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commitment in marriage


By Taiwo Racheal RashidatPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
commitment in marriage
Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash

In a realm where two hearts intertwine,

A sacred vow, an eternal sign.

Marriage's tapestry, woven with care,

A commitment forged, a love to bear.

Through endless seasons of joy and strife,

Bound by promise, hand in hand for life.

With every sunrise and twilight's gleam,

Together we'll navigate life's endless stream.

Through fields of laughter and tear-stained trails,

We'll weather storms, and lift each other's veils.

For commitment's the anchor that holds us tight,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

In moments of doubt, when shadows grow long,

We'll face the challenges, stay steadfast and strong.

For marriage thrives on trust's unyielding might,

A foundation built on honesty's light.

We'll nurture our love, like a tender seed,

With patience, compassion, in every deed.

For commitment is a flame that must be fed,

With acts of kindness, in words unsaid.

We'll celebrate triumphs, both big and small,

In each other's arms, we'll stand tall.

For marriage's beauty lies in unity,

Two souls entwined in perfect harmony.

So let us embrace this sacred art,

With unwavering commitment in our heart.

For in this journey, side by side we'll roam,

United forever, creating our loving home.

In the sacred bond of marriage's embrace,

Two souls intertwine, hearts firmly in place.

A promise whispered with love's tender breath,

A commitment forged, conquering life and death.

Through stormy tempests and tranquil shores,

In sunlit days and when darkness roars,

We stand united, hand in hand,

An unbreakable bond, forever we withstand.

Commitment blooms like a resilient flower,

Nurtured by patience, trust, hour by hour.

In every season, love's flame shall ignite,

Guiding us through challenges, shining bright.

Through life's twists and turns, we remain true,

Together, we conquer whatever we must do.

For commitment is not a fleeting dance,

But an unwavering pledge, a lifelong romance.

In times of joy, we share laughter's sweet sound,

In times of sorrow, we lend comfort profound.

Through dreams pursued and aspirations chased,

Our commitment strengthens, never to be erased.

We weather the tests of time's demanding sway,

Growing together, our love on display.

For commitment in marriage is a sacred vow,

A steadfast promise we forever avow.

So let us cherish this treasure we've found,

In commitment's embrace, forever bound.

With love as our compass, we'll navigate,

The tapestry of marriage, a lifelong fate.

Through every challenge and every delight,

Our commitment stands tall, a beacon of light.

A sacred bond, by choice defined,

Lies the essence of commitment's decree,

In the union of two souls, forever to be.

Through the ebbs and flows, life's gentle tide,

A marriage stands firm, side by side,

For commitment is a steadfast guide,

Through trials and joys, it shall abide.

When storms arise and darkness falls,

Commitment's light within us calls,

To weather the tempest, hand in hand,

And face the world, a united band.

In commitment, we find strength anew,

A promise to cherish, to remain true,

Through seasons of laughter, moments of tears,

We'll navigate together, conquering fears.

Through shared dreams and aspirations grand,

In commitment's embrace, we firmly stand,

With open hearts, understanding and care,

Supporting each other, always there.

For commitment is not a fleeting flame,

But a beacon that burns, a lasting frame,

Building a foundation strong and secure,

In the sanctuary of love, forever pure.

So let us honor this sacred bond,

With vows unbroken, lifelong beyond,

Through every challenge that may arise,

Our commitment, the anchor, our love's ties.

In marriage's dance, two hearts combine,

A symphony of devotion, divine,

For commitment is the melody we sing,

In harmony, our eternal love shall ring.

For in this union, we find our true worth,

A testament to the power of love's rebirth.


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