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DIY Solutions for Common Household Problems

Anyone Can Do

By K BPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
DIY Solutions for Common Household Problems
Photo by Recha Oktaviani on Unsplash

DIY Solutions for Common Household Problems


Every household encounters common problems, from minor inconveniences to pesky nuisances. But fear not! With a little DIY know-how and creativity, you can tackle these issues head-on and become your household's hero. In this article, we'll explore a range of DIY solutions for common household problems. Get ready to unleash your inner handyman and transform your home into a stress-free and efficient haven.

1. Clogged Drains: DIY Drain Unclogging

Bid farewell to clogged drains by using a combination of baking soda, vinegar, and boiling water. Pour half a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar down the drain. Cover it and let it sit for a few minutes. Finally, pour boiling water down the drain to flush away the clog. This natural and cost-effective solution will have your drains flowing freely in no time.

2. Stained Carpets: DIY Carpet Stain Removal

Accidents happen, but that doesn't mean your carpets need to suffer. For common stains like coffee, wine, or pet stains, create a DIY carpet stain remover using dish soap, water, and vinegar. Blot the stain with the solution and a clean cloth, working from the outside towards the center. Repeat as necessary until the stain is lifted, then blot with clean water to rinse.

3. Squeaky Door Hinges: Silencing the Annoyance

Silence squeaky door hinges by applying a lubricant like WD-40 or a small amount of petroleum jelly. Spray or apply the lubricant directly onto the hinge and move the door back and forth to work it into the mechanism. Wipe off any excess lubricant, and voila! Your once squeaky door is now whisper-quiet.

4. Scratched Furniture: DIY Scratch Repair

Repair minor scratches on wooden furniture by creating a homemade paste using equal parts olive oil and vinegar or lemon juice. Apply the paste to the scratched area and rub gently in the direction of the wood grain. Wipe off any excess paste and polish the area with a soft cloth. The scratches will be significantly less visible, restoring the beauty of your furniture.

5. Sticky Door Locks: Easy Lubrication Trick

Free up sticky door locks by using graphite powder, which acts as a dry lubricant. Insert the key into the lock and slide it in and out a few times to distribute the graphite powder. This simple trick will help the key glide smoothly and eliminate the frustrating sticking and jamming.

6. Smelly Garbage Disposal: Freshening with Citrus

Banish unpleasant odors from your garbage disposal by grinding citrus peels or a mixture of ice and lemon slices. The citrus oils naturally freshen the disposal and leave a pleasant scent. Run cold water while grinding the peels or ice to help clean the blades. Say goodbye to foul odors and hello to a fresh-smelling kitchen.

7. Loose Cabinet Handles: Firming up the Grip

Tighten loose cabinet handles by removing the screws and applying a small amount of thread adhesive or clear nail polish to the screw threads. Reinsert the screws and tighten them securely. The adhesive or nail polish will help keep the screws in place, preventing further loosening. Enjoy sturdy and secure cabinet handles once again.

8. Wall Holes: DIY Patching and Repair

Repair small holes in drywall using a spackling compound or DIY mixture of white toothpaste and baking soda. Apply the mixture or compound to the hole using a putty knife, then smooth it out and let it dry. Once dry, sand the area lightly and apply a coat of paint to match the surrounding wall. Your walls will be as good as new.

9. Loose Drawer Slides: Fixing Wobbly Drawers

Fix loose drawer slides by removing the drawer and tightening the screws that secure the slides to the cabinet or drawer. If the screw holes are worn or stripped, insert toothpicks or wooden dowels coated with wood glue into the holes, then reattach the slides. This simple fix will ensure smooth and stable drawer operation.

10. Cracked Tile Grout: DIY Grout Repair

Repair cracked or crumbling tile grout by removing the damaged grout using a grout saw or utility knife. Mix a new batch of grout according to the manufacturer's instructions and apply it to the gaps using a grout float. Wipe off any excess grout with a damp sponge and let it dry. Your tiles will be restored to their original beauty.


With these DIY solutions for common household problems, you'll be equipped to handle various issues that arise in your home. From clogged drains to squeaky hinges, scratched furniture, and loose handles, these simple fixes will save you time and money. Embrace your inner handyman, and let your DIY skills shine as you transform your home into a haven of efficiency and serenity.

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