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By Mohamamud somoPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

My name is Mohamud, and I am a pastoralist from Kenya. For many years, I reared livestock, mainly camels and cows. However, a severe drought wiped out all of my livestock, leaving my family and I devastated. With five children to care for, life became unbearable, and we were forced to become internally displaced persons and move to a settlement.

Fortunately, a charitable organization came to our rescue and provided us with food, which allowed us to survive. However, instead of accepting handouts, I decided to take action and learn a new skill that would allow me to provide for my family. As I sat under a tree, I observed a chameleon struggling to climb a tree, failing seven times before finally succeeding on the eighth attempt. This motivated me to keep trying, no matter how many times I failed, and inspired me to start a new life in Nairobi with my family.

The journey to Nairobi was long and difficult. We arrived in the evening after a long bus journey from Wajir, and without knowing anyone in Nairobi, we slept on the streets that night, hoping for a brighter future in the morning.

The next day, I woke up early, determined to find work and provide for my family. However, it was not an easy task, and we had nothing to eat, and the children were crying. The state we were in as a family devastated me, but I knew that a million-mile journey starts with a single step. With the determination to make a better life for my family, I set out to look for a job.

By the stroke of luck, I landed a job as a watchman, which I held for a few months. During this time, we were still sleeping on the streets and relying on the kindness of well-wishers for our daily sustenance. However, I never lost hope and continued to work hard, waiting for my pay.

Finally, after earning 100 dollars, I decided to rent a one-bedroom apartment that cost only four dollars a month. With the remaining money, I bought some essential items to furnish the room and provide food for my family. I also began taking online classes to obtain a formal education, starting from basic education and working towards a degree in supply chain and procurement. I knew that I had to take action and be resilient to succeed, and that is exactly what I did.

Starting from scratch was not easy, but with each passing day, we slowly began to rebuild our lives and move on from the pain and trauma of losing our livestock. I continued to work hard as a watchman, always putting my family's needs first. And with sheer determination and hard work, I was eventually able to secure a better-paying job, which allowed us to move to a more comfortable apartment and provide for our needs more easily.

Looking back at where we started, I am filled with pride and gratitude for how far we have come. Despite the tough journey, I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and the resilience I have developed. Currently, I have started an orphanage in my home county to provide shelter, food, and education for children who have lost their parents or are unable to live with them. This initiative is a result of the challenges I faced and the lessons I learned during my journey. I understand the struggle of losing everything and the need to have a helping hand during hard times.

Through the orphanage, we aim to provide a safe and nurturing environment for these children to grow and thrive. We have set up dormitories with comfortable beds and bedding, classrooms for their education, a dining hall for their meals, and a playground for their recreation. We also have a team of dedicated and qualified caregivers who provide round-the-clock care and support for the children.

In addition to shelter, we also ensure that the children have access to quality education. We pay for their school fees, provide them with school supplies and uniforms, and offer tutoring services to help them perform well in their studies. We believe that education is a crucial tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and giving these children a better future.

Moreover, we provide for the children's basic needs, such as food, clothing, and healthcare. We have a well-equipped kitchen where we prepare nutritious meals for the children, and we have medical personnel who offer regular checkups and treatment when necessary. We also engage the children in various activities, such as sports, music, and arts, to help them develop their talents and interests.

Starting the orphanage was not an easy task, and it required a lot of resources and support from the community. However, I am grateful for the generosity and kindness of individuals and organizations who have donated towards this noble cause. Their contributions have enabled us to make a positive impact on the lives of these children and provide them with a brighter future.

In conclusion, I believe that giving back to the community is one of the most fulfilling things one can do. Through the orphanage, I hope to inspire others to lend a helping hand to those in need and make a difference in their lives. Together, we can create a better world for ourselves and future generations.


About the Creator

Mohamamud somo

Is From Kenya

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