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Dreams Alive

The power of family's love

By Juin SixPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
Left-hand side (my little sister's painting) Right-hand side (my painting): Waimanalo Bay Hawaii

I have some passions. My mother and manager said that they saw me as a "star" in the future. I did not want to believe them because I don't want my passions to be just about me, but also to help my loved ones.

One day, my mother caught me painted a beach in a small canvas at the start of pandemic. I copied the Hawaiian beach from my laptop. She smiled and took a picture of it.

One night I was studying for my new work-from-home job. I found it hard to concentrate so I created a Powerpoint to better understand the contents. The next Zoom meeting I showed it to the team and one of the members said it was refreshing to the eyes. They were stunned.

I said to myself, "everyone does it, I am no different". I just want to do what I can and pay my bills.

My family's story became the inspiration of my dreams and anything beautiful that I want to create. My sister started to go to college but did not finish it because my mother cannot afford it yet. When all of us finally came abroad, I thought everything would be fine. My siblings and I faced some challenges. My second eldest sister dropped high school and worked at a fast-food restaurant. Meanwhile, my little brother in grade 9 had to transfer to alternative community school. I continued studying college while working. These challenges taught me lessons, I accepted it and use it to help myself and my family.

I have made my family different cultural cuisines such as Greek and Indonesian.

Lifestyle-wise, we go camping in BC locals twice every year. My father wants to fish while my brother and I swim. I wanted to capture from my phone every time my mother was afraid for us to swim in the lake. It makes one of my sister laughs.

My three sisters prefer road trips, eating out and shopping whether we are in the city or out of town. Sometimes I am worried about their spending.

When I took one year off before starting college, I contemplated choosing between Health Science and Flight Attendant. Health Science can be more practical and high-paying but being a Flight Attendant is where I see serving my real purpose. I took the risk financially to take both. I did not tell my family for the first few months because I did not want them to worry about my performance. I was about to stop my Health Science after first year because I was contented with completing Flight Attendant but I enjoyed both. I learned so much valuable about myself and the journey, not just the technical lessons.

Now, I aim to use this time to share my adventure.

I have started vlogging last year, bought a ring light and a script notebook.

This would be a great platform to present to an airline industry.

I would share my painting, cooking, and camping activities as well.

Thank you for reading, have a wonderful year!


About the Creator

Juin Six

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