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Divorce and Enthusiasm: Can those 2 words be put together?

Divorce and Enthusiasm go hand and hand and I know that sounds really weird so hear me out here.

By Divorce by RosePublished 2 years ago 3 min read

You are getting divorced. Conversation of divorce is happening because something is broken. Something is just no longer working anymore. Someone is just not feeling good about this marriage anymore. Someone is distancing themselves- whether it’s you or both of you, it doesn’t really matter. The bottom line is that something isn’t working. And so, if something is not working, divorce is your golden opportunity to REDESIGN your life as you want it to be. To HONOR yourself. To give yourself what it is you actually want in your life. So, divorce could look like a bad thing because it’s the break up of the family and whatever it is the you knew and everything that you had is no longer going to be there anymore but, if you look on the flip side and you look at all the things that you ARE going to have and all those things are going to be introduced into your life, you should be enthusiastic about that. You should be focused on all those things that you are going to be reinvigorating back into your life, that you are going to be re introducing to the person that you really want to be and the life that you really want to have. So if you’re going through a conversation with your spouse or the other parent, and the conversation is not going so great, where you’re not feeling so great about divorce, I want you to know one thing: besides the fact of being overloaded with emotions , which I know you’re going to be, I want you to take the opportunity and really analyze where you’re at right now and is this really where you want to be because you need to be “enthusiastic” about your post-divorce life in order to make the right decisions right now. If you‘re not enthusiastic about what is going to come and what you are envisioning and what do you want to bring into your life, all your decisions you’re going to make are going to be coming from a very bad place and I guarantee you that you’re likely going to regret many of your decisions. So, if you are not sure what to do, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, confused and worried and anxious, part of which is normal, please join us at Divorce by Rose, a Divorce Community APP that was specifically created to help you: a. Stay anonymous while you are chatting with like-minded parents and b. Connect with like-minded parents that are probably thinking the same thing as you and acting the same way and showing up in their lives in the same way as you

So, it will great for you to meet and learn and chat with other parents while you can remain anonymous and will not worry that anyone would recognize you. And the second part is that in Divorce by Rose you will be surrounded by these amazing selected coaches, experts and professionals that have joined our team and are offering so many tools, strategies and solutions to help you learn, grow, evolve, transform and move FORWARD with your life. I hope this information was useful to you.

Inspired by Ravit Rose: Divorce Coach & Mentor | Author of “Unwanted Nasty Divorces” | Founder of the Divorce by Rose Community App designed for parents who are either contemplating divorce or newly separated and wondering “Should I stay married or should I get divorced”?

We are not pro marriage. We are not pro divorce either. We are a select group of coaches, experts & professionals from various industries offering you realistic strategies and solutions and support to help you find the LOGICAL answers that YOU need to help you decide whether you should stay married or get divorced. And then, regardless of your decision, we provide you with your next steps.

Join us ANONYMOUSLY in this powerful social networking app- simply use a fake & fun name and take advantage of all the 24/7 access to support.


About the Creator

Divorce by Rose

Divorce by Rose brings together parents who are contemplating divorce or newly separated WITH coaches, experts and professionals who have the tools and strategies to guide you towards finding your answers. https://www.divorcebyrose.com/

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