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An Open Letter to My Mom

Mom, Best Friend, Hero, Role Model...

By Anne Published 6 years ago 3 min read


I don’t even know where to begin. There will never be enough words to describe how much I appreciate you, how blessed I am to have you, or to explain to you how much of a role model you’ve always been for me.

Your love and compassion for your children shows in everything you do; you’ve made ample sacrifices for us and continue to do so everyday. Nothing comes before your children, and anyone who knows you knows this to be true. You’ve not only been an amazing mother to us, but you’ve shown me what it means to be a strong woman. From you I’ve learned to be generous, caring, compassionate, strong, and empathetic. You have taught me the importance of helping others, and how to be the person someone can turn to when they need help. Your unconditional love and undying support has gotten me through my own struggles; seeing how you handle your own struggles has taught me how to be strong through mine. Knowing I have a mother like you allows me to be strong in all I do—I know I have a support system in you to get me through anything I may face, big or small.

Thank you for always pushing me to be the best version of myself. Thank you for your support in everything I do. Thank you for being an exemplary mother, wife, sister, aunt, and overall person. Thank you for teaching, and showing me that blood is thicker than water. Thank you for being an amazing cook and baker, and teaching me your skills (it’s helped a lot in college).

I truly do hope to be the woman and mother that you are some day. I want to have inside jokes with my children like you do, I want to do all the ~current~ dance moves my son teaches me like you do. I want to be the mom that all my childrens’ friends love to hang around and talk to, just like you have always been since the time I was probably just ten years old.

When I’m away from you, I miss you at the most random times. When I’m stressed, anxious, or not feeling well I wish for nothing more than for my mom to be up at school with me helping me in whatever way possible. When I am struggling to keep up with my work, I think of you and how proud you will be when I can hold a college degree in my hand. I think that if my mother can get through so many rough times and overcome so many struggles, then I can too, especially because I know you will help me through anything.

As I get older and meet more people who come from different family types, I grow to appreciate you even more. I am fortunate enough to have a mom who I have always been close to. I am fortunate enough to have a mom who made sure to instill values and morals in me, so I would become a genuine woman.

As much as we can butt heads over stupid things, I will always consider you my best friend. I’m so excited to navigate being an adult with you by my side and for you to continue shaping the woman I am, and the woman I will be.

I hope you reading this makes you feel loved and appreciated, and also helps you to realize what an impact you have made on your children! I can’t wait to see what memories we will continue to make. I love you!


About the Creator


blogger, content creator and mama

find me on socials: @paranneting @anamesa_anne


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