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Co-parenting: Surviving This Bittersweet Symphony

A lesson in resilience

By KryptaKittyPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Alone with our thoughts

The Journey Begins

In the realm of parenthood, the love for our children is a force that knows no bounds. From the moment they enter our lives, they become the very essence of us, a love so profound that it fills us with every emotion we can imagine. Yet, life’s twists and turns sometimes lead us down the path of coparenting, where joy and heartache perform a bittersweet symphony.

Through navigating this new and at times emotionally crippling path , we learn to balance the act of missing our children with cherishing the moments we do spend together.

As divorce and the court’s decree sets the stage for coparenting, we find ourselves navigating a complex terrain of emotions. We embrace the reality of two homes, knowing that our children’s laughter will echo in different spaces, spaces we must learn to call “their other home.” After I’ve dropped my teens off with my ex, the worst feeling is driving away and knowing I am returning ‘home’ without them. Co-parenting is bloody hard – but the pain allows us to build a sense of resilience and grow ourselves.

When they’re not here ..

When they are with us – We feel complete. We have our brood where they belong.

But when they’re gone, oh, how our hearts ache! The house, once alive with their laughter, becomes a poignant reminder of their absence. The journey home is a painful silence and we count the hours, the minutes until we can hold them close again, yearning for their warmth, their stories, their love. It is a cruel parting, hid by hugs and that last embrace where you feel yourself breaking into two.

How do we let go?

The art of letting go becomes our constant companion. We must release our grip, allowing them to explore the world beyond our embrace. We smile through tears as we wave them off, concealing the tug of our heartstrings. Choking back tears and capturing every good emotion we felt when we were together. We remind ourselves that this dance of coparenting is for their well-being, even if it comes at the cost of our own pining hearts.

Navigating Differences With Our Ex:

In this partnership of coparenting, we learn to find common ground with our former loves, treading carefully to protect the hearts of our children. We swallow our pride, choosing diplomacy over discord, and compromise over conflict. For in the end, our children’s smiles are worth more than any disagreement. Their happiness is up to us. If done healthily, each co-parent can learn from the other and communicate openly in a manner that is positive for our children. Avoid criticism of the other while we have our children with us.

Nurturing Our Own Resilience:

Through the ups and downs of coparenting, we nurture an incredible strength and resilience within ourselves which protects us and our children. We stand as pillars of strength, unwavering in our commitment to provide love and stability. And when the waves of emotions threaten to engulf us, we find solace in knowing that the journey of coparenting is a testament to our love for them. They are what truly matters.

How on Earth Do We Survive This?

We simply try.. we simply allow ourselves to feel and process the pain. If we are fortunate, we might find a good partner to help us navigate this painful journey with us . A good old Netflix series, phoning. a friend – they are all healing to us and we need them to survive. Journaling and mindfulness is great for releasing thoughts too.

You can find a great exercise here on my page that helps with the battle of overthinking. When I figure out how to link it I will – as a new budding creator here, I’ve still a lot to learn. It’s called the Thought Cloud Exercise.

One Final Thing That Connects Us All:


In the poignant act of coparenting and missing our children, we discover that love knows no boundaries. It is a love that battles circumstances and distances, a love that continues to beat in every beat of our hearts. We find strength in the knowledge that our children know they are cherished, whether they are near or far. They are still our family, even if it isn’t now the ‘typical’ family it once was. We forge new patterns and weave that love into each.

In this bittersweet symphony of coparenting, find comfort in knowing that every moment you spend with your children is a precious gift, and every moment you miss them is a reminder of the boundless love that connects you for eternity.

I find solace in the knowledge that my teenage children are growing up into amazing young adults – with so much love – even when we are apart.

Keep going ..

Keep Surviving.. You’ve got this!

My articles are written from the heart and I truly hope they help others who are also transversing mental health, divorce and co-parenting. Please subscribe and follow if my words resonated with you today. All of the the artwork shown is taken from my own images.




About the Creator


Hi, This is me:

KryptaKitty - Educator /digital mixed media artist | Art Collector | Twitter Space hostess | NFT Collector | IRL Mum of 2 | Mental Health Advocate.

Come and join me on Twitter :)

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