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Boss Mom

What makes a boss mom you say?

By J.W. BairdPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

What makes a boss mom you say?

It's how she raised me and always made me feel loved each and every day!

It's how she taught me lessons in life, and who I could be.

The things a woman should do, or what she would say.

My mom wasn't perfect, but who is anyways. Not always polite, or kept in all the right ways.

She spoke her mind, and stood up for others. Always so kind and I'm proud she's my mother!

As a little girl, I watched and observed the role of a mother. Hoping and wishing one day I would be like no other.

Over the years, as I went through school, our teachers would ask who is your hero or role model? Immediately, the picture that came to my mind was the image of my mother!

To grow up strong, independent, and smart. I knew in my head was a good start.

To look in the mirror and see a resemblance of her inside of me. It's all I ever needed to know who I could be!

She taught me about my culture and our history. Our ancestors, our traditions, and our tribes matriarchy.

She helped me to grow and always find pride in all that I do, may one day I succeed and thrive.

She encourages my dreams and puts within me a drive. The world dreams are made of... is what keeps me alive.

She came to all my soccer games, dance recitals, and a beauty pageant. Basketball games, pom squad performances, and even my violin concerts.

She showed me what strength was, and continued to encourage me to always try new things. To find my own joy, and pleasure within the simple things.

I remember when she drove me to school in a corvette, on a motorcycle, and in a mini van. She's always been filled with adventure, full of excitement, and to me Superwoman!

When I was really little I used to tag along with her to work. I seen her ambition, and all the good she has done. I knew when I grew up I wanted to follow in her footsteps, help others, and have fun.

She taught me to love and to care, and always be there. To stay honest and truthful, and always play fair.

Over the years we've cried many tears as she's shared her life stories. That I may learn from her mistakes, and never have any worries.

You take what life throws at you the good with the bad, and hope you end up smiling and never have to go to bed sad.

As I Iook back at all our memories, as we baked, made art, and traveled through cities. I hope one day these blessings instilled within me I can pass down to my own babies.

I can't say her life was all rainbows and sunshine. But even through all of it she still brings it to mine.

Day in and day out she tells me to shine, when I'm on top of the world, or down in the grime.

Through all of the anxiety, chronic pain, and depression. She is always there to help me. She is my blessing!

She has taught me so much from our very first touch. Through childhood, those teen years, and into adulthood.

As she grows older, and transitions from mother to grandmother, I continue to learn as I become a mother.

To finally see and feel that intimate bond... one that transcends life and beyond.

You don't quite know what one goes through until you live it. The baby you birthed and now have to give it. The life lessons, the morals and value you'll teach. Hoping one day they'll go above and beyond your own reach.

To succeed in life, marry, and be happy! To father or mother their children within their own family.

I hope and I pray that one day my mother will be as proud of me as I am of her!


About the Creator

J.W. Baird

Who Am I?

I keep asking myself. I spent half of my life as a single mother. Pushing myself to be the strong independent individual that I have always been. My kids have grown and my life seems turned upside down.

I now search to find myself!

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