding the best option was to do nothing except meet them both for a meal.

Three ordered Big Mack’s with large fries and water. Rosie seemed very tired while slowly dismantling her gigantic burger. Valentine told Rosie about meeting Sorie in the library and asked him to share why he placed the little black book on the bottom shelf in the library's math section. Valentine knew Rosie would have a great interest in what Sorie would share.

Sorie told them they will be very disappointed knowing it was purely accidental where the little black book was placed. “I searched for a place two meters high, but the book dropped from my hand with the tape attached, and it hit the floor and landed under the shelf. I tried to retrieve it, but it wanted to stay put. I believed it would never be discovered. After all, it has been there three years.”

Rosie loved hearing more details about her little notebook. That night, when her mommy tucked her into bed early, she smiled, saying, Mommy, I loved our overflowing life.

Valentine nestled on the couch and turned on the classical music channel. The soft music filled her mind while subtracting the burdensome list of ways to invest. She smiled feeling, the comforting changes happening in their quiet world. Her mind accepted the calming mood and slowly processed Rosie’s possibilities of having an even bigger family before drifting into dreamland.

Sunday morning Rosie again found her mommy sleeping on the sofa. This time she let her sleep and returned to her bedroom with a bowl of cereal, preparing for a morning of watching funny cartoons.

Monday morning, Valentine kissed her daughter good-bye at daycare and went to open the retail store. When everything was in order, she began researching an ancestry site, hoping to learn the techniques used in determining family. Quickly, she found out how to order the kits and placed an order for two. She thought it wouldn’t hurt to do her own ancestry for curiosity's sake.

A routine was forming; the next Saturday, Sorie, Valentine, and Rosie met at their local burger joint and shared their weeks' adventures. This particular Saturday, they met earlier than expected as Rosie didn’t have a scheduled lesson.

Valentine was enjoying learning much more about Sorie’s path to St John’s while they shared burgers. She was especially interested when he shared his passionate belief; getting access to brilliant kids at a young age is vital in their progression. “Children in a gifted program have found a place where their brains feel comfortable. There is zero flight or fight response when challenged. Adults get hangups holding them back from success.” Valentine was impressed, but she wanted to know, “why this particular city?” His cool answer impressed her more. “I found this city to be progressive and open to wild possibilities. Mainly, living and thriving here on this rock was choosing to do the impossible, and they are obviously succeeding. I think there is something special about living in the oldest city in North America. The differences in genetics spread across this Island are enticing to many scientists. I was more impressed by the ancestors of such Viking strong offspring. Hundreds of years later, the same resilence remains and continues to add. For me, it’s magnificence around every science corner.” Valentine laughed, saying, “You are preaching to the choir.”

While Rosie continued to eat her messy burger, Valentine reached into her purse and pulled out the leftover DNA kit box. Immediately, she showed it to Sorie, asking his educated opinion on such a test's accuracy. Sorie almost choked on his water when he saw the box she was holding!

He sat back in his chair and spoke the truth. “Many of us are jealous of the data these companies have been accessing. I wish I could have access to the growing records. It works and sometimes too well.” Valentine knew he wanted to ask her a question, and she saved his brain from the struggle. She told him she purchased two and sent them in days ago. The results will be emailed anytime now.

Sorie was really surprised Valentine took such quick action. He was blown away by a woman he met barely over a month ago.

Rosie finished her meal, and they prepared to leave when Sorie confessed he had no idea being with a family was so much fun. Rosie heard his words and said, “you have no family! How can you have no family? Even I know it takes a man and a woman to make a baby, you were a baby, right? Sorie laughed and said, “Yes.” Valentine was just as interested in his story as Rosie, so she invited him back to the house for coffee. He agreed, and she texted the address.

Rosie was full of piss and vinegar when she walked into the mudroom dropping, everything but her backpack. Hearing her mother holler, “get those teeth brushed,” Rosie dumped the knapsack onto the bed and placed the little black notebook on the nightstand. Quickly, refilled the knapsack and went to the bathroom, following her mommy’s instructions.

Twenty minutes later, she heard the doorbell ring and ran quickly to answer the door knowing, it was Sorie coming to visit. Rosie liked spending time with her mommy, but she saw mommy often smile when Sorie was present. She enjoyed seeing her mommy laugh with glee.

Chapter 6

Finding One

Within five seconds, Rosie had the door wide open and began to speak until she realized the man standing before her was not whom she expected. No words fell from her mouth as she remained frozen from the brain’s inability to switch quick enough from familiar to an entirely unknown face. The stranger spoke first, realizing the little girl was expecting someone she knew.

Like any child experiencing a little shock, she screamed. “Mommy, there is a stranger at the door.” Rosie walked away the second she saw her Mother approach.

Valentine saw her daughter’s quick departure and turned to see who was at the door. When she saw Sorie walking up the path behind a stranger standing in the doorway. She asked if she could help him. Immediately, the stranger apologized for the unexpected intrusion, saying he needed to talk, referencing the Ancestry results. Sorie heard the words and saw the look on Valentine’s pale white face. He grabbed her elbow before she began to topple and guided the stranger and Valentine toward the room, holding two large sofa’s.

When everyone was seated, Valentine’s phone dinged. The screen said ancestry results. She wanted to puke before ever knowing one word this stranger had to say. Fear struck in her throat. She had a quiet life with her baby just weeks ago. A straightforward test finding the owner of one winning sperm cell has disrupted all acceptable levels of peace.

Sorie saw Valentine wasn’t yet ready to process anything spoken. He introduced himself as a friend of the family and offered the male guest a glass of water. When he returned, Sorie was carrying a total of three drinks. Bringing one especially for Valentine, insisting she takes a big gulp. The stranger was patient, waiting for Valentine to clear the fog obviously surrounding her brain.

She found herself ready to hear the words this stranger needed to speak.

He introduced himself as Vance Harris. For 35 years, “my family has been searching for our baby sister. When she was one, our Mother took her and ran off leaving, four growing boys behind with our Father. You are our sister.”

Valentine heard the words replay, “You are our sister.” The DNA results will show you have four full siblings.” Nothing in Valentine’s mind prepared her for what this man spoke. She smiled, letting him know he was mistaken. Explaining, her own Mom told her she was an only child, and while she was pregnant, Valentine’s Father was killed in a car accident.

Her world was exploding in ways she never dreamed.

Sorie sat quietly, listening to the interaction. He was impressed with Valentine's control once the real reason became known of why this man was knocking on her door. They didn’t stand up and hug each other when the words were understood. Valentine needed many hours of sleep, processing additional family members living on the same island. Her own story threw her for a loop. Learning she had four brothers named. Victor, Vaughn, Vance, and Vincent seemed disturbing to Valentine or was it Victoria?

Two hours later, Valentine had discovered she had a large family group. Each of the boys has obtained a science degree. An even larger family seems to be spreading throughout Central NL. She didn’t feel burdened by the newfound group, but she was feeling overwhelmed. Vance lived in the city with a young wife, daughter Angel, and a new baby girl. They exchanged phone numbers and email addresses with a promise of having a family reunion when she was ready. Vance did share how everyone in his family knows I found you. “I know we are a lot to handle, but please understand for us, it’s the best answer we could have asked for.” When the name Harris was spoken, she instantly saw how her Mother kept the first letters and added Sons; how ironic.

Valentine closed the door behind her newfound brother but went immediately to the computer, searching for news on the story her brother shared. Finding it was far too easy! Rarely are children stolen from this island. She began to openly cry after reading the truth. Sorie picked her up from the dining room chair and carried her to the sofa nestling her in his gigantic arms. When her head popped up saying, “Rosie, I forgot all about Rosie.” She began to wiggle her way free, wanting to check on her daughter when he held her still. Letting her know, Rosie was tucked in bed before 8 pm. She settled back into his embrace, knowing her baby was safe.

Her mind processed the changes happening daily since the contest winnings. If she had space in her brain, she might quickly find some positives. But, she felt the exhaustion and fell fast asleep in Sorie’s comfort.

Chapter 7


Rosie woke to the smell of cinnamon rolls baking in the oven. She heard her mommy in the shower as she walked by her bedroom. The second Rosie jumped on the kitchen island stool, she saw Sorie standing tall against the refrigerator. He greeted her with a good morning, and she nodded her head, asking if the sticky buns were almost ready? Informing her, the timer reads 37 additional seconds. He laughed, hearing her use the Newfie slang word and act like seeing him in her world was perfectly normal. He enjoyed tucking her in bed last night and hearing her sleepy request for sticky buns for breakfast set him to work early this morning. She asked for a glass of milk and got her own paper napkin to prepare a Sunday morning breakfast treat. Seconds later, Valentine joined them in the kitchen for coffee and some much-needed sugar.

Valentine decided she wasn’t ready to share the most recent news with Rosie just yet. She needed to know more about the situation before ever mentioning it to her daughter. Sorie agreed with Valentine’s decision and felt comfortable giving her backup.

After breakfast, Sorie asked them both for their permission to join their Sunday stroll through the park. Rosie didn’t need to speak her encouragement hearing Valentine quickly responding. “I think it’s an excellent idea!” The three of them walked to the park and spent many hours enjoying the warmth of an early May day in the blooming city.

