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A mother's love is like water, a father's love is like a mountain

Home is a warm harbor, the father is a great mountain, straightening the height of my life, and the mother is a stream, accommodating my selfishness. The mother is a stream that embraces my selfishness. The mother is worried about her son walking a thousand miles, and the gray hair at her father's temples, so how can I repay him? Step by step, with all the vicissitudes, my mother's smile is always by my side. Whenever faced with collapse, my father's shoulders held up the fallen me. The mother gave her reliance to the father, gave her hope to the children, and gave her love to the home, but the father gave his shoulder to me. How many times have I plowed my family's love with my pen, how many times have I compared my father to tea, my water mother, and me to a glass of water? I compare my father to an autumn tree, my mother to an autumn leaf, and me to an autumn fruit ...... Hey, for some reason, every time I write my parents always shed tears and always feel guilty. Mom and Dad, my son wishes you always be healthy and happy, Mom and Dad, my son misses you, loves you, and accompanies you for life!

By Holly D SalterPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
A mother's love is like water, a father's love is like a mountain
Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash

  A father's love is the reincarnation of a lifetime of suffering, as selfless as a mother's love! Mother's love is a repetitive disappointment, falling to the ground without a sound, falling to the water without a trace.

  Father's love has no cliff, mother's love is like the sea. Father's love accompanies me all my life. If the mother is water, then the father is a mountain, tall, majestic ...... Maybe sometimes we don't need a lot, maybe sometimes we get bored. But our parents will always be there, quietly waiting for us to come home ......

  The reason why we feel that a father's love is like a mountain and a mother's love is like water is because the father's love is great. After all, a father's shoulder is like a mountain, let you rely on; mother's love is great because mother's arm is like water, not in the earth-shattering feat, only deeply soaked in every thought, every advice, even every gaze, to give you A father's chest is like the sea, allowing you to swim; a mother's bosom is like the sky, a lifetime of companionship and laughter, a wisp of longing; a father's hand is like a rudder, allowing you to sail; a mother's heart is like the Sahara desert, the mother camel to make the thirsty baby camel drink water to jump into the deep pool; a father's heart is like iron, allowing you to beat; a mother's heart is full of concern; a father's love is like wine, allowing you to get drunk; a mother's love is like a needle, allowing you to get drunk. Mother's love is like a needle, the anxiety of concern before the child's bed; father's love is like cotton, let you tug ...... And the only thing that remains constant in parents is their selfless love for their children!

  Father's love, is like white wine, spicy and warm, let people drunk on it; mother's love is like coffee, bitter and mellow, easy to let people cheer; father's love is a mountain peak, let your body and mind even bear the wind and rain also calm and firm; mother's love it is like tea, plain and kind, let people natural fresh; father's love is a sea, let your soul even encounter lightning and thunder is still kind and forgiving; mother's love it is like a campfire, give people warm go but It is like a campfire, giving people warmth but daunting, and easily makes people stimulate themselves.

  Sometimes I feel that my father's love is light so that my soul even on the verge of darkness can see the bright road, and like a breeze, bring strength to my loss; sometimes I feel that my mother's love is a river, long and thin source so that I do not dare to wade, streams rushing so that I look at the timid dare not cross; sometimes, father's love like rain, for me to wash the soul; mother's love like an umbrella, to protect me from the wind and rain; once When it was dark, my father's love was like a lamp, shining me through life; when it was dry, my mother's love was a bay of life, giving me hope for survival; now I understand that my father's love is pure and unrewardable, difficult to understand, melancholy and inaccessible, and my mother's love is the attachment of a child traveling thousands of miles and is bitter. Father's love is deep and pure, such as the longer the more pure wine, let us intoxicated, but do not know that this is a thousand years of good wine, mother's love is the purest, most selfless, the most precious human emotions, every child all enjoys the happiness and joy given by the mother.

   How many times in a person's life can you embrace your father, and how many people will remember the little bits and pieces of him? Because the mother's love is so kind, it overshadows the serious father's love. There are very few people who think of their fathers all the time in their lives, but the ones who find them in times of trouble are the most numerous. Father's love is like a ray of sunshine so that your heart can feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; mother's love is like a spring so that your emotions are still pure and clear even if covered with the dust of the years; father's love is a silent, invisible in a feeling, like a mountain, shoulders the weight of a thousand pounds, back to block a thousand layers of wind and waves. Mother's love is like water, silent but warm around me.

  Mother is a book that cannot be finished. Father's love is a mountain that never collapses, mother's love is immersed in everything, filling the world; father's love is like wine, not weakening with the loss of time and years; mother's love is also the eternal theme of literature and music, the musician with mother's love as the theme, the tune played will be soft and beautiful, and the rhyme will be long. Father's love is like a stone, standing firmly by my side to protect me so that I do not fall again and again on the road of life.

  Mother, what kind of language should I use to express your love for me, what kind of emotion should I use to express my gratitude to you? The dragon still does rain at sunset, and the old tree protects the flowers in spring. Father does not need to praise him with much good language, he is like a tireless cow, paying for us silently without asking for return; mother's love is like the sea, and father's love is like a mountain! A father's love is a mountain that carries the weight of ten thousand pounds on its shoulders and blocks a thousand layers of wind and waves on its back. Father's love is the embodiment of strength and self-confidence. But Genghis Khan once said with great affection, "There is only one best woman in the world, and that is my mother." Today I would like to say that there is only one man in the world who is the greatest, and that is my father!

  Time is like water, the years are easy to pass, like water years fade away how many memories we have, but never change our parents' longing. When I think of my father, my aspirations will turn into enthusiasm; when I think of my mother, my wasted years will turn into a great passion; when I think of my mother, my wanderer will develop a desire to return home; when I think of my father, my wandering mind will find a home to rest in.


About the Creator

Holly D Salter

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