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Daddy for a summer holiday

Anyone can be a father figure

By Alex BlackmeerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Daddy for a summer holiday
Photo by Jeremy McKnight on Unsplash

A few years ago, I got a phone call from an ex-girlfriend, who I will call Anne for the sake of the story.

"-Hi, Alex! How are you doing lately? I heard you live in the UK now."

You know that feeling when someone calls you after years of no contact? Is that " I want something from you" vibe. No one calls you just to see if you are alright unless they are a close friend or relative.

"-I am working a minimum wage job now, and it is winter. I have no idea how I will pay the rent and the heating these months!" she said.

She went straight to the point. I knew exactly where that conversation was going. But we had known each other since high school, and I heard that she was a single mom as well, so I said to myself:"-Don't be a selfish prick. You are living alone, with no responsibilities, and you make some decent money. So you can give a hand."

She asked if I could give her a room and help with a job.

I said yes immediately, but I told her I wanted no emotional involvement or anything. I want just to help, as a friend, and that is all. I was still a bit broken after a 7-year-long relationship, and I didn't want to start something new.

She agreed, and she jumped on a plane the next month.

So far, so good. I managed to find a job and even some courses at the local university so that she could make a career. She told me she regretted getting pregnant in high school and couldn't follow higher education and find a good job.

I decided to help her with that part as well. I was raised by a single mother, and I knew how hard it could be. And how frustrating it can become when you see others having successful careers while you struggle with 2 jobs so you can take care of your child.

The problem was that we were two young adults with rushing hormones living in a small flat. Guess what happened? We got together in just a few days. We have known each other since our teenage years, so we got along just fine. And to be honest, after being alone for a while, I thought it was time to get another chance.

A few months passed, and the summer holidays were close. She asked me if she could bring her little daughter to stay with us during her school holidays.

I said I didn't mind. I mean, we had serious plans already. It was time to meet her daughter and her mom, who took care of her.

We came home from the airport, and the five-year-old girl wanted to go out in the park. She grabs my arms with her little hands and tells me:

"-From now on, I will call you daddy. Let's go to the park, daddy!"

Her grandma was blushing, and my girlfriend(her mom) couldn't believe she got attached to me so quickly. It was love at first sight.

For me, it was a moment of shock. I have never felt so unprepared in my whole life. And I was more nervous than on my first day of school or the first day of work.

We went to the park, all of us. Little Jo was so happy. I got her ice cream and carried her on my shoulders all day. I cannot describe the feeling. I have never had kids in my whole life. I never knew how a father feels. That day I was overwhelmed by mixed feelings of joy and worries.

It takes a lot of courage to take responsibility for a little soul. But it feels incredible to see someone look up to you and feel happy, even for a simple walk in the park. From all the experiences I had in my life, nothing made me happier than the laughter of that little child.

And the funny part? I was mocking my buddies every time I had the chance.

One friend saw me with the little girl in the mall and was amazed.

"-You have kids? I had no idea.

-Yes, she is my little girl. Can't you see we look alike?"

Surprisingly, my adoptive daughter actually looked like she was my actual daughter.

Another time I met some metal head friends in town as well. They were also surprised to see me with my "daughter".

I said,

"-Look, daddy, metal heads!

-What does it mean? she said.

" It means that they listen to crazy music, bang their heads all day, and wear the same black t-shirts for weeks, without even taking a shower."

I had a good laugh. My mates were pissed. They couldn't swear or say anything back in the presence of a child. I used to go to a rock pub with them and listen to rock music.

But this time, I had to have some fun and make some dad jokes.

Of course, I also told them she is my real daughter, but I decided to bring her to the country just now, just to keep the joke going.

I had a fantastic summer that year. Everyone was telling me how good I looked like a father. And that I am a good daddy. I was so sad when she left back from holiday. And she got so attached to me as well. It was like we had known each other since she was born.

It was like I was actually her real father. Poor little girl. Her real father abandoned her when she was born.

What kind of twisted soul can you have to leave such a beautiful little thing?

Children are pure, and they have no fault for their parents' mistakes. It was a moment I will always remember and keep close to my heart.

Unfortunately, the relationship with my girlfriend did not work out. And after we broke up, I lost my chance to see that little girl again. I do not feel sorry for her mom. I feel sorry for her. And I still miss her after all these years.

Until then, I thought I would never get married and have kids. I felt that it was better to be alone and just have fun. But now, I think having kids is the best thing you can do with your life.

Being a parent is a massive responsibility, but it brings a sense of happiness and accomplishment that nothing can replace.

Your career will end one day, and your company will just replace you with another worker.

Your money and material possessions will disappear. Even your best friends will forget you.

But you will always carry on and live in the hearts and memories of that little treasure that called you mommy or daddy.


About the Creator

Alex Blackmeer

Writer. Polyglot. Digital entrepreneur.

You can find me on Medium at: https://medium.com/@alexblackmeer

My website: www.lazybusiness.uk

You can join Vocal plus https://vocal.media/vocal-plus?via=alex-blackmeer

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