While Rosie played with the other children from the neighborhood, Sorie sat patiently waiting for Valentine's conversation clues. She began laughing when realizing she needed to tell the police she has been found living close to her true birthplace. From there, Valentine verbally spoke the long list of differences, including her last name! Every change became more mind-boggling to Valentine. Sorie pulled the little black book from Rosie’s knapsack and began to write each step she spoke aloud.

Monday morning, Valentine reported to work and quickly found a replacement for the next full week.

At 10:30 am she was standing outside the police station, thinking hard about what she was about to report. When a shadow was cast upon her, she turned her head left and saw Sorie dressed in a professional suit holding one rose barely a foot away. Instantly, he touched her left elbow and helped her continue walking forward. Saying, “This part is easy.”

An hour later, they walked out smiling. The case was closed. The desk sergeant believed every word and did his own short investigation to lay the matter to rest. A lost child has been found.

Sorie asked Valentine what was next, and she decided it was time to arrange a meet with her four brothers. She didn’t know what to expect, but she felt it was better to rip the complete bandage now. She was returning home and contacting each of them to meet any day this week. “I dropped Rosie off at daycare, and I’m picking her up as soon as my bags are packed. Apparently, they are spread from Carbonear to Corner Brook. I’ve only traveled the Avalon Peninsula, never driven near Goobies, let alone past the famous spot.”

Sorie knew Valentine was a capable woman, but he was also an accomplished man who traveled all across the island. Classes were finished until September, and he liked growing closer to both Rosie and Valentine. Sorie took a giant leap asking her if she would permit him to join both of them on their adventure. She likes the way he put things to her, and she smiled an honest smile, “I thought you would never ask.” It was decided. They were to depart westward Tuesday morning. Sorie pushed his limits but asked if it was alright if they took his vehicle, saying, “It’s larger and more room for luggage and my legs.” Valentine accepted all of Sorie’s impressive efforts. They bid farewell at the Police Station's steps, promising to call each other later in the day.

At precisely four o’clock, Valentine picks Rosie up from childcare, letting her baby know she had good news to share. Rosie was accepting the changes in her routine and always seemed ready for the next adventure. Rosie asked her mommy if it had anything to do with the list made in the little black book? Valentine laughed at her daughter’s intelligence and said, “Yes, it does.”

Valentine drove through the city’s most scenic spots explaining to Rosie about the DNA testing and how she discovered they have an extended family living on the island of Newfoundland. Rosie listened as her mommy shared her excitement of giving Rosie true Uncles and Cousins in the land they love. When Rosie heard about the travel plans for the next week, she became very excited to explore newer lands. Rosie did ask how many cousins, but Valentine didn’t have the answer. Continuing with, “that’s why we are travelling to find out exactly how many relatives we have.”

Tuesday morning, Sorie knocked on Valentine’s front door, ready to load the luggage into his extra large suburban. Rosie crawled into the back seat and immediately expressed the thrill of sitting so high up. Valentine smiled knowing, this trip was going to spoil her little girl. Sorie finished loading the bags and started the truck heading westward. Valentine had received emails from each brother containing their individual address from Clarenville, Gander, Grand Falls, and Corner Brook. Most of her brothers expressed their personal desire to reunite with their baby sister. Valentine refused to let her growing emotions overtake her ability to enjoy Rosie and Sorie’s pleasant company driving their large island.

Rosie reminded Sorie he was to tell her how he had no family. Sorie laughed at the curiosity this child continued to show. He warned her it wasn’t a story as impressive as her Mother’s, but he gave it his best shot to explain his loss without giving her concern.

“My parents were both teachers at our local high school in a small town outside of Ottawa. In my last year of college, they traveled home from a city hockey game and had a bad car accident. They both passed away a few days later. Neither of my parents had siblings. Leaving me with no family.”

Both Rosie and Valentine spoke about how sorry they were for his loss. He was surprised by the feelings he felt after reflecting back 16 years. Thinking, the loss never seems to fade.

Before they realized Goobies was visible and they made their first stop. Valentine called her youngest brother Vincent and arranged to meet at his home around noon. His wife was cooking a scoff, “so don’t eat,” he relayed. He assured her everyone just wants to hug her and see her happy and well.

At noon, Sorie pulled the truck into a paved driveway high on a cliff overlooking a grand body of open water. The second Sorie put the vehicle in park. Valentine faced a man with tear-filled eyes. Vincent immediately pulled free the passenger truck door. Insisting, she steps out because he couldn’t wait any longer to hold his baby sister. He wasn’t waiting for permission for a hug, showing Valentine there were zero choices when it comes to accepting family love. He took what he had waited for since she went missing 35 years past. Valentine did as directed and felt a love transfer from his embrace she didn’t know existed.

Everyone was beyond excited; meeting Rosie and seeing her true spirit for learning brightened everyone’s hearts.

At 3 pm, the three of them loaded back into the truck, and Rosie was filled with broad smiles after meeting five new family members! The youngest was 9; Valentine’s youngest brother had three daughters and a lovely wife, helping his family grow in love.

As Sorie continued to drive westward toward Gander, Valentine began to process the shock seeing the close resemblance she had to her youngest brother. The hair, eyes, and most definitely the smile were almost twinning. They were barely a year apart. Valentine listened to her brother replay the same truth Vance shared. Her name was Victoria, and she was born on Valentine’s Day in a town called Codroy, on the west coast of NL. Their parents had a big fight about her legal name. Their Mother insisted any girl born on Valentine’s Day needs to be called Valentine, and their Father was horrified. Therefore, back then, a man ruled, and you were baptized; Victoria. Their Mother was so mad she stole away in the middle of the night, taking only you with her. Dad figured she got the ferry west, but not much time was spent finding a mother and daughter on the run back then.

Sorie knew Valentine’s mind was occupied, and he saw through the rearview mirror that Rosie was feeling the comfort of the big truck as she slept quietly. When the town of Gambo appeared on the road signs, Sorie mentioned to Valentine he knew a great bed and breakfast thirty km east with an ocean view from every room. Valentine was relieved to hear him speak his plan for their overnight stay. She felt strange abandoning him to his own hotel room after all he had been maneuvering. She felt such comfort fill her inside while her brain quickly processed having a partner can have its advantages. Shared responsibility seems to be his direction, and that never adds burdens. It helped her feel warmer and lighter.

Chapter 8

Perfect, just perfect.

Sorie promised her a view, and he wasn’t kidding. The B&B was fit for a King and Queen with rugrats! Along the private beach were many hand-made wooden structures for children of any size or age to play. The water's edge sat a good twenty-five meters from the dry sand proving the tide was sitting at dead low. In the stillness of the evening, a light air filled with a scent of saltwater! Sandbars were visible when glancing to the left but to the right stood jagged rocky cliffs towering to the evening sky.

Rosie was full of life after her forty-minute nap and was eager to play before ever eating another bite of food. In May, the east coast is just awakening from a long winter’s nap. You will see the birds build their nests and watch other four-footed animals scurry around looking for their next spring meal.

Rosie has seen books with pictures showing beaches and mountain-high cliffs but had never stood in such a photo. She looked all around while exploring the sandy beach, always seeing her Momma seated on the lawn chair close-by. The silence got Rosie’s attention more than anything else. When the silence did get broken. Rosie began searching for the culprit, always discovering a large seagull using his voice to fend off any other birds, trying to snatch away his freshly caught evening meal.

Sorie joined Valentine on the lawn and watched as Rosie played on the beach. He knew she was enjoying the comfort a five-star B&B can provide. He began to lay out the plan for the next meet and mentioned staying two nights. “We can drive to Gander real quick from here, stay all day in the Gander area and return here for another night’s stay.” Relief filled Valentine’s face, hearing another issue taken care of by her caring escort. She saw his plan gave her more time to process without having to pack early in the morning.

This man is the most helpful at a time when it is needed.

Wednesday morning, the three of them dressed in their best bib, and tucker headed to Gander to meet brother number three, named Vaughn. Another scientist with a family of triplet girls aged 16!

Valentine wasn’t the only person getting a surprise when they walked inside. Sorie smiled wide when he saw the three girls standing among Valentine’s newest family members! Quietly he waited until Valentine had a chance to meet the latest group before mentioning he had a previous connection with the family. “There was a time when the triplets were 12 years old; they each partook in the same program Rosie now attends.” For two years, these young ladies and her parents met weekly.

Valentine managed to have one of the best experiences she had ever had, sharing with Vaughn, his Wife and Sorie. Her new family members were impressed hearing Rosie was in the program at such a young age. After hearing the story of Sorie’s contest and Rosie’s accidental discovery of the little black book, every family member was madly in love with all three. Feeling they have been blessed finding a happy, healthy baby sister.

Valentine saw another reflection in Vaughn. Clearly, she saw two of her brothers produce only females. She recalled a statement her Momma use to say: “Any boy can make a man. It takes a hell of a man to make a woman.” And her own son proved it by making three at once!

Not so long ago, she thought she was happy living life by filling the moments teaching and learning from Rosie. The farther she traveled Westward, the bigger her heart grew, wanting to add more positives.

Thursday morning, the three of them piled into the truck very early. It’s a long drive from Gambo to Corner Brook; for the adults, it was easy having great conversations passing the picturesque hours. Thankfully, Rosie found a way to keep herself occupied between DVD movies and playing with the little black book. Sometimes her mommy asks what she is logging, but Rosie has learned she doesn’t really need to disclose everything as long as it’s safe. Rosie replied, “No worries, Mommy, it’s safe.”

The third brother Valentine contacted didn’t really share much more than his address and phone number. The other two wrote her pages of information they wanted her to know before ever meeting. Two of her brothers expressed the joy they are now feeling, but this third brother has been silent. Concerning, silent.

Friday morning, they woke from their sleep overlooking a city sitting in a valley, surrounded by magnificent mountains. It was apparent this town wanted every resident to view the masterpiece no matter their intended direction.

The small group was invited to breakfast at a local restaurant and not his personal home. Valentine was worried about this meet and considered doing it alone to save her daughter from the possibility of finding family not so happy with his baby sister’s reappearance.

Sorie wasn’t sure if Valentine was right or wrong about this particular meet. Still, he assured her that it was easy for him and Rosie to make a quick departure if things go south.

Again, Valentine was calmed, having a reasonably thinking escort help her plow through the unfamiliar faces she continues to greet.

The second Valentine entered the restaurant. She saw a tall man stand and invited them inside by pointing his outstretched arm to a large table. A good crew of fifteen sat drinking coffee and laughing.

A silence fell upon the room when he began to walk toward Valentine, gently taking her right arm and bringing her to meet his grand crew. Saying, “It’s more than ok, please come meet your family Valentine. You will have to excuse some of us; we have been celebrating since you traveled past Goobies! Some of us are beyond excited seeing you have a daughter!”

Apparently, the restaurant they were in was owned by his brilliant wife and their own 6 daughters. None younger than 20. This was Valentine’s oldest brother, Victor Harris.

Relief befell Valentine as she began to introduce her daughter and her friend Sorie. Rosie piped up, saying, “we have the same letters in our name.” Everyone laughed, saying, you are right, how neat! With every seat filled at the table, a breakfast feast was placed on the running counter.

When the food was consumed, Victor took Valentine aside and asked her if she had any questions for him. Valentine liked him with each growing moment. She saw a man ten years older and wiser. He shared the pain they lived when their Mother left and how hard it was to live with their Father’s anger or growing list of responsibilities. “We didn’t stay with him long. There was nothing in the community to keep four boys from getting into trouble, so he shipped us off to the foster care system. We got lucky finding a suitable couple in the big city wanting to educate young, healthy men. They pushed education like it was required air. They were not wrong, and it has paid off for each of us.”

He asked Valentine, “What type of life did Ma give you?”

Victor was the only brother to ask her such personal questions and probably why he was quiet since her discovery. Valentine felt Victor would not hurt her, understanding he wanted to know who stepped into their family.

For many hours Valentine shared her simple life story of being raised in Toronto in a cheap highrise building. She spoke about her Mother’s cleaning job close to home, and she made decent money. Valentine didn’t feel poor, but she didn’t feel rich either. Their Mother was a thrifty lady, and every need was filled before the needs arrived. She explained how she would spend hours in the local city library and found ways to entertain herself with learning. “I had a great Mother, who loved me every second.”

Victor was not surprised; he was happy to know Valentine felt loved and cared for by their Mother. For the full day, they stayed at the closed-to public restaurant. From breakfast to Supper, they shared and celebrated while growing closer to beautiful people. Before they went back to the hotel on the hill, Valentine asked Victor for the exact address in Codroy.

When asking about their Father’s life, Valentine discovered. Their Father died alone at the young age of 41; the drink destroyed his liver in no time after he shipped the boys off to the city. He loved her, Mother and together, they were decent parents. Victor believed, “Ma never asked for much, but you. And your name, that he took from her, and she must have felt Pa would continue his defiance until death. She wasn’t going to live a life that way every day. I’ve had years to process, and with help, we each got past losing our Mother. You were a newborn baby. We didn’t have you long enough to miss.”

Later that night, after tucking Rosie into her side of the king-sized bed, Valentine sent a text to Sorie asking him to join her on the adjoining balcony. She received a text back saying, “already here, just waiting on you.”

Valentine was reading his answer while walking onto the deck overlooking the nightlights of Corner Brook. Valentine spoke first, thanking Sorie for his time and excellent tour guide experience.

Silently, Valentine processed; She needed to be back in the city for work, but she wanted to drive to Codroy and be in the place where she was born. He saw her mind process, and when he saw her relax, he asked her to share. She laughed, saying, “I like that about you. You know when to make me speak and when it’s ok that I remain quiet. I was born in Codroy which, is 200 km south. That’s a morning drive, and we could come back this far the came day. That means Monday, we need to boot it back to the city. “The drive from Corner Brook to St John’s is a nightmare; no one wants to drive in one day and report for work the next. He reminded Valentine; it was the May 24th long weekend; maybe make a few calls and arrange for additional days off. I’m sure someone would love to make the extra money. Give it a try, right now.”

Five minutes later, a problem she envisioned was solved. Both Sorie and Valentine were grateful for technology and its assistance, making an adventure West become a more extended adventure Eastward.

Valentine almost collapsed with relief. Saying, “does that mean we can drive South tomorrow?” The almost child excitement grew as she felt her recent adventure give her a world she never knew existed. Sorie smiled, saying, “Yes, we can drive to Codroy, and we can keep the same rooms giving us less hassle in the morning.” The two of them sat watching the town lights add to a perfect, just perfect growing life experience.

At 8 am three walked into the same restaurant owned by her newfound family. They were greeted by broad smiles and many strangers who knew of her story and were thrilled she returned so they could personally wish her all the best.

After breakfast, they headed South for a short drive of 200 km. When Valentine stood on the land her parents occupied, she saw nothing but bare rock and a vast open ocean view. A land where she was to have a life very different than the one she lived. After hearing how their Father was not capable of caring for her brothers bothered her, seeing them thrive gave her peace. Sometimes a daughter can feel the effects of a path chosen by their Mother. She knew the love she still feels for her Mother, and nothing anyone would share could change the remarkable life she did get to live, bringing her right back home.

Rosie played around the rocky land and enjoyed the view of such a large body of water, wanting to know if the whales travel in the water like they do back home. Valentine assured her daughter they will be swimming up the Cabot Straight and surround the complete island by June. Then Rosie asked about the icebergs floating in the Strait, and Sorie laughed. Telling Rosie, “that doesn’t happen on the west coast of this island. There isn’t enough room between Newfoundland and Labrador for the large ice to flow.” Rosie asked her Mother, “Why are we here Mommy, we didn’t see anyone?” Valentine heard her baby and realized she was right. There was no one there to meet. She turned to Sorie and asked if he was ready to head back to Corner Brook? Seeing everyone in agreeance, they traveled Eastward.

Saturday supper was spent back at the restaurant, and this time Victor was present. He sent her a text at four pm. He invited all of them for another supper feast after hearing she was staying an additional night. Rosie felt very comfortable around every new family member seeing the same hair, eyes, and smiles fill each of their faces. When Monday morning arrived, they decided to eat at McDonald's; everyone was having their fill of big meals.

The Monday drive back to the city took many long hours, and after the most exciting week travelling, Rosie began acting like a five-year-old cooped up in a cage. When the town of Gambo started to appear on the road signs, Sorie suggested another night's stay in the five-star B&B might be required for everyone’s sanity. Again, Valentine liked how this man fixed any situation before it became a problem difficult to maneuver. Everyone was resettled at the B&B before the hour of four struck.

Rosie was out exploring the beach as Sorie and Valentine sat and watched her burn her pent-up energy. They both felt like they had been drug through a whirlwind. They discussed the coincidence of him already knowing her brother Vaughn and his entire family. Valentine had met personally with all of her brothers. Still, she quickly realized she was not very warm to Vance on their initial meet. Valentine sent Vance a quick text inviting him and his family to her home Wednesday evening for a shared meal. Expressing her interest in getting to know him after accepting her newfound family. She was hoping to show her gratitude for all the efforts he had put into finding her.

Chapter 9


Vance plowed through the front door holding an infant daughter buckled tight in her car seat while carrying a large diaper bag in the other. His beautiful wife was walking up the steps holding the hand of a 6-year-old daughter named Angel while trying to fix herself for the family meeting.

The pink outfits showing on both of these little girls were almost blinding. Valentine laughed, wondering if anyone in her family has male-producing genes. Everyone entered the foyer and began to deposit their late spring outerwear. Rosie heard the doorbell and was standing on the stairs waiting for the hustle and bustle to calm before stepping among the newest family group.

Valentine and Vance began making quick introductions while clearing the way for Sorie as he waited in the entrance line. Rosie was happy meeting each new family member, but she was immediately taken with her new Cousin Angel. Politely, she invited Angel to her room for playtime, and every parent quickly agreed. The infant daughter named Gracie was sleeping comfortably in her seat.

At the same time, Valentine was eager to get to know her smiling brother. When his hands were empty, she began to apologize for her cold greeting during their first meeting. Vance knew no matter who knocked on the door, the greeting would not be a warm welcome and may actually be an intrusion.

Valentine discovered he was a true city boy, not wanting to step a foot farther North or West past Goobies. Valentine laughed, hearing him speak his contentment living in a much larger populated area. She saw a man with a reflective soul.

Valentine forgot about the ancestry email until she saw Vance's face standing at the door. She knew it was the wrong time, but she needed to remember to read all the results when the time was available.

Valentine never expected to find a brood of female Cousins for Rosie to love; neither did she expect to find a new last name. Valentine’s continued to process while Sorie and Vance discussed the different sciences and why they choose their specific field. At the same time, her sister-in-law fed her infant daughter Gracie.

When the clock chimed at 8 pm, Vance and his family packed their bags, promising to have them all visit next Sunday, expressing how it’s easier to travel with just one! Valentine laughed, saying, “I miss the days of baby smells except dirty diapers!”

Rosie, Valentine, and Sorie stood in the foyer waving farewell to everyone.

When Sorie closed the door, Valentine turned to her daughter, letting her know it was long past bedtime. Up the stairs, a tired Rosie crawled on all fours. Sorie began to clear away the glasses and leftover snacks from the coffee table while Valentine loaded the dishwasher. She asked Sorie if he wouldn’t mind staying longer and helping her manoever the ancestry result waiting to be read for the last few weeks. Describing how the commotion that followed Vance’s first visit buried the need to read the proof. Every incoming family email since then buried it further on my list. Then, “It got buried deeper in my brain until Vance appeared at the door tonight. I wasn’t capable of another shock so soon after finding four brothers.”

Sorie was surprised Valentine forgot about the emailed results asking her if she was worried. Asking, “Are you sure you don’t want to read the results alone?”

Valentine didn’t need to explain why she needed the company to open the information. He saw a capable woman handle the additions to her genes with grace and charm. It was a natural reaction for Valentine, and that’s what Sorie loved most. Every minute he shared with them left him wanting more time.

Chapter 10


The two adults sat at the dining room table while Valentine booted up the laptop. She preferred using the larger screen when checking emails requiring her to pay close attention. Sorie sat to her right and watched as she opened the account and scrolled back, back, and back through too many unanswered emails.

To Valentine, the scroll back to that Saturday’s date played like a movie running backward.

With two clicks, the details filled the screen, and Valentine sat back, tuned the screen right toward Sorie. Asking if he could find exactly where it says, “Rosie has family from her biological Father’s genetic side.”

Sorie began to scan the document and continued to search to make sure the words he was about to speak were correct.

He almost smiled before telling her, “I checked twice because this said there are zero matches from the biological Father’s side of the family. In my opinion, it’s strange and getting close to bizarre. These sites have cast a wide net, and the only matches are your own discovered family. It’s rare but not impossible. There are many reasons why. I’ll take some time; in a few days, I could have a different list of possible scenarios.”

Valentine was relieved, knowing today she did not have to worry about the next knock on the door. She was impressed hearing Sorie shared his genetic knowledge, and Valentine was again thankful he would explain the incompletion.

Friday morning, Valentine got a text from Sorie, “I’ve calculated the possibilities but, I’m not sharing it over a text. Can we have Supper? I’ll bring Pizza.”

Valentine laughed seeing his text. Each time he leaves Valentine and Rosie, they feel the loss of his company. They haven’t known each other long enough, but Valentine saw how this man quickly slipped into her world, filling it with comfort. She replied, “Yes, please.”

The Supper pizza was eaten, and the kitchen was cleaned by 7:30 pm. Valentine prepared Rosie a bubble bath with her most favorite tub toys. While, Sorie occupied Rosie by sharing the list of summer workshops available to her, including a two-week math camp.

When the tub was filled, Valentine hollered to Rosie, who came running in a flash.

Thirty minutes later, Rosie hopped down the stairs, jumped onto the sofa and gave Sorie the biggest hug. Wishing him a good night’s sleep. She placed one wet kiss on his right cheek and hopped back up the stairs. Leaving him with the broadest smile donning his face.

He was still smiling when Valentine slowly walked down the stairs. He saw she was beyond tired. The strength she continues to find during rollercoaster times indeed made the biggest impression upon him.

Valentine plopped her tired body onto the sofa and said, “Your turn. What shock are you gonna tell me?”

Sorie laughed, saying, “I understand all of this is shocking to your life. I’m sure me walking into it hasn’t been easy, but if you feel my presence is too much, just let me know. I can step back to my boring life.” Valentine was concerned hearing him speak words of leaving. Then she realized, Sorie was not stepping away; he gave her an option to minimize her expanding world.

She sat up and slid her body next to his while asking him to share his results. Sorie sat and read the list of possibilities for zero information connected to Rosie’s DNA results.

Comfortably, he spoke, “Possibly an older, only child male made one deposit when the clinic first opened.” He deduced he came from an isolated area where people aren’t interested in their ancestry or getting into trouble with the law. “Sometimes, it’s about what we don’t find. It’s strange in today’s technological world. Still, there will be zero data without a submitted sample from someone in the same bloodline.”

Valentine also heard Sorie tell her Rosie’s sample may be the beginning of a family line never before interested in heritage. But, there is a good chance that can change with new submissions. “I believe if her Father was modern enough to submit his sample, if he were living, he would be curious to see if it produced.”

“The even better news is that since you are logged to the site, if another family member appears, you will get a notification by email long before the knock on the door.” He continued saying, “This is an option on the site to hide your results from anyone looking. He might have turned the list off. Instantly, Valentine wrapped her arms around Sorie’s neck, feeling the great relief of not having to decipher the attachments sent by ancestry. She decided to stop the ancestry search of Rosie’s parental match. Checking the box to remove information from displayed records.

Sorie knew at that moment where he belonged. He didn’t see a woman need a man to care for her and her child. He saw a woman capable of handling her daily life while adding too many others' lives, including his.

Chapter 11

Rosie’s Black Book

During the last thirty days, big celebration plans have been made and experienced. In no time at all, Valentine had visitors from the West Coast, Central, and Clarenville area filling the spare rooms most weekends. Rosie was thrilled having so many sleepovers with her much older first cousins. They taught her hopscotch, marbles, and the skip rope game of Bingo. Her time was spent surrounded by people who quickly fell in love.

All of the visitors were happy seeing Sorie attend each and every gathering. They all saw how the man truly cared for both Valentine and Rosie. What Brothers would object to such a good man partnering with their only sister? It didn’t take each of them long before dreaming of watching their sister walk down the marriage aisle, saying, “I do.”

Secretly, they each discussed the growing possibility of Valentine changing her name back to Harris from Harrisons. Instead, they agreed it would be a better celebration if she married Sorie and took Cameron's for her new last name.

Sorie was on the exact same thinking track! This clever man needed to know precisely when and where he could ask Valentine to accept him into her growing family. He wanted the proposal to be memorable and unique for Rosie as well as Valentine.

The Little Black Book instantly came to his mind; it connected all three of them.

With lightning speed, Sorie saw the path to the proposal made for two.

He needed to show Valentine, although their courting was atypical. It resulted in a love composed from getting through the most challenging of times together as a family. He saw Valentine’s joy with the addition of each newest family member. A family needing male genes strong enough to outswim the female genes. Sorie could picture a future where Rosie would be the first Cousin having a brother, maybe, 4 brothers mirroring her Mother.

Sorie had a plan, and he knew he couldn’t do it without enlisting help from Rosie.

He wasn’t yet sure how to include Rosie, except the proposals need to be handwritten puzzles left for her to discover at the best possible moment. Sorie was a man of detail, and rarely has he been stumped for a solution. People aren’t as hard fixed or stable as numbers.

Numbers got it!


2 5 13 25 22 1 12 5 14 20 9 14 5


13 1 18 18 25 13 5

Page 2 will hold the B, page 5 will have the E’s, It can’t have any of the A’s, but Rosie is smart enough to see the first page didn’t have the room for the two missing A’s.

When the details were laid out in Sorie’s mind, he put his body to work, asking Valentine if he could spend time alone with Rosie. He did his best not to fib, so he told her they were going to the mall and hoped to get Rosie’s opinion on some shopping items he needed. Valentine thought it was a lovely idea. They discussed the details of when he was expected to arrive.

It didn’t take Sorie long before pulling into the familiar driveway, jumping out of the truck, and opened the front door, hollering, “Rosie, your carriage awaits.” Rosie giggled from the kitchen stool. Slipped off and answered, “Mommy said we were going shopping; I need to pee before we leave.” Valentine walked over and waited for Sorie to bend low down to take a kiss from her warm lips. She wrapped both arms around his torso and reminded him not to feed her too much sugar if you expect her to sleep later tonight. He smiled hearing her mention the words many a Mother tells many a Father before a solo outing. Her words gave him courage for his next big step.

Sorie buckled Rosie into the backseat, letting her know they were going to the Mall shopping for something unique. “I hope you can keep a good secret.” Rosie loved hearing they would have their first safe secret. Saying, “Yes, But I’ve never had to keep a secret, I hope so.” Sorie laughed at the honesty this sweet child spoke.

Immediately, Sorie walked Rosie into the Mall. Seeing the ceiling height more than adequate, he placed Rosie upon his shoulders and headed for the jewelry store.

Sorie didn’t want anything off the shelf; he wanted something special and found the shop where the designs are unique and made right on site. He quickly placed Rosie onto the counter and began to show her a book of diamond rings, asking her if she liked anything in particular. Rosie loved all of them and was amazed at the pictures of such pretty rings. While she looked through the book, she asked Sorie how he would know which one fits. The clerk heard her question and pulled out the ring sizer. Asked Rosie for her ring finger and began to measure. Sorie saw the interaction and had the wildest idea making Rosie feel the same joy as Valentine. Within minutes the order was placed, and Sorie felt like the luckiest man in the world, scooped up Rosie, and headed back to Valentine.

Labor Day weekend was two days away, and all of the city dwellers agreed to meet the other three siblings in the Gander area. Valentine booked two joining rooms at the same B&B they loved in Gambo for three straight nights.

Seeing the travel plans were finalized, Sorie carefully placed the promised puzzle in Rosie’s little black book. He didn’t explain the game to Rosie, but he did lead her to believe there was a grand prize waiting for everyone when it was completed.

Sorie saw the planned trip as the perfect opportunity to surprise his amazing girlfriend and lover with a diamond ring sure to dull on her kind, loving hand. In his eyes, nothing could outshine Valentine.

Friday afternoon, the three of them headed to Gambo long before the typical traffic lines congested the city exits leading west. Rosie had her face buried in the pages of the little black notebook, searching for the meaning of so many letters strewn throughout. Some pages had more than one E and M; she saw a V. Guessing correctly, her mommy’s name was in the hidden code. She also recognized the letters stopped in the first quarter of the notebook. From one km to 200, Rosie buried her face in the book while keeping a pencil and sheet of paper close at hand. As each letter appeared, she wrote them down, but she worried about seeing the multiple letters on many pages.

As if creating a pattern, Sorie stopped at Goobie’s, knowing everyone would enjoy a trip to the washroom and a good stretch of their legs. Valentine kissed him when he put the truck in park, saying, “I love how you know me.”

At precisely 2 pm, the three of them checked into their suite and prepared for a stroll on the welcoming beach. Rosie was thrilled to see the familiar view and was more eager to play on the wooden structures after such a long drive. It didn’t take long before others began to arrive at the B&B, creating a mini family reunion enjoying the talents of brothers building a grand bonfire and sisters-in-law belting out traditional Newfoundland tunes while tapping on metal and wooden spoons.

From Friday until Sunday evening, everyone joined in the traditional entertainment of song and dance, keeping spirits high while melting away worries.

Rosie was beyond busy playing with a crew of cousins from sunrise to sunset; the little black book was all but forgotten until Sunday lunch gathering began.

Sorie saw how occupied Rosie was from the moment her two feet hit the floor each morning. He loved being part of a real Newfie family gathering. Quickly, seeing the natural family genes bond like glue with enough flexibility to make room for any other soul wanting to be included. He wanted the connection they had to continue far beyond eternity. Sorie needed to find a way for Rosie to finish the puzzle, giving him a dream he never let his mind explore until Valentine and Rosie walked through his office door.

The minute lunch was finished Sorie, fished up Rosie telling her he had a memorable adventure planned and needed to steal her away for a while. Rosie was thrilled with any plan for adventures, and when Sorie reached down his long arms and picked her up, placing her high on his broad shoulders, she began to giggle with glee. Riding high, towering over all of the people who moments ago towered over her made everyone laugh. A happy child grew happier with each bonding moment.

When Sorie began to walk away from the laughing crowd, he heard Rosie continuing to giggle while hollering. “Mommy, I like it up here; the air is fresher!” Everyone laughed seeing a small Rosie tower higher than Sorie!

The minute Sorie was away from the noisy crew, he asked, “Rosie do you remember where you left the little black book?” She wasn’t sure and needed to check, “Saying, oops! I forgot about the notebook; it might still be in the car. I think I got most of it figured out; two letters are missing from your proposal. The two A’s you didn’t write on the first page because it was filled.”

Sorie was thrilled to hear how she easily held her Friday discovery all weekend long! Sorie removed Rosie from his shoulders, gave her the best hug, placed her down, and began to search the backseat.

Quickly, he found the little black book. Rosie asked, “Are you giving the book to Mommy?”Sorie smiled, saying, “Just long enough for her to read the hidden proposal.” Instantly, Sorie bent at the knees, meeting Rosie face to face, saying, “I love you, Rosie, and I love Valentine. Do you think it’s a good idea if we continue spending all our time together?” Sweetly, Rosie responded, “We are now silly.”

He lifted Rosie into his arms and carried her to the B&B, telling her there was one final step to complete before Mommy can read the request. He told her he needed her small printing skills to finish the little black book's last page.

When the task was completed, he told Rosie the plan, and her excitement began to overflow.

Sometimes a child’s excitement can throw their controlled brain into a spin even when the best days begin to unwind, growing more tired.

Chapter 12

The Proposal

A spectacular Sunday supper was devoured by each and every belly surrounding the extra-large outdoor dining table.

Rosie sat between Valentine and Sorie and waited patiently for her cue to begin a table game of; Turn the page of a notebook and read out loud what you see written. Everyone was in agreeance with a game, not requiring movement from their comfortable seating.

Rosie liked the idea of such a game when the plan was hatched. Still, she saw how many people sat around the table needing to turn a page, read their findings and pass it along to the next.

She looked at Sorie, saying, “I can’t wait that long.” Immediately, Rosie handed the book to Valentine, saying I’m tired. The last page is for you to read. I can’t wait.”

Valentine took the little black book and opened it to the last page, reading out loud.



When everyone heard the proposal, they didn’t remain silent, waiting for Valentine to respond. They all exploded out of their seats, hugging and kissing anyone within reach. Rosie got caught up in the celebration and began to dance in glee.

Valentine slipped from her seat to Rosie’s empty chair, leaning into Sorie whispering, “Yes, please.”

When the celebration air settled, Sorie gathered Rosie and Valentine.

Standing before everyone, he got down on one knee, pulled two velvet boxes from his pocket, and flipped them open, immediately proposing to Valentine and Rosie.

The onlooker could not help but stop breathing, seeing such a joyful bonding becoming diamond strong before their very wet eyes.

A small ring for Rosie and a much larger ring for Valentine filled a Mother and Daughter's eyes. Without missing a beat, the rings were placed upon their individual hands. Sorie leaned into Rosie, saying, “I’ve been practicing using left and right hands for this very occasion.” She smiled wider, feeling this man fit perfectly as her Daddy.

Rosie was tucked into an outside hammock minutes after the sunset, holding the little black book tightly in her arms. She tried hard to stay awake, but her body refused; after consuming a ton of food, sunshine, fresh air, and games of bonding love, her body stilled. And in her dreams, her active brain continued to replay the twenty beautiful letters filling the last page of her little black book.

Chapter 13


In larger families, the number of birthday celebrations in one month can leave time for little else on the weekends. The Harris clan years ago saw the travel distance over the highways problematic for each individual family wanting to attend birthday parties. They devised a plan to incorporate a birthday celebration with the monthly scheduled calendar holidays. If your birthday was in October, the birthday would be celebrated during the Thanksgiving festivities.

This October, like the October Rosie, was born! Thanksgiving day, 9 Oct 2006, Rosie turns six years old. With the date and grand celebration planned, the whole family will be travelling to Valentine’s house.

Rosie was all smiles knowing she was turning six on the ninth of this month. Quickly recognized the reverse of the new age approaching, shows the exact day of the month she was born. She loved games filling her mind putting everything into her brain like a photo saved for conversations later in her life. This birthday will be just as joyful as the day she was placed into Valentine’s wanting arms.

Sorie was all but moved into his new family digs, feeling it was essential to keep Rosie’s world stable. At the same time, he quickly takes up additional time and space in her home.

A body in motion stays in motion. All three of them were excited about the two-ring proposal and planning a December wedding. On the coffee table sat a large black notebook filled with wedding must-haves for everyone to enjoy. Anyone placing a suggestion needed to flag it with a bright red tab saying, “read me.” When it was read by all, the added different colored tabs gave notification; opinion posted. If all are in agreeance, the suggestion gets added to the wedding schedule. Rosie had one request, she wanted to drop yellow rose petals as she walked down the aisle. Her irony was not lost on Sorie or Valentine. Smiling, they all agreed to her one desire.

This book is to be passed to the four brothers no later than Thanksgiving weekend. The full wedding package costs were gifted from Valentine’s four brothers. They stood their ground when both Sorie and Valentine tried to refuse. The newfound brothers all showed the way a stubborn streak works in the Harris family. Valentine knew how much it meant to them from the moment she met each. She gave them their wish for the December wedding.

Thanksgiving weekend arrived, and the house began to fill with food, family, and feet trying not to step over each other. The large black book sat upon the table for all to view the list of wedding requirements from three. The license was tucked into the last page inside a yellow envelope.

Rosie had the best birthday party weekend playing in the fall leaves with her many female cousins. Never has she enjoyed the land that lay beneath her feet like she did that Birthday weekend. It was mentioned how not one family member was born in November, so the next gathering was planned for Christmas and the Wedding. A surprise honeymoon was being prepared for three.

Chapter 14

Large Black Book

From October to November, the weeks flew past. Sorie was in full swing at school while Valentine continued to coordinate the wedding plans with her four brothers.

With everyone busy planning a Christmas wedding, Rosie was kept very busy stepping backward to Kindergarten! She became very frustrated with the childlike games and tasks she was asked to perform from Monday to Friday. Her brain felt draggy all week until the time came to join the Saturday classes. Here she continued to absorb the newest lessons like a child dying of thirst.

Sorie saw her frustration through the week and clearly heard her speak about her boredom attending Kindergarten with kids who can’t read. Valentine turned to Sorie, looking for his opinion dealing with a child’s mind excelling in a system designed for the average growing brain. Sorie clearly saw Rosie’s excitement on the weekend. His best solution was to teach Rosie in the evenings while taking the opportunity to bond.

His next answer was, ‘I’m working on it. Programs directed toward higher learning for smarter than normal kids take a ton of funding. Many in Elementary teaching grades will fight against segregation. It’s mostly a social interaction problem, but society doesn’t realize we have been cast into a non-social environment from the moment our differences are discovered.” As early as Kindergarten. For now, “I can continue to work with Rosie while she practices patience, and maybe if Rosie sees someone struggle, she can help teach. It worked for me.”

Sorie’s last statement gave Valentine a bridge too; “Speaking of you, and getting married. Sorie, who will be your best man?” Silence befell Sorie.

Valentine saw him struggle with the question as if he didn’t know he needed a witness or a support system. For the very first time, Valentine felt sad for the man she loved. Her own family has exploded to a level mind-blowing. While Sorie struggles to find someone to fill the best friend role.

Chapter 15

The Bestman

Sorie began pacing the floors, halls, and walls of the Science building. Many men have terrible conflict choosing which of their best friends gets the privilege of being the top witness for a marriage ceremony. Sorie had the opposite problem facing him. His male friend list stopped growing with his college buddies. Leaving him with no other option but to try finding one that may be interested in helping an older college buddy fulfill a new dream.

With apprehension filling his fingers, Sorie began the computer search for his Science buddies, discovering all four spread from Halifax NS to Sidney BC. He sent a lengthy text to Dr. Francis O'Reilly, Halifax NS.

“Hey Francis, long time no contact. It’s Sorie, and I’m getting Married on boxing day. I’m in desperate need of a best man! I’m asking you first because you live the closest! How about an all-expense-paid trip to the Rock for Christmas?”

His heart almost stopped hearing the immediate response. Reading. “I’m in! I’ll call you later today to start catching up.”

Sorie couldn’t help himself; he jumped with glee and caused a small avalanche of books to fall from the stacked shelves. It didn’t stop his happy dance. A straightforward text and the problem he thought he would have, was gone. He felt the love for both Valentine and Rosie release into the atmosphere and settle everything just perfectly.

When he leaned back in his chair, he sent Valentine a text letting her know the best man problem was solved.

Valentine was thrilled reading his text. She knew he was worried into silence. Without exception, this intelligent man knew how to make Valentine comfortable following the set path. Always adding and never subtracting from her growing love.

Francis and Sorie began a weekly check-in getting to know the ins and outs of life on the Eastern seaboard. Francis had a busy work life with very little social interaction. He dated a few of the hospital staff but nothing lasting longer than a few months. Francis felt at a young 38, setting higher career goals was the top of his priority.

Sorie shared the little black book story and how he went from swinging single working his tail off to madly in love with Valentine and Rosie.

Francis was thrilled to hear Sorie will have a child to love along with a wife. Francis mentioned the sperm donation and laughed.

Sorie told him what he did about his sample. Francis left the donation and has never checked to see if it reproduced. Telling Sorie, “I honestly forgot about it until you called. I don’t really want to know. I thought back then I was making a significant contribution to society. Still, since then, I see many of us can do that daily. I don’t need to have offspring to be complete any longer.”

For three months, the two men bonded, sharing funny times lived during college and the successes that have followed since. They shared the research they each have been enjoying in their chosen profession. Francis shared how he managed to catch up with the other two college buddies a few years back. Sharing how both are well and working harder than ever, making discoveries in their individual sciences.

Sorie felt his first choice was undoubtedly the best choice for the title of; Best Man.

Chapter 16

White Christmas/White Wedding

The calendar barely turned from Fall to Winter when the snow began to fly, filling every snowmobile trail from the Northern Peninsula to the Avalon and every rock in between. Winter in NL will provide a pure white blanket, never spoiled by larger populated areas' environmental pollution.

Everyone gathered in the Central Area preparing for the grandest Christmas celebration known to any man, woman, or child living on earth. When the hearts are full of love, it is guaranteed to overflow onto anyone standing close.

The food and fun continue from early morning to late at night. Every family, friend, and guest traveled from the North, South, East, and West coasts for a destination wedding in Gambo, NL.

Many laughed at the invitation saying a destination wedding in NL during Christmas. Only a good sense of humor could come up with a plan like that. Yet, each invited guest accepted the request of their company.

Christmas Night, much later than expected, Sorie picked up Francis at the Gander Airport. The connecting flight out of St John’s was delayed by three hours. The plan was for the two men to share a hotel room and join the wedding party the next day when the timing was right.

Sorie was excited to see Francis and thanked him for saving his life by agreeing to be the Best Man. For the next 18 hours, Sorie made sure his guest was thoroughly entertained during waking hours.

Wedding Day, Tuesday, December 26th, 2006

When the wedding day finally arrived, Rosie noticed the mood change to less fun and became more business-oriented. Too many people were speaking instructions to everyone but her.

As if Sorie knew she would feel left out, he, accompanied by Francis, appeared and invited Rosie for a drive. She was thrilled to have an escape from the hectic coming and going of everyone. When Rosie was buckled into the truck's back seat, they drove directly to the church. He wanted to show her and Francis what was happening. While porting her on his shoulders. He gave them the complete lineup of events, including Rosie’s part walking down the aisle before her mommy, dropping the yellow rose petals from the basket to her own feet.

Inside, The House of God was decorated with thousands of red and yellow roses. Every aisle pew don a Christmas corsage adding to the festive atmosphere. Rosie’s eyes lit up, seeing the magnificence thousands of beautiful flowers can create. Sorie knew this child’s mind would appreciate the absolute beauty of everyone’s hectic efforts decorating.

Rosie was thrilled to get practice pretending before the actual ceremony. When she reached the bottom of the aisle, she immediately jumped into Sorie’s arms and kissed his face telling him, “I love you. This is going to be so much fun. Thank You for loving my Mommy.” Sorie’s heart swelled while Francis looked on. She hugged Sorie tightly as he carried her from the Anglican Church in Gambo back to the backseat of his truck.

Minutes later, Rosie was dropped back to the B&B filled with smiles, promising to see him in Church.

Francis observed the loving relationship Sorie already had with this six-year-old, almost red-headed Rosie. He saw a familiarity about her sweet face and bright blue eyes. Effortlessly, he saw how her obvious intelligence and mild manner made loving her nearly natural.

When the clock struck 4 pm, every family member except the Harris boys was seated in the grand church. All eyes remained watching Sorie stands tall and brave at the alter, waiting for the wedding march promising, dreams can come true.

The church bells began to ring. The organist started to play the wedding march when Rosie turned the corner dressed in a rose-colored flowing gown holding an overflowing basket of yellow rose petals. Dropping a handful while taking one small step after another, walking down the long church aisle.

Behind her followed Valentine, wearing a white gown identical to her daughter’s, surrounded by her four smiling older brothers, each dressed to perfection.

Within minutes everyone was seated. Valentine promised to love and cherish Sorie Cameron giving him a gold wedding band size 11. Sorie then took his turn, promising to love and cherish Valentine until death takes them apart, placing a size six upon her ring finger.

The short ceremony ended in thunderous applause, combined with loud cheers, almost deafening! While Rosie hollered, “Don’t forget to kiss the bride.”

Chapter 17

Some wait a whole lifetime to love a child

On the 27th of December, 2006. Husband, Wife, and child flew to Disney World for a honeymoon built for three.

The same day, Francis returned to Halifax, wondering something he didn’t expect to wonder. Did his sperm deposit reproduce? The interaction with so many children began to pull at Francis. He rarely had dealings with children being a hernia surgeon. Sorie did disclose over the last few months, the sperm clinic closed. A DNA test submitted to ancestry can confirm his questions. Francis wasn’t sure if he wanted to know.

Yet, Rosie’s eyes kept appearing in his dreams. His own Momma had eyes that blue, and his Father had hair that exact almost but not quite red coloring. Francis reflected farther back to the story both his happy parents shared. Francis’s birth was an unexpected pleasant surprise. His parents tried for 30 years to have a child. At 49 years of age, his Mother had her mind settled. She was Barron. But, Francis’ Father always said, “Sometimes when we quit making an effort, we succeed!” Low and behold, the same year, just before his Mom turned 50, she was already three months pregnant. Francis was born June 1968 and was cherished until his parents died.

Francis decided to order the Ancestry test and check what the DNA submission can discover.

A week later, he received the ancestry email and saw pretty much nothing. It didn’t say there was offspring. Satisfied, he closed the email and put children from his mind.

Valentine, Rosie, and Sorie played in the Wonderful World of Disney for 6 straight days. Every night, they returned to their suite carrying a sleeping Rosie. The fun for these kids was over the top every minute. Valentine continued to warn Rosie too many stuffed animals will be problematic travelling back to NL. Daily she had difficulty passing up the chance to purchase a more immense, more colorful Disney character.

They all returned home tanned and happy. It took a few weeks for everyone to settle back into the Monday to Friday routine schedules while reminiscing about the best honeymoon experience.

Instantly, the retail stores began to warn every member of Valentine’s family, her birthday was drawing nearer. This birthday was going to be extra special.

Valentine’s very first birthday celebration with her four brothers and their families. With an added bonus of Sorie, her new Husband. This upcoming birthday will be a far cry from last year’s small gathering when she turned 35.

Valentine’s day isn’t considered a calendar holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving. Still, the family now thought it to be. A crew of Harris family members eager for the opportunity to celebrate their baby sister’s birthday piled into the city excited about a few days away from the regular dark winter days. Wanting to enjoy the constant city hustle and bustle filled with bright street lights, had many arriving early.

Sorie was busy in the kitchen getting the paper plates and cups ready for the visitors. Rosie was very excited about the expected guest's arrival any minute. She was missing her cousins and the great fun they shared. Rosie was running around the living room when the front door opened wide, and her Uncles hollered, “We made it.”

From Saturday to Tuesday, the celebration continued. Rosie loved the birthday celebrations lasting all weekend long. It gave her a ton of time playing with the balloons spread on every floor surface. With every kick, bright balloons shot through the air. Valentine felt like a princess getting so much love from all of the family members. Sorie made Valentine feel like a Royal Queen, gifting her with a diamond bracelet holding 36 stones.

By March, the past adventures were placed into the memory bank. A new pattern helped everyone maneuver their individual responsibilities, keeping them all smiling from ear to ear.

Mid-March, Sorie came home from work and shared some news. He was asked to attend a three-week seminar out west referencing young brilliant minds. Valentine wasn’t eager to see him leave. Still, she understood he was doing this seminar to help children like Rosie and assured him they would miss him while encouraging him to accept the invitation.

Valentine and Rosie felt lost without Sorie; daily, they texted and called using video. He laughed as the two ladies expressed the difficulty of not seeing him walk through the front door. Valentine told how now, she finally understood the phrase. “The long-cold-hungry month of March.” It was him she was missing causing the month to live up to the ancient term.

Sorie felt the exact same way being so far from home. They counted down the days until he returned, 5 April!

Springtime or any other time is a good time for lovers. Especially newlyweds recently separated for weeks.

The moment Sorie appeared through the airport arrival gate, the two ladies waiting almost jumped into his wide-open arms. Valentine informed Sorie she was not letting him leave the island without her again. He was thrilled to hear and see how much they loved and missed him.

A happy family left the airport that April day as a family of three.

The very next morning, without anyone’s knowledge, inside Valentine, four separate embryos were beginning to form.

The days of April were filled with weekend outings strolling in the paths of the neighborhood park. By early May, the large baby carriages were forcing people from the park walkways to the grass without fail. Valentine laughed, seeing the multitude of strollers causing them to quit walking on the gravel paths. Sorie was amazed to see the different styles of strollers. When he saw a triple, he gasped, saying, “That poor family, changing diapers on three would be a real challenge or worse, a full-time job.” Valentine laughed and suggested they take a seat; she was feeling tired. Rosie ran to a Jungle Jim when her mommy found an empty bench, promising to stay within view.

Instantly, Sorie placed his arm around Valentine and rested her head on his left shoulder. He wasn’t worried about her feeling tired. When spring bursts wide open many will overindulge in the warmer air causing quick spring exhaustion.

Valentine rested in Sorie’s arms and began to wonder why she was feeling almost weak! Her eating schedule didn’t change, her work routine was practiced to perfection, she wasn’t losing weight. If anything, Valentine felt her last year’s spring clothes a little tighter than usual. She tossed that up to a comfortable married life.

Monday morning, while at work, Valentine fell deathly ill. Her head was hurting while she puked her guts over a toilet. Valentine was sure a stomach bug had rooted. She called Sorie and told him that she will be going home when her replacement arrives, promising to crawl into bed and rest.

At five o’clock, Sorie carried Rosie inside and hollered to Valentine. The silence scared him, and he immediately jumped the steps to the bedrooms finding her asleep in the bed. Seeing her pale face instantly made him worry. He bent to touch her forehead, checking for a fever, but there was none.

Valentine woke at his touch, barely opening her eyes. She said, “Hey, you are home early.” Sorie replied, “No, I’m not. It’s after five. Did you sleep all day?” Valentine tried to rise from the bed, hearing him state the time of the day.

She felt awful tired.

Sorie didn’t like seeing Valentine so ill. She stayed in bed for two straight days and insisted it was a flu bug. By the third day, Sorie stood his ground and informed Valentine she was seeing a Dr.

She knew not to fight with Sorie about such an important issue, so she went to see her family doctor the very next morning. The words he spoke concerning the possibilities began to force Valentine’s mind back over the last 6 weeks. She didn’t have a period since late March or early April. Was it possible she was pregnant?

From the Dr. office, she traveled to the hospital. She reported to the blood collection clinic, waiting for her number to be called. She knew she couldn’t keep this from Sorie. She needed to see him and check his reaction before letting herself feel the joy of carrying his child. When the blood was withdrawn, Valentine walked to the closest drugstore and purchased a home pregnancy kit. Waiting days for the hospital bloodwork results will take days. She didn’t want to wait that long. Valentine went directly to the washroom and waited for the results to appear.

Chapter 18

From Negative to Positive

A disappointment fell over her seeing a negative sign appear. At that very moment, she felt the need to share with Sorie, leave her soul. Valentine understood being disappointed in something that isn’t real was wasted energy. Yet, she felt an immediate loss. She called her Husband, giving him a partial update on her visit. Saying, “The bloodwork is completed, and I’m weak again. I’m going straight home and crawling back into bed.” Sorie quickly reminded her to eat.

He knew enough about the body to know his wife was ill, and he was sure the blood test will give the immediate reason why.

Monday morning 21 May 2007. Valentine wasn’t feeling up to par for work just yet, and she needed to call the Dr’s office for the bloodwork results. Sorie and Rosie left for school, and she managed to shower and dress but little else. At 9:30 am, she dialed her Dr’s office and asked for a return phone call. At eleven am, her phone rang, and the results were spoken. She was indeed pregnant. Valentine told her doctor she took a test she purchased from a pharmacy, and it said negative. Her Dr laughed, saying, “Check the box. If you are less than 8 weeks, the test will not detect a pregnancy. The blood work can pick up a pregnancy from week two. You were 6 weeks pregnant last week and moving into seven this week.” Valentine almost fainted from the shock of hearing she was indeed carrying Sorie’s baby. She wasn’t sure how he would feel about adding another child. She was soon gonna find out.

Valentine knew the minute Sorie was finished with the morning classes, he was going to call for answers. She had to get to him before he called. A woman knows any vital information impacting their lives needed to be shared in person. Valentine needed to understand how Sorie truly felt about adding another child to their immediate family. Valentine knew his face would speak volumes while his voice remained quiet. She needed to intercept him before he called.

Valentine did intercept Sorie. The second he saw her standing outside his classroom, he froze, thinking she was dying. The bad news level flooded his brain and began to flow from his eyes the second he opened the door. Before she had a chance to speak, he grabbed her in his arms and said, “whatever it is, we will get through it together.” Valentine stayed in his close embrace, tilted her head up, and asked him to look at her. Immediately, speaking, “I’m 7 weeks pregnant.”

Sorie remained utterly silent, not really sure he heard the correct words flow from Valentine’s lips. He laughed, saying, “My brain is telling me you said pregnant. But, I know that’s impossible because you needed to use invitro getting Rosie.” Valentine stepped from his embrace and asked, “Don’t you want to have a child with me?” Instantly, Sorie realized she was pregnant with his child. He stepped back and said, “For real, you are pregnant?” Valentine shook her head, yes, and he instantly grabbed his wife, saying, “Perfect, just perfect. You know how to make a great life even better. Yes, I want you to have my child. I’ve never dreamed you could.”

That night, Valentine and Sorie planned a surprise for Rosie. Both of them felt they needed Rosie to be just as happy as they were with a new family member arriving in December!

For two hours, Sorie went shopping, searching for a ton of white balloons, while Valentine cooked a cake shaped like a baby, decorating it with both blue and pink icing. When the living room decorations were finished, Valentine placed the large black book onto the coffee table. Clearly written, “we are adding a baby to our family.” She put her approval tab, and Sorie placed his. The next colored tab was to notify Rosie her opinion was required.

They both picked up Rosie from school and took her out for supper. Valentine was feeling a surge of energy, knowing the actual cause of her illness. After Supper, Rosie was the first person to enter the balloon-covered living room. Seeing all the white balloons surprised her. She had never seen so many of the same coloured balloons. She began to run and kick the balloons into the air while screaming, “It’s winter in the living room. Mommy.” Then she noticed the large black book on the coffee table and, she saw the tab requesting her opinion. She ran to the book and read. Then she reread it. Rosie looked around the room, viewing the white balloons and adds a question; “In December?” She places the proper tab notifying she has a question. Quickly, Rosie turns her head and sees both of them watching. Rosie had many questions, but she knew putting one would bring on a discussion. Rosie asked if they knew the sex of the baby? And, “Do they get a choice?” Sorie and Valentine couldn’t help but laugh at the typical questions a small child would have about a new addition.

Instantly, Rosie placed her approval tag, and Sorie carried the baby cake giving Rosie another surprise. She had never seen a cake shaped like a baby and thought it was really neat!

Valentine wasn’t improving; every morning, she continued getting sick long past May. She quickly arranged for a replacement due to pregnancy. On the first of June, Sorie came home from work and told Valentine he was all her’s until September. She was thrilled to have him home to care for her. On the fifth of June, he accompanied her to the very first ultrasound. Her belly was small, but what they found inside quickly set them into shock. The technician looked very carefully before breathing one word. She counted very closely; four heartbeats have taken up space inside Valentine. Four babies growing, and soon they will start pushing her for more room. The moment her Dr called asking how she felt, she spoke truthfully. “I’m in shock; how can this happen? Is this why I’ve been so ill?” She had a ton of questions, and Sorie will have a ton more. They arranged an office appointment, and he promised to explain what he knew then.

Sorie heard the phone conversation, and he wrapped his arms around his wife, letting her know everything is gonna be alright. “He can give you an answer to satisfy your mind as to how, but the reality is. This is our present and future. The immediate concern is how do we tell Rosie? We set a pretty high standard announcing one baby!”

Before Rosie walked into the house, Sorie pulled out the large black book, blew up multiple pink and blue balloons, covering the living room floor. He wrote a simple math problem for Rosie to solve. 4 X 1=? Placed the notification tab. He hollered to Valentine, “The room is set; come look.” When she walked into the living room, Valentine saw the pink and blue balloons and asked, “why both? We could have all girls. Have you seen my family’s track record?” He laughed, telling her she has 50/50 chance times 4. “We will see blue and pink. I know my math. I am the professor!” Everyone giggled.

After school, Sorie delivered Rosie into the house on his back. He didn’t stop in the mudroom, and Rosie, asked, “Where are you taking me? My things are still on?” He carried her right to the coffee table. She saw the floor filled with pink and blue balloons and asked, “Wow, more balloons, are we going to celebrate every month until December?” Valentine was seated and laughed, telling Rosie, “It is possible.” She looked at the large black book and the written puzzle. Rosie smiled, looked at the puzzle, and said, “That’s too easy. 4. Any number multiplied by its self, is that same number.”

Valentine leaned into her daughter’s face and spoke, “This was a shock for us, and it will be for you. We will not be having one baby. We are having 4!” Rosie was thrilled to hear the news. She immediately asked if there were boys and girls, seeing the balloons. Sorie spoke up, “Yes, there will be boys and girls. But not necessarily 50/50.” Rosie said, “I’m good with having one boy for your Sorie.”

The next morning, Husband and Wife dropped Rosie off at school and went to the scheduled Dr’s appointment. When the Dr. mentioned the invitro-fertilization side effect, he included possible multiple births. “The drugs injected can cause numerous pregnancies long after the initial pregnancy. You, my dear, are a case of definite multiple pregnancies. The goal is to hold on to each and every baby. You can consider yourself retired at 36, or at least until these children are born. I must warn you the due date will be unpredictable. The average of 40 weeks will not apply. If we can get these babies to 31 weeks, it will be a blessing.”

Every word the Dr spoke was ingrained in Sorie’s mind. Four children need to hold on tight. His Valentine needs to rest while making room inside. He saw the return to work date needed to change. Sorie felt that time was on his side; Plenty of time was available to give sufficient notice before taking a full year off work. He was having four babies, after all. From what the doctor spoke, he needed to prepare without Valentine's physical guidance. The four babies were due in December, but an earlier birth was possible. He started to shake his head when he realized he was sitting in the truck, thinking in silence while Valentine watched. She asked, “something wrong?” He laughed, saying, “Just trying to get four new ducks in a row.” She accepted his time to process, knowing this man was capable of every step.

Chapter 19


Before they knew it, the end of June was upon them, and a family reunion was arranged in Central. Valentine was thrilled to leave the city and was looking forward to being outside in the bright sunlight surrounded by her loving family. They all knew she was expecting four babies, and everyone almost begged them to check the gender long before the expected date. Valentine and Sorie stuck to their guns, wanting to be surprised.

In August, Sorie walked into the bedroom, lay on the bed, and asked Valentine if he could discuss a birthday wish. Valentine, laughed saying, “anything for my king.” Sorie smiled, saying, “ I want Rosie to be my legal daughter. Changing her name before the babies are born is the best idea. I think it will help everyone if we could give her the same last name.” Valentine did know Sorie was turning 39 on the 28th of August. She clarified his request, “You want to adopt Rosie?” Valentine did her best to wrap her arms around Sorie’s neck. Kissing him, saying, “How did I get so lucky to find you? I think it’s a perfect idea, soon Rosie will notice the name difference, and it might bother her, I agree. The time is now.”

When Sorie turned 39, he had a special gift for Rosie. Written on the large black wedding book, he placed a request for their future, asking if she would agree to him adopting her. After Sorie blew the birthday candles out, Rosie walked over to the black book. She placed her decided opinion on top of Valentine’s and Sorie’s colored tab. Everyone was in total agreeance.

In September, the adoption lawyer had all the paperwork submitted to the courts.

During the Thanksgiving holiday, the complete family celebrated Rosie’s 7th birthday and her adoption by Sorie. She was thrilled with her new last name seeing it was much shorter to write.

October passed with Valentine’s belly growing so large she couldn’t get out of bed without help. She depended upon Sorie for practically everything. When the 1st of November appeared on the calendar, she was beyond exhausted carrying four growing babies.

Rosie was thrilled seeing her mommy’s belly stretch so large she could almost see the babies moving inside. Valentine remembered the experience of birthing Rosie. She was small and did not cause much pain. She wasn’t sure these babies were going to be so easy on her.

Sunday, 11 November, Valentine woke from her sleep feeling heavy cramping and called out to Sorie. Rosie heard her Mommy, and she reached her first. When she saw the blood on the sheets, she hollered. “Daddy, the sheets are red, and Mommy is crying. Immediately, Sorie called the ambulance and ran to hold his Wife, assuring her it’s expected the babies are coming. “They are fine. They made it 31 weeks and 4 days. Today we will know the gender of all four.” Rosie heard the sirens, and she went to open the door. When the paramedics had Valentine strapped to the gurney, Sorie grabbed Rosie and said, it’s time for us to go. On the way to the hospital, he called Vance to meet him at the hospital. Valentine was having the babies, and someone needed to look after Rosie.

Before the sunset, Valentine gave birth to Harris, Henry, Harvey, and Henrietta, the last born. Four strong, healthy babies, a little small but well developed.

Sorie was over the top, seeing all four healthy babies join their family. He was especially thrilled seeing not only could he produce boys, but he could also make a girl. Happily, a family of three instantly becomes seven.

Chapter 20

Time flies, September 2021

From the beginning, a wild roller coaster ride began the moment Valentine picked up the telephone, dialing the phone number Rosie discovered in a little black book. A contest prize of $20,000.00 was just the beginning of the blessing that continued to follow for another 14 full years of Rosie’s life.

At age 20 and weeks away from turning 21, Rosie was in her last year of University, sitting in her shared apartment with three other fourth-year Medical Students. She sees an advertisement for Ancestry DNA matches, and she asks her roommates if they have ever submitted their DNA. Each of them said, “Hell Ya. We did that our first year of Med School.”

Rosie continued to read the site's details and ordered a kit for her growing interest in Genetic Medicine. Researching DNA, including her own, can lead to discoveries of hereditary genetic illness. She felt genetic was the definite direction she wanted to continue studying. Watching as her own Mother’s body produced four babies and her first cousins being a triplet led Rosie toward her path.

Three days later, the kit arrives; Rosie quickly swabbed her mouth and sent the test back to the company. Sunday evening, she was on video with her younger siblings when she saw the Ancestry's email notification.

Minutes later, she opened the email and saw a name written next to her Mother’s. Francis O’Reilly.

Francis O’Reilly, instantly her mind went far back to her parent's wedding day. The man standing beside Daddy drove in the truck with them to the Church. Not once did he speak to me.

Rosie's mind said, “No, Thank You.” She checked the option to hide the results from future searches and deleted her account.

The End

extended family

About the Creator

Monica Spurrell

